Social Media

Social media is crucial for your university event as it provides an efficient channel for communication and engagement, helping to promote the event and ensure high attendance. It allows us to quickly share updates, foster a sense of community, and attract attention from students, faculty, and alumni. By showcasing event highlights and encouraging interaction, social media enhances visibility and builds the university's brand. Additionally, it offers valuable feedback, making it an indispensable tool for successful event logistics and promotion.

For Departments

Social Media Strategy

A robust social media strategy can significantly benefit a university department by enhancing visibility, fostering engagement, and building a strong online community. It provides a platform to showcase departmental achievements, share important updates, and highlight student and faculty successes, thereby attracting prospective students and faculty. Additionally, an effective social media presence can facilitate networking opportunities, collaboration, and support from alumni and other stakeholders. 

Our PIO plays a crucial role in developing this strategy by leveraging their expertise in communication and media relations to craft compelling content, manage the department's online presence, and ensure consistent messaging that aligns with the university's overall branding and goals.

Content Creation

Social media content creation is vital for a university department as it drives engagement, enhances visibility, and showcases the department's unique strengths and achievements. By consistently sharing informative, inspiring, and visually appealing content, the department can connect with current and prospective students, faculty, and alumni, fostering a sense of community and pride. This digital presence also aids in promoting events, disseminating important updates, and highlighting academic and extracurricular successes. The PIO can play an instrumental role in developing this content by utilizing their skills in storytelling and media production. They can ensure the content is not only engaging and professional but also aligns with the department's objectives and the university's broader communication strategy.

Key Considerations in Content Creation:

Audience Engagement: Understand and cater to the interests and needs of your target audience to foster interaction and community. 

Consistency: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and ensure your department stays top-of-mind. 

Quality Content: High-quality, visually appealing, and relevant content receives positive responses and highlights the department’s strengths and achievements.

Brand Alignment: All content must align with UAF’s overall branding and messaging guidelines to maintain a cohesive identity.

UAF Photo

Event Promotion

Using social media for event promotion is essential. It's an effective way to reach community members, students, and alumni who might not visit the website regularly or be on campus to see flyers or hear announcements. We recommend starting your event advertising at least a month in advance. This gives you enough time to plan and share content that will help boost attendance.

Suggested Timeline for Event Promotion:

4+ Weeks Before: Create the event page, share initial details, and send targeted invitations. 

4 Weeks Before: Begin posting teasers, behind-the-scenes content, and early-bird registration offers, if applicable. 

3 Weeks Before: Increase promotional posts and share testimonials or highlights from past events. 

2 Weeks Before: Intensify promotion with countdowns, spotlight features, and interactive content (polls, Q&A). 

1 Week Before: Remind your audience with frequent updates, last-minute registration pushes, and logistic details. 

Day Before/Day Of: Post real-time updates, last-minute reminders, and encourage live interaction during the event.

UAF Photo by Zayn Roohi

Departments often opt to have CLA host their events on Facebook. By adding the department as a co-host, the event appears on both the department's page and CLA's page, broadening the audience and boosting potential attendance. When you complete the CLA Marketing and Promotions Google Form for your event, you'll provide details that enable the PIO office to create the event on social media and develop promotional posts to advertise it.

For more information on organizing and promoting department events, visit our Events page.

Paid Advertising

Social Media Analytics

Social media analytics offer valuable insights into a department's strengths and opportunities. After promoting an event, these analytics help us improve future promotions, identify the most effective platforms for reaching our audience, and determine the types of content that receive the most engagement.

CLA's Social Media

CLA Social Media Takeover

We are on the lookout for enthusiastic faculty, staff, students, and alumni to take over the CLA Instagram and TikTok accounts for one week at a time!  Show off the "Life of a Nanook" from your unique perspective and help us highlight the vibrant diversity of our community. 

Whether you're teaching, studying, working on campus, or reminiscing about your time at CLA, we want to hear from you. This is a fantastic chance to share your experiences, engage with our audience, and showcase what makes our university special. 

Interested? Contact us today to grab your spot and become a part of this exciting initiative!

UAF Photo

UAF Photo by Todd Paris

Blue and Gold Friday

Blue and Gold Friday is a cherished tradition at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) designed to boost school spirit and pride. Every Friday, students, faculty, staff, and alumni are encouraged to wear UAF's colors, blue and gold, and share photos of their spirited attire on social media. These photos are featured on UAF's Instagram account, creating a vibrant display of Nanook pride and fostering a strong sense of community. 

CLA is excited to join in on this tradition! We invite everyone to participate by donning their blue and gold every Friday and sharing their photos with us. Let's fill our CLA Instagram account with the same energy and enthusiasm, celebrating our collective Nanook spirit!

Social Media Policy

Account Backups

To ensure additional security and prevent the loss of social media accounts in case of hacking or the account owner’s separation from the university, all department social media accounts must include the PIO and UAF as account backups. This policy is mandatory and applies without exception. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Two-factor Authentication


Duo multifactor authentication (MFA) is a crucial security tool used by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to protect its digital resources. Duo MFA enhances security by requiring users to verify their identity using two distinct methods before accessing an account or system. Typically, these methods include something the user knows (a password) and something the user has (a smartphone app, hardware token, or biometric data). This additional layer of security significantly reduces the likelihood of breaches.

At UAF, all staff, faculty, and students are required to enroll in Duo MFA. Enrollment involves setting up a Duo account and linking it to a second-factor device, such as a smartphone or hardware token. Users can then authenticate through various methods, including push notifications to the Duo Mobile app, passcodes generated by the app, phone calls, or hardware tokens. Once enrolled, users must authenticate using Duo MFA to access UAF’s digital resources, such as email, online courses, and administrative systems, ensuring that only authorized individuals can use these services.

Two-factor authentication is essential for securing social media accounts, protecting personal information, and maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of your online presence. All university social media account managers are required to enable Duo for their accounts.

Enhanced Security: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. It requires users to verify their identity using a second factor, such as a code sent to their phone or a biometric scan, making it significantly harder for hackers to gain unauthorized access. 

Protection Against Password Theft: Even if a hacker manages to steal or guess your password, they would still need the second factor to access your account. This reduces the risk of account hijacking from data breaches, phishing attacks, or simple password guessing.

Safeguarding Personal Information: Social media accounts often contain sensitive personal information, including private messages, photos, and contact details. 2FA helps protect this information from being accessed or exploited by malicious actors. 

Preventing Unauthorized Actions: By securing your account with 2FA, you prevent unauthorized users from posting harmful content, sending fraudulent messages, or making changes to your account settings, which could harm your reputation or cause other damage. 

Mitigating Spread of Misinformation: Compromised social media accounts can be used to spread false information or scams. 2FA helps ensure that only the legitimate account owner can post, thereby reducing the risk of misinformation being disseminated from your account. 

How to set up Duo MFA for Facebook

By following these steps, you can secure your Facebook account with Duo's multi-factor authentication, providing an extra layer of security against unauthorized access.


Step-by-Step Instructions: 

1. Log into Facebook 

2. Go to Security Settings 

3. Set Up Two-Factor Authentication 

4. Choose Authentication Method 

5. Link Duo Mobile App 

6. Complete Setup 

7. Backup Codes 

8. Verify and Save 

Additional Tips: 

Social Media Links by Department


Contact: Sarah Manriquez


Contact: Sveta Yamin-Pasternak


Contact: Brandon Boylan


Contact: Abby Druckenmiller


Contact: Amy May



















