Exam Results & Inspection
Examination Results and Student Outcomes
Student Outcomes at Key Stage 4 (2024)
68% of students at Bexleyheath Academy achieved Grade 4+ in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics
46% of students at Bexleyheath Academy achieved Grade 5+ in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics
The Progress 8 measure at Bexleyheath Academy is -0.45.
The Attainment 8 measure at Bexleyheath Academy is 42
The average point score for EBacc is 3.30. 8 students completed the EBacc education route.
100% of students went into further education, employment and apprenticeships.
Student Outcomes at Key Stage 5 (2024)
The average point score (APS) of students following Academic programmes is 32.16. The average grade on Academic programmes is C+.
The average point score (APS) of students following Vocational programmes is 32.30. The average grade on Vocational programmes is Distinction -.
The average point score (APS) of students following Technical programmes is 36.72. The average grade on Vocational programmes is Distinction+.
97% of students went into further education, employment and apprenticeships.
Inspection Reports and Correspondence
Inspection of Bexleyheath Academy (06 - 07 July 2021)
Inspection Report
"The school has changed completely"
There is a “positive atmosphere in classes and around the school”. Lessons are hardly ever disrupted
Pupils are polite, friendly and considerate. They actively demonstrate the school value ‘be big-hearted’.
OfSTED, Inspection July 2021
"Leaders’ have transformed the learning environment of the academy"
"There is a calm and mature learning environment in classrooms"
OfSTED, Monitoring Inspection November 2019
Key Inspection Information:
Inspection dates: 6–7 July 2021
Overall effectiveness: Good
The quality of education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good
Sixth-form provision: Good
Key quotes from the Inspection Report:
The school has changed completely
School leaders are much more serious about learning now. Adults set students consistently high standards
There is a “positive atmosphere in classes and around the school”. Lessons are hardly ever disrupted
Pupils are polite, friendly and considerate. They actively demonstrate the school value ‘be big-hearted’.
Pupils who have arrived from other schools settle well, and say it is easy to make friends.
Pupils make strong progress in their subjects, particularly English and mathematics.
Parents and carers praise the changes leaders have made
The way in which pupils work in school has been “transformed”