Hiring Adjunct Instructors
CLA Departments often hire adjunct lecturers (also known as adjunct faculty or instructors) to deliver their courses. Department administrative assistants are responsible for providing information to the Dean's Office via a Google form to initiate the hiring process for the desired adjuncts the department wants to hire. Note that a request for an instructor does not guarantee that the instructor will be hired to teach the course(s).
Important Information:
Adjuncts teaching for credit may not exceed 15 credits per academic year, per the UNAD Negotiated Agreement.
Adjuncts not teaching classes may be hired as Non-Credit Adjuncts and do not need to be paid on the Adjunct Salary Schedule, but must be compensated at a reasonable rate for the work.
Courses that have low enrollment after the add/drop date will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and adjuncts will be offered the chance to teach under-enrolled courses at a per-student rate. See the subpage for the CLA policy and procedure regarding low enrollment pay for adjuncts.
Adjunct Contract Dates:
Fall 2024 Semester: August 11, 2024 to December 28, 2024
Spring 2025 Semester: TBA
Please use the intent to hire form to initiate the hiring process. No job will be set up for pay until this form is initiated.
Verify on the annual department budget sheet the number of credits allocated for adjunct lecturers (or faculty additional assignments) for the relevant semester. If the number of credits being requested exceeds the number of credits allocated, please notify the CLA Dean and provide the justification for adding the courses. As noted above, all courses and final contracts will be based on final enrollment numbers and assessment by the Dean.
Check PEAEMPL screen in Banner to determine if the adjunct is active, terminated, or a completely new hire. If they are active or terminated.
If terminated or completely new, they will have to apply to the Adjunct for Credit or Adjunct Non-Credit MyUA job posting.
Please make sure to provide the full legal name and UA ID# on the Intent to Hire Form
Complete the Intent to Hire Form - please see the Intent to Hire Forms page for the link.