Recruitment of Regular, benefitted staff and Faculty 

Hire and Recruitment of Benefited Positions for Staff (NR - Non-Exempt or XR - Exempt)

Need information about recruiting candidates for open positions? Looking for Salary Schedules, Job Families, or other position classification and compensation process information? Visit the UA HR Talent Acquisition website at

Information on hiring for Benefited Positions:

*Minimum Funding Requirement – 9 months of funding at least ½ time FTE (40 hours per pay period)

Please determine your budget and available funding to support a benefited position before starting any recruitment or hire process. Contact Heather Foltz, CLA Fiscal Officer with any budget questions. 

Special Notes

Please contact Ellen Cruse, CLA HR Coordinator or Dee Cardentey, CLA Executive Officer for more information on UA HR policy and procedures.

Note: Faculty Positions require a Job Request Form as the first step. This form must be completed by the Department in collaboration with the CLA Dean and Executive Officer and submitted to the Provost for approval before the recruitment process can begin. Please contact Dee Cardentey, CLA Executive Officer for assistance.