Travel Guidelines & PROCEDURES


All CLA travel requests will be processed by the Travel Customer Service Office (TCSO), which is a centralized customer support center that provides direct travel support for all of our faculty, staff, students and guests. TCSO will work with individuals to initiate, process and expense travel through the University's Concur travel system (including making bookings). 

To request assistance, travelers need to use the Request for Assistance Form that is provided by the TCSO (the button is located at the bottom left corner of the page). You can also contact TCSO via email at, or via telephone at 907-450-TRIP for assistance. 

Please DO NOT begin a travel request in the Concur system without the cooperation of an assigned delegate from TCSO; this will ensure that the appropriate approval flow and the actual booking of tickets, lodging, etc. is handled appropriately; also, please make sure to request to add the CLA Fiscal Officer, Heather Foltz ( as your Department Approver if you have not done so already. 

Department administrators will still serve as the first point of contact for faculty, students and guests who need to be directed to TCSO, but they will no longer provide any direct support to the traveler other than instances where no physical travel is occurring and only a registration fee is due. 

Please note that travelers are expected to use the Concur booking tool as well as a personal UA travel card (when they are an employee) to incur all approved travel expenses whenever possible. For details about the personal travel card, please refer to the UA Travel Card brochure included at the bottom of this page. 

In cases where no travel occurs, and registration only costs are incurred, a Concur request is not necessary and administrative assistants can (and should) provide support through the use of a procard, or a direct pay reimbursement. 

CLA Funded Travel

For CLA departments that do not have an approved budget for travel, Department Chairs may request approval from the CLA Dean to reallocate funds from supplies and/or services for travel. These requests must be approved by the CLA Dean prior to any requests being submitted to TCSO or in Concur. 

Request for CLA Dean's Approval of Unrestricted (Non-Instructional) Travel

UNAC Award Funded Travel

Note that the funds for UNAC  awards are not made available to the units until the completion of the event and the acceptance of the required report. The final amount transferred to CLA will depend upon the final amount expended; if the award amount is $2,500 and only $500 is actually spent, only $500.00 will be given to the department as a reimbursement. Please make sure to provide a copy of your award letter when requesting assistance from TCSO. 

Students and faculty who receive internal awards (generally URSA and UNAC) should work directly with the Travel Customer Service Office (TCSO) to initiate and expense travel costs. When you are working with these awards, please keep in mind the following guidelines:

Helpful Hints - Concur & UA Travel Cards