February 6, 2010

Post date: Feb 8, 2010 7:35:29 PM

We were excited to see a couple of gray whale spouts last weekend! Spouts can be up to 15 feet tall. All of the world's 18,000 gray whales pass by our coast twice yearly. In winter the whales head south from their Arctic feeding grounds to the breeding lagoons in Baja, Mexico. In spring the whales travel north again to complete their 12,000 mile migration. Whale songs are 10-20 minutes long each, and go on for hours. Gray whales are known for their friendliness in Baja - they even come up to the boats for a face rub! Here is a link to more information about the gray whale migration:


We took this picture of a whale the last time we went out on an Oceanographic Society Boat Tour.