Exam Results & Inspection

Examination Results and Student Outcomes 

Student Outcomes at Key Stage 4 (2024)

68% of students at Bexleyheath Academy achieved Grade 4+ in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics

46% of students at Bexleyheath Academy achieved Grade 5+ in both  GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics

The Progress 8 measure at Bexleyheath Academy is -0.45

The Attainment 8 measure at Bexleyheath Academy is 42

The average point score for EBacc is 3.30. 8 students completed the EBacc education route. 

100% of students went into further education, employment and apprenticeships.

Student Outcomes at Key Stage 5 (2024)

The average point score (APS) of students following Academic programmes is 32.16.  The average grade on Academic programmes is C+.

The average point score (APS) of students following Vocational programmes is 32.30.  The average grade on Vocational programmes is Distinction -.

The average point score (APS) of students following Technical programmes is 36.72.  The average grade on Vocational programmes is Distinction+.

97% of students went into further education, employment and apprenticeships.

Inspection Reports and Correspondence

Inspection of Bexleyheath Academy (06 - 07 July 2021)
Inspection Report

"The school has changed completely"

There is a “positive atmosphere in classes and around the school”.  Lessons are hardly ever disrupted

Pupils are polite, friendly and considerate.  They actively demonstrate the school value ‘be big-hearted’.

OfSTED, Inspection July 2021

"Leaders’ have transformed the learning environment of the academy"

"There is a calm and mature learning environment in classrooms"

OfSTED, Monitoring Inspection November 2019

Key Inspection Information:

Key quotes from the Inspection Report:

Key Links: