UAOnline (Timesheet Entry)

Electronic Time Sheet (WTE):  

At this time, all UA employees are submitting their time sheets through UAOnline with the web time sheet entry program (WTE).

Unless otherwise noted, web time sheets have the following due dates:

Timesheets in UAOnline: Here is how you access and complete your timesheet:

1.     You access your timesheets via UAOnline (
2.     When you get to the website, click on the "Login to Secured Area (Students, Staff, & Faculty)" link to go to the login page.
3.     Enter your UA Username and password. Click the "Login" button.
4.     Click on the "Employee Services" link.
5.     Click on "Time Sheet" to access a list of timesheets for your assignment.
6.     Choose the timesheet with the appropriate dates on it from the drop-down menu and click the "Time Sheet" button.
7.     A timesheet will be generated. Enter the hours that you work on the days that you work.
8.     Submit the timesheet before the pay period deadline for payment. If you do not submit a timesheet, no payment will be generated for you.

Note: Your timesheet is due before noon (11:59 am) on the Monday after the pay period is over. If you try to log in at 12:01 pm, you will not be able to access your timesheet and may have to fill out a paper one instead.

Timesheet Resources for Non-Exempt Employees:

Here is a step-by-step guide to filling out timesheets with more detailed information and screenshots of the screens that you will encounter on the way to your timesheet:

Here is a quick guide for reference as well:

Timesheet Resources for Exempt Employees:

Here is a step-by-step guide to filling out timesheets with more detailed information and screenshots of the screens that you will encounter on the way to your timesheet:  

Here is a quick guide for reference as well: 

Note:  Timesheet proxies are required for approvers. This is something the approver must set up in UAOnline. If you are a time sheet approver and are unavailable to approve electronic time sheets, the proxy will be able to approve the time sheet for you. Proxies do not receive automatically generated reminders so if you will be out and require that someone else approve as proxy it is your responsbility to contact them and coordinate timesheet approvals to ensure approval is provided by the deadline