Víctor Pérez

Treball: Design of an Android application (treball fet en llengua anglesa)

Alumne: Víctor Pérez Martos

Centre: Institut Rocagrossa de Lloret de Mar

Tutor del treball: Xavier Cortina Sagredo

Modalitat de batxillerat al que pertany el treball: Technological branch

Àmbit d’estudi: Mathematics, computing

In my research project, I tried to discover if someone with any knowledge about computing could design an Android application with just the help of internet.

The project was divided in two different parts: the theoretical one, and the practical one.

In the theoretical one, I explained the history of Android, the history of the languages used to create an Android application, the copyright, eclipse (the platform for designing applications), the structure of an application…

Meanwhile, in the practical one, I designed and created an Android application to prove that everyone can design an Android application with just the help of internet. Once I created the application, I uploaded it into Google Play, the Android market, so everybody can download it and use it free.