A-Level Sociology


Sociology is the study of how society is organized and how we experience life. 

British Sociological Association 

Sociology seeks to provide insights into, and evidence about, the many forms of relationship among people, both formal and informal. Such relationships are considered to be the 'fabric' of society. Smaller-scale relationships are connected to larger-scale patterns of connection among organisations and institutional sectors, and the totality of this is society itself.

People who study sociology go on into a wide variety of jobs. You will gain a range of very valuable skills. You will learn how to work independently. You will learn how to find information, extract what is important from it and turn it into an argument. A full breakdown of the course can be found in the table below.

Key Information

Entry Requirements

Useful Links

Paper 1: Education

Paper 2: Topics in Sociology

Paper 3: Crime and Deviance


By studying Sociology you will build on skills developed in the sciences and humanities, and enable progression into a wide range of other subjects.

Take these skills together with your insights into the workings of society and it is not surprising that a very wide range of employers see a sociology degree as highly relevant. Beyond this many people today study sociology for the personal enrichment it brings them, broadening their minds and enabling them to see their world in new and interesting ways. Occupations that are commonly associated with Sociology include:

What goes well with Sociology?

Most subjects have some relevance to Sociology as it involves human behaviour. Combinations could include: