
Branding and identity on swag items are not just about putting a logo on merchandise. They are strategic tools that help build a cohesive community, enhance the university's image, and support broader marketing, recruitment, and engagement efforts.

Two Key Takeaways:

1) All SWAG orders need to go through the PIO team for approval.

Departments aren't permitted to order things meant for distribution without working with Kat and I. UAF requires this for two main reasons, the first is to make sure everything is within branding and the second is because University Relations is meant to be looped in on every new swag purchase for final approval.

2) All purchases must be made through approved vendors.

UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, educational institution and provider. What this means for swag is that we are doing our due diligence when we make purchases to source multiple quotes from multiple vendors so ensure we are getting the best price for the best quality. Vendors who are on the approved vendors list are vendors we can trust with quality. Vendors outside of this list might use sweat shops, child labor and other mechanisms for production that don't meet our standards at UAF. 

Ordering Policy & Procedure

The University places a strong emphasis on using swag as a strategic marketing tool, focusing on eco-conscious and visually appealing designs that reflect our commitment to sustainability. Our process ensures equitable and cost-effective sourcing, adhering to strict protocols. 

To order swag, collaboration with the PIO team is essential—we guide you from planning and design to procurement through approved vendors. Admins finalize purchases using pro cards, ensuring quality investments that align with our values, avoiding disposable materials that will end up in landfills. This approach not only enhances our branding but also responsibly manages budgets and timelines for distribution to various stakeholders.


Ordering swag can be a detailed (and lengthy) process, so it's wise to plan ahead. Here's a clear breakdown of what to expect and how to prepare:

By following these steps, you can streamline the swag ordering process effectively.
