Feedback from our Community

We love to hear from members of our community with your feedback and suggestions.  Click here to share your feedback.

We love to hear from members of our community with your feedback and suggestions.  We work really hard to make sure that our families and students get a great experience at Bexleyheath Academy.  If there is any feedback you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you.  

We also know that we can always do things better, and we're committed to listening to your views and making further improvements to ensure that you and your child(ren) always have a great experience.  If there are things we can do better, please do let us know - your suggestions are always welcome.    We have published your anonymised feedback on this page.

I would like to thank all the staff at Bexleyheath Academy. I  could not have wished for more support and help during this difficult time in xxxx life. We have not always found it easy with xxxx and education but xxxx has found his first few months in secondary school amazing. Education has always been a challenge for him. He is improving and is being recognised for it. Please thank your staff for being patient with xxxx and understanding his true potential. 

It has been years since he has looked forward to going to school but now I don't even need to get him out of bed. 

I am so glad I chose to send my son to your school! 

Please send my thanks to everyone and please wish them a merry christmas from the xxxx family. They all deserve a rest.

19 December 2023

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

I just wanted to send a quick email to say a massive thank you, to yourself and all of xxx’s teachers.

From when he was first moved from Welling School to the academy, I have found the school and all of the staff to be so helpful and supportive and truly amazing. xxx really turned a corner at BA and that is mainly down to the support he was given. 

Throughout this time your staff at BA have been fantastic. Mr Whitham, Miss Goodrich (I believe is his sports study teacher) and today his music teacher Anita have shown such encouragement and support and have never given up on him. This is how I remember teachers to be. We managed to complete his music coursework today thanks to the time and effort Anita put in and we are truly grateful, it has given xxx the confidence he needed and helped him not give up completely.

Mrs Bulford and Miss Kendall have also made such an impact on Harry and again showed him so much support.

I just wanted you to know how thankful we all are with the kindness everyone has shown towards him.

Take care and good luck for the future. 

08 May 2024

A Visitor at #BA

Dear Ms Kendall,

It was a pleasure to help young minds today.

I just wanted to quickly say how lovely everyone that came to speak with us was. Whilst they came with their worries it was great to hear that they already knew how the academy supports students with mental health concerns and everything they have at their fingertips. 

06 May 2024

A Visitor at #BA

To the team at Bexleyheath Academy,

Please can you thank your wonderful students who showed us around the academy today. 

They are a true credit to the great work you are doing in the academy and they could not stop talking about how much they loved being part of the academy. 

Walking the corridors, there was a real sense of pride that the students had about their academy as they confidently opened the doors of classrooms and encouraged us to come in and see what was happening. 

Each classroom was warn and welcoming and students were eager to tell us all about what they were doing. 

We look forward to our next visit to the academy soon.

24 April 2024

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr Whitham, Ms Pelton & of course (the ever amazing) Mrs Bulford. Their presence for xxx (and i am sure ALL the yr11 students) is a great source of reassurance during this build up to the gcse exams.

I would especially like to thank Ms Bannerman. xxx finds her a very inspirational teacher and really feels she learns a lot from her. Its been lovely to hear (from xxx) that she feels she has closed some possible gaps in her learning and gained confidence from the teaching given by Ms Bannerman in lessons. 

We dont really get the opportunity to thank the many dedicated teachers that are teaching at  Bexleyheath Academy . So I just wanted to pass on my thanks and praise.

15 April 2024

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

Congratulations are on offer from the xxx family. Your clubs offer is excellent and what I still can not believe is that it is free and students are not limited to how many they go to. 

Thank you for promoting the club on latest news as it helps us keep updated on what on offer. 

05 February 2024

A Visitor at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

Thank you for hosting our community meeting at the academy. 

It was great to show members of the local community how great your students are and it was lovely for some of them to come on the tour with us. What well mannered young students you have. 

Please keep up the good work.

17 January 2024

A Member of Staff at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

On my way to the turnstiles I cam across xxx, xxx and xxx. They had been collecting piles of plastic bottles from the flower beds outside of the academy as they wanted to make sure the community looked tidy. 

They have said that they would be encouraging other students to do the same as they wanted everyone to care for the community 

27 March 2024

A Community Member of #BA

Dear Year 07 Pastoral Team,

I am a teacher from St Catherine's and wanted to alert you of 03 of you Year 07 students. I live in the local community and was in Russell Park with my son last Thursday. Three of your students alerted me that a student from another school had urinated on the slide. There were concerned for my son who was about to go on the slide. I wanted to let you know as it took them a lot of effort to warm me and therefore, I wanted to take the time to praise these students for doing the right thing. 

Their names are xxx, xxx, and xxx.

26 March 2024

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

It was great to have the opportunity to meet with you as well as other members of the parent community at BA last week. 

It was good to myth bust at the start of our time together as people just needed to hear the truth which you were able to back up with evidence rather than gossip in social media. 

Walking around the academy was lovely and great to see how far the academy has come in class sizes and general engagement in lessons. 

We look forward to visiting during school events in the future. 

13 March 2024

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

My husband and I had a meeting with the Senco Lead Andra to talk about our son xxx. I cannot praise her enough. She was enthusiastic and showed great passion in making sure every child in your school gets a fair chance. It's the first time in Charlie's schooling that someone has responded to us in this way, and as parents this made us feel very reassured. 

What an inspirational lady, she will be a great asset to the school. Thank you.

23 February 2024

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

Congratulations are on offer from the xxx family. Your clubs offer is excellent and what I still can not believe is that it is free and students are not limited to how many they go to. 

Thank you for promoting the club on latest news as it helps us keep updated on what on offer. 

05 February 2024

A Visitor at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

Thank you for hosting our community meeting at the academy. 

It was great to show members of the local community how great your students are and it was lovely for some of them to come on the tour with us. What well mannered young students you have. 

Please keep up the good work.

17 January 2024

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Crawley,

It might only be a badge but my children have received two badges this year for achieving 100% attendance for each term. 

I am happy to see that their efforts to attend the academy daily are being recognised. They were their badges with pride and I am a proud mum that shows their badges off to all other parents. 

Thank you for also recognising the great things both my boys do. I was so happy to hear of all the nominations they got in their assemblies. 

18 December 2023

A Member of Staff at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

I’ve been here a very long time but I do not think I have taken the time to sit back and look at how far we have come as a school. This is not just a reflection on the improvements of staff in the classroom but also the changes in our students as learners. 

I was observing lessons in my department this week and can see the fruits of our labour. Students are courageous and curious in lessons as they ask challenging questions. Students are articulate and well-mannered. 

I also reflected on how we are shaping them beyond the great grades we know they will get and am proud of our approach to creating students that care with the charity work that we have been doing as a school. 

I am a very proud staff member of what we have achieved and what we continue to achieve. 

13 December 2023

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

First of all, thank you for not giving up on xxxx. Coming to the Year 11 Mock Results evening tonight was something I was dreading but when xxxx opened that envelope, it proved to him and me that he can do it! But what can not be looked over is the helps and support that your staff have given xxxx over the last few years and especially when he started Year 11. 

All the hard work from staff to getting him to interventions and getting him to attend the saturday sessions with kindness and patience. I am not sure we would ever get that in another school. now that xxxx knows he can get 4s in maths and english, the world is his oyster and we are all going to push him to the next grades. 

05 December 2023

A Visitor at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

Please can you thank your SEND department for hosting my visit today and allowing me to railroad their tour. 

It was incredible to see that when staff were describing a bespoke reading programme for students that they actually meant that. Each reading class that I went into had a tailor-made program for the students in that classroom. The phonics classes were also heartwarming to see. 

I was lucky to also see Year 7 Mathematics lessons and the differentiation from class to class was incredible. The bottom set had 9 students, two LSAs, and a main teacher. The support in this particular lesson was incredible.

23 November 2023

A Visitor at #BA

Dear Ms Kobewka,

I would like to thank you for allowing me to view your school today. 

It was great to see that students are being prepared for the future their your innovative ways of using Chromebooks to support progress. 

All lessons that I visited had a sense of purpose, students were enjoying their lessons and what was great to see is that staff were having fun teaching their lessons. 

I would very much like to visit the academy again later this year. 

15 November 2023

A Student at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

I was really proud of our Year 8 students today. I was on the Broadway after school and saw there was a lot of commotion from students from xxxx. 

The Year 8 students that were close to the incident did not stand there like innocent bystanders but they went to get help from the security guard at McDonalds and the police officers close by. I went over to them and asked if they were ok and they said that they wanted the issue with the students at xxxx to stop as they were worried that people would get hurt. 

Then you and Ms K came along to help. I thought I would tell you how our kids did because they were great.  

06 November 2023

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Delver,

Thank you for organising the secret cinema experience for xxxx. It is great to see that xxxx efforts have been recognised with such a lovely experience. 

18 October 2023

A Community Member of #BA

Dear Staff at Bexleyheath Academy,

I often question how the youth of today are being brought up and I am often shocked at their lack of heart.

Today, my faith in the world was restored when I saw two of you students helping an elderly lady off of the B15 bus. Not only did they help her off the bus, I saw them check if she was ok and also ask if she wanted help getting to Asda. Grown adults did not do this but two people in your uniform did. 

I do not know who they are but I ask you to try and find them to congratulate them for what they have done!

12 October 2023

A Community Member of #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

I hope this email finds you well. 

I would like to take another opportunity to express my gratitude of your support during the fire at Parkview on 30.03.2023. 

It was lovely to see some of your 6th Form students stop by Parkview today to check in on the residents. 

They have spoken about some talks about the academy running some events for the residents, we really look forward to hearing about these plans. The residents are eager for another one of your visits with students soon. They really value your time to come and see them and enjoy the energy that the students bring with them. 

05 October 2023

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

I would like to thank the academy for ensuring that there are a range of clubs to suit all needs of students this year. 

Please can you thank your SEND team for encouraging xxxx to attend Lego Club and Warhammer club. xxxx has made a number of friends through these clubs which he had difficulty doing previously. 

I would also like to thank the local police officers who run the Warhammer club. It was a great idea to get them on board. 

24 September 2023

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

The device ban has been great. xxxxx has made three friends already this year. I used to worry about what xxxxx without the phone during breaks as xxxxx did not have many friends and now I see why you did it. 

23 September 2023

A Parent at #BA

Dear Ms Luthfa,

We asked our child about the impact of not being able to use their phones in the academy. He said he had been playing and talking to his friends. 

We had been worried about this change but can now see the impact as xxxx is clearly making more friends and has more to talk about when he gets home. 

10 September 2023