
What does homework look like at Bexleyheath Academy?

Mr Uwaechi and Ms Shalo talk to the Bexleyheath Academy community regarding set by the academy.


Homework is important to support students with:

Homework at Bexleyheath Academy

The homework strategy at Bexleyheath Academy is based on the following principles: 

Seneca (KS4)

SENECA is an online platform that has  smart learning algorithms are proven to make you remember topics better. If a student gets a question wrong, it will show the content again but in a different format. It will even do it at a time when it’s optimal for the student to learn it. SENECA  has also hand-selected the best GIFs and memes on the internet so revision makes the student laugh instead of it being stressful. Seneca is a learning platform designed with neuroscientists. Students can use it to help them understand and learn all of their subjects whilst at school or when revising for exams. 


MathsWatch is the complete online Maths platform that makes learning available to your students 24/7 from anywhere in the world. There is video content applicable to a range of exam level subjects, taking students through everything they need to know to get the best possible results. Every clip has real exam questions for students to do - because we all know that to be good at Maths, a student has to do it, not just watch it. Mathswatch has award winning algorithms which allows 'working out' to be marked as well. Teachers and students get real-time feedback on learners' progress, allowing them to monitor their development as they go.


Students learn through quizzes and short videos, using our mobile app or other online devices.  Content is broken down into bite sized chunks and tailored to each user, as the algorithm works out what students know and where they need to focus their efforts. Tassomai starts by analysing a subject, turning everything a learner needs to know into quiz questions that teach as well as test. Every question answered helps Tassomai build up a detailed knowledge profile, painting a picture of that child’s understanding. Tassomai’s intelligent algorithm works out what a student knows and what they don’t, continually adapting the content for each learner. Tassomai keeps learning, discovering more about what a student understands with every single interaction.


Bedrock Learning enables students to learn vocabulary that transforms their learning and literacy, equipping them with the knowledge they need to improve their educational outcomes. All students now have access to both Bedrock Vocabulary and Bedrock Grammar. Bedrock Vocabulary is a research-based curriculum that teaches students the language they need to succeed at school. The digital vocabulary curriculum teaches through a series of multi-modal and interactive activities. The rigorous assessment feeds data back to the teacher, enabling us to easily monitor progress. Bedrock Grammar immerses students in engaging learning experiences, using stories, video, interactive activities and scaffolded writing opportunities. Everything is taught through original fiction and non-fiction. Students are expected to complete one topic of Bedrock Vocabulary and one topic of Bedrock Grammar each week as their Personal Development homework allocation.

KS3 Homework

Students in KS3 will complete approximately 40 minutes of homework for each of their core subjects:

KS4 Homework

Students in KS4 will complete approximately 01 hour of homework for all of their subjects. There will be times, especially pre and during the exam season where additional homework will be set. Students will be set homework during each half term which are shared with parents and carers. Please find work set this year during half terms so far:

KS5 Homework

Students in KS5 will complete at least 04 hours of homework for all of their subjects. This will look different depending on the subject. For vocational subjects, this will be a combinations of coursework completion as well as exam preparation. Please find work set this year during half terms so far:

Please score to the bottom of the documents for KS5.