A-Level Chemistry


Chemistry is necessarily an experimental science: its conclusions are drawn from data, and its principles supported by evidence from facts.  

-Michael Faraday

Chemistry will continue to be at the forefront of responding to the needs of society; with chemists central to making advances in designing new materials, efficient energy use, drug development, and technology, to name but a few. A Level Chemistry will cover the fundamentals of Physical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. You will need to learn facts and build a body of knowledge but also to understand and apply the ideas. Many topics include calculations and so you should feel comfortable rearranging equations and using numbers. Importantly, chemistry is a hands-on science and you will carry out experiments on a regular basis. (cife.org.uk)

Key Information

Entry Requirements

Useful Links

Paper 1: Relevant Practical Skills (Physical Chemistry Topics)

Paper 2:Relevant Practical Skills (Physical Chemistry Topics)

Paper 3: Any content and Practical Skills (Culmination of Paper 1 and Paper 2) 


Chemistry A level is a highly respected A level, with its broad variety of tested skills, and it is a good choice for many degrees and careers. Chemistry has been described as the ‘central science’ and is often combined with either physics or biology. It is a compulsory choice for anyone wishing to pursue medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, as well as chemistry-based degrees, such as pharmacy, pharmacology, and biochemistry. Popular careers using chemistry include;

What goes well with Chemistry?