Intent to Hire Forms Page

Please use the following intent-to-hire form based on the desired hire type. The following links should be used for Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 hires. Please contact Ellen Cruse, Miriam Stelges, or Dee Cardentey with questions or for assistance with these forms. 

Adjunct Faculty (Credit) - use for adjuncts who will be teaching courses - Link:

Adjunct Faculty (Non-Credit) - used for course development, research or other non-teaching assignments - Link:

Graduate Students (TA or RA) - use for graduate student TAs or RAs - Link:

Student Assistants (SN or ST) - use for student assistants, models, etc. - Link:

Temporary Employees - Used for a true temporary employee that may not qualify to be hired as a student assistant 

Employee classes: NT, XT, or CT. NT will be the most common type used in CLA. Link: