Ted N. C. Wilson (1950-?) (Age 68)

1903 -- Warning that we are to have "no popes among us." (Letter 212, September 23, 1903, Spalding and Magan Collection, p 324-325)

"For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed" Isaiah 9:16.

General Conference President Ted Wilson is sitting together with a this Catholic Priest:

"I saw that our message was not to the shepherds who have led the flock astray, but to the poor hungry, scattered sheep" PT March 1, 1850, par. 3.

"Men will feel as though they could rend in pieces the ministers who have preached falsehoods and condemned the truth" Last Day Events, p. 247.2.

***God's people of today are in danger of committing errors no less disastrous. We cannot, we must not, place blind confidence in any man, however high his profession of faith or his position in the church. We must not follow his guidance, unless the word of God sustains him. The Lord would have his people individually distinguish between sin and righteousness, between the precious and the vile. {ST, August 17, 1882 par. 16} ***

"The error that some are in danger of committing, is in giving to the mind and judgment of one man, or of a small group of men, the full measure of authority and influence that God has vested in His church, in the judgment and voice of the General Conference assembled to plan for the prosperity and advancement of His work. When this power, which God has placed in the church, is accredited wholly to one man, and he is invested with the authority to be judgment for other minds, then the true Bible order is changed. Satan’s efforts upon such a man’s mind would be most subtle, and sometimes well-nigh overpowering; for the enemy would hope that through his mind he could affect many others"—Testimonies for the Church 9:257-261.

In fact, in 1867 - 150 years ago - Ellen White predicted/foresaw the SDA church becoming Catholic! "The company now presented the appearance of a Catholic procession." Testimonies for The Church Vol. 1 p. 578, January 29, 1867.

"That night I dreamed that I was in Battle Creek looking out from the side glass at the door and saw a company marching up to the house, two and two. They looked stern and determined. I knew them well and turned to open the parlor door to receive them, but thought I would look again. The scene was changed. The company now presented the appearance of a Catholic procession. One bore in his hand a cross, another a reed. And as they approached, the one carrying a reed made a circle around the house, saying three times: 'This house is proscribed. The goods must be confiscated. They have spoken against our holy order.' Terror seized me, and I ran through the house, out of the north door, and found myself in the midst of a company, some of whom I knew, but I dared not speak a word to them for fear of being betrayed. I tried to seek a retired spot where I might weep and pray without meeting eager, inquisitive eyes wherever I turned. I repeated frequently: 'If I could only understand this! If they will tell me what I have said or what I have done!'

I wept and prayed much as I saw our goods confiscated. I tried to read sympathy or pity for me in the looks of those around me, and marked the countenances of several whom I thought would speak to me and comfort me if they did not fear that they would be observed by others. I made one attempt to escape from the crowd, but seeing that I was watched, I concealed my intentions." Testimonies, vol 1, p 578.

"At the center of the work matters are being shaped so that every other institution is following in the same course. And the General Conference is itself becoming corrupted with wrong sentiments and principles" Testimonies to Ministers,p.159.1.

Ted Wilson's Personal View of the Mark of the Beast: Video here. Ellen White says, "Those who become confused in their understanding of the word, who fail to see the meaning of Antichrist, will surely place themselves on the side of Antichrist" Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 949. Now that is quite a prophecy. If you do not know who the Antichrist is, you are going to become Antichrist. Learn here what the SDA church today has rejected as taught by the early SDA pioneers.

Ted Wilson wants to Communicate a false revival with the world through facebook and twitter as Ellen White predicted... because Ted Wilson has REJECTED the Three Angel's Messages, the old landmarks, the old pillars, the old SDA beliefs as given by the PROTESTANT early SDA pioneers: Mrs. White says that the conference leaders of the last days will be following the voice of Lucifer: "In His Word the Lord declares what He would do for Israel if they would obey His voice. But, the leaders of the people yielded to the temptations of Satan and God could not give them the blessings He designed them to have because they did not obey His voice, but listened to the voice and policy of Lucifer. This experience will be repeated in the last years of the history of the people [SDA's] of God , who have been established by His grace and power, men whom He has greatly honored will in the closing scenes of this earth's history pattern after ancient Israel, because they are converting the truth of God into a falsehood. Many heresies will come from Lucifer, that will bewilder if possible the very elect." MS 5, Jan. 20, 1904

Ted Wilson's Father boldly proclaims Adventism has changed from a Protestant denomination to a universal AND truly Catholic church now.

35 YEARS AGO: (Ted Wilson is the Son of Neal C. Wilson who said "...There is another universal and truly catholic organization, the Seventh-day Adventist Church" Adventist Review, March 5, 1981, page 3.

41 YEARS AGO: Ted Wilson's Father Neal C. Wilson also regulated the Three Angel's Messages to the historical trash heap. In 1975, World General Conference President Neil C. Wilson said in court that SDA's anti-catholic Three Angels Messages has been "thrown on the historical trash heap" EEOC vs PPPA and GC, Civil Case #74-2025 CBR (1975).

"The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God" Selected Messages Book 2, p. 78.2 (Ellen G. White) .

Ted Wilson - what has HE done as commander in Chief of the Adventist flock? He has fulfilled Ellen White's LAST WARNING Message - he has allowed the faith in the warnings and reproofs contained in the Testimonies of God's Spirit, making of little effect the writings of Ellen White in the last General Conference (GC) 2015 session.See the proof here.

In case someone missed it, notice that the amended statement removes the phrases “the Lord’s messenger” and “a continuing and authoritative source of truth.” This new wording that eliminates “continuing and authoritative source of truth” indicates that the writings of Ellen White are no longer considered applicable and relevant for today. Essentially, the leaders approved and the delegates voted that Ellen White’s writings have discontinued as an authoritative source of truth.

Hilari: Let us now analyze the other phrase that was expunged from Fundamental Belief 18, “the Lord’s messenger.” Firstly, it is important that we understand, that this is more than just the changing of syntax. Secondly, we need to determine where exactly this title came from. Was it simply devised by Seventh-day Adventist leaders? Or was it selected by Ellen White herself? Pastor, I believe you have a statement that speaks to this.

Pastor: Yes, it is taken from Selected Messages, Book 1. It reads: “I have had no claims to make, only that I am instructed that I am the Lord’s messenger; that He called me in my youth to be His messenger, to receive His word, and to give a clear and decided message in the name of the Lord Jesus. Early in my youth I was asked several times, Are you a prophet? I have ever responded, I am the Lord’s messenger. I know that many have called me a prophet, but I have made no claim to this title. My Savior declared me to be His messenger.”5 Ms 63a, 1906 (May 26, 1906) par. 6.

Learn more about the 2015 General Conference Seventh day Adventists Session changes to Fundamental belief #18 here.

“One thing is certain: Those Seventh-day Adventists who take their stand under Satan’s banner will first give up their faith in the warnings and reproofs contained in the Testimonies of God’s Spirit.”13 Jesus is now saying to us “turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Lt 156, 1903 (July 27, 1903) par. 4, (Ellen G. White).

“Satan is . . . constantly pressing in the spurious–to lead away from the truth. The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God’s remnant people in the true testimony. There will be a hatred kindled against the testimonies which is satanic. The workings of Satan will be to unsettle the faith of the churches in them, for this reason: Satan cannot have so clear a track to bring in his deceptions and bind up souls in his delusions if the warnings and reproofs and counsels of the Spirit of God are heeded” Selected Messages Book 2, p. 78.2 (Ellen G. White).

Fundamental Belief #18 was changed in the 2015 GC Session = <<< Click here to see the CHANGES TED WILSON (Son of Neal C. Wilson who said "...There is another universal and truly catholic organization, the Seventh-day Adventist Church" (Review, March 5, 1981, page 3) MADE at the 2015 GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION regarding Ellen White and the TESTIMONIES!

Women's ordination was a smoke screen to do what they really accomplished in the 2015 General Conference Session: See all transcripts for the full 2015 General Conference Session here.

“That most of the leading SDA pioneers were non-Trinitarian in their theology has become accepted Adventist history, ... “More recently, a further question has arisen with increasing urgency: was the pioneers' belief about the Godhead right or wrong? “As one line of reasoning goes, either the pioneers were wrong and the present church is right, or the pioneers were right and the present Seventh-day Adventist Church has apostatized from biblical truth.” — (Jerry Moon, The Trinity, Chapter,Trinity and antitrinitarianism in Seventh-day Adventist history, p. 190)

Jesuit Catholic-Adventist Pope Ted N. C. Wilson, the highest authority in the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists, is the current President of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as of June 2010 and re-elected in GC Session in 2015. Prior to this appointment, he served as General Vice President of the church since July 2000. Wikipedia

Discussions are underway to drop the "Seventh-day" from the modern 501c3 SDA denomination's name to just be "Adventist" Church. However, Jesuit Clifford Goldstein, employed by Jesuit Adventist Pope Ted Wilson as the current Chief editor of the adult Sabbath School quarterly says:

  • "Who needs the Second Coming?" --Jesuit Clifford Goldstein, Enlightenment Woes, Adventist Review, 14 Jan 2015, p 21.

"Adventist" stands for believing in the "Second Coming", the Second "Advent" of Christ! So if you get rid of the "Seventh-day" part of the name and say "who needs the Second Coming", what do you have left of the Seventh-day Adventist name?

Ted N. C. Wilson's Father, Neal C. Wilson (1920-2010 - 90 Years old) was the General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist World President for 11 years from 1979 through to 1990.

General Conference President--Neal C. Wilson--states under oath in Court:

"Although it is true that there was a period in the life of the Seventh-day Adventist church when the denomination took a distinctly anti-Roman Catholic viewpoint, and the term 'hierarchy' was used in a pejorative sense to refer to the papal form of church governance, that attitude on the church's part was nothing more than a manifestation of widespread anti-popery among conservative protestant (Historic SDA 3 angel's messages (Rev 14:6-12) doctrines are "protestant" ) denominations in the early part of this century and the latter part of the last, and which has now been consigned to the historical trash heap so far as the Seventh-day Adventist church is concerned." Reply Brief for the Defendant, p 4, case #C-74-2025 CBR. March 30, 1975.

In 1985, Neal Wilson denied ever making such a statement. He states:

"Our position is not changed. But our work is not to denounce the Roman Catholic church. We speak the truth and let the truth do the cutting. We have not consigned anything to the 'trash heap,' as one publication has charged. We are not watering down or diluting the message. I regret that statements get into print that do not give an accurate picture." Pacific Union Recorder, Feb 18, 1985. (See Testimonies, vol 5, p 94-95 regarding perjury, and Testimonies to Ministers, p 304). Source: http://www.lightministries.com/sda/id1217.htm

"There is to be no compromise with those who are worshiping an idol sabbath. We are not to spend our time in controversy with those who know the Truth, and upon whom the light of Truth has been shining, when they turn away their ear from the Truth to turn to fables. I was told that men will employ every policy to make less prominent the difference between the faith of Seventh-day Adventists and those who observe the first day of the week. In this controversy the whole world will be engaged, and the time is short. This is no time to haul down our colors" Selected Messages Book 2, p. 385.1 (Ellen G. White).

"Many claim that a position of trust in the church gives them authority to dictate what other men shall believe and what they shall do. This claim God does not sanction" The Desire of Ages, p. 414.3.


"A company was presented before me under the name of Seventh-day Adventists, who were advising that the banner or sign which makes us a distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy in securing success to our institutions. This distinctive banner is to be borne through the world to the close of probation" Selected Messages Book 2, p. 385.2 (Ellen G. White).

"The wide diversity of belief in the Protestant churches is regarded by many as decisive proof that no effort to secure a forced uniformity can ever be made. But there has been for years, in churches of the Protestant faith, a strong and growing sentiment in favor of a union based upon common points of doctrine. To secure such a union, the discussion of subjects upon which all were not agreed--however important they might be from a Bible standpoint--must necessarily be waived" {GC88 444.1}.


What about Religious Liberty being the God-given right to study, stand by, and proclaim only His truth, and to expose error?

"Included in such discussions have been related theological concepts such as the nature of Christ, the nature of man, the nature of sin, perfection, and the question as to whether it is possible for a Christian to live a sinless life. In our judgment these complex theological and biblical issues need not be settled in detail in order to rejoice in the gracious provision of salvation through faith in Christ...We are requesting that we refrain from involving ourselves in public presentations of the fine points and the controversial aspects of the theology of righteousness by faith....

"We should all seek to diminish the flood of cassettes, brochures, books, and miscellaneous documents...This ended the discussion because the voice of the highest authority (Adventist Pope Neal C. Wilson) had spoken." AR May 24, 1979, p 4-5.

Ellen White warns: "Many claim that a position of trust in the church gives them authority to dictate what other men shall believe and what they shall do. This claim God does not sanction" The Desire of Ages, p. 414.3.

"It is our responsibility to study the Scriptures for ourselves, to ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to submit our understandings to those in the church who are able to judge our findings, and then to abide by the decisions of the church..." Adult Sabbath School Quarterly, Lesson 13, March 28, 1987, p 92.

"Leadership will lead in love and understanding, and followership will support the church leadership unfailingly, even though necessarily critical of some decisions of leadership" AR October 25, 1979, p 14.

"...the position of the majority group of sane leadership which is determined to put the brakes on any members who seek to hold views divergent from that of the responsible leadership of the denomination." Eternity magazine, September 1957, quoting the stated positions of SDA church leaders; article titled "Are Seventh Day Adventist Christians?"

In describing the remnant people of God, John says, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12). This is the law and the gospel. The world and the churches are uniting in harmony in transgressing the law of God, in tearing away God's memorial, and in exalting a sabbath that bears the signature of the man of sin. But the Sabbath of the Lord thy God is to be a sign to show the difference between the obedient and the disobedient. I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner, and to obscure its significance. . . . {2SM 385.2} ref: Exodus 31:17 & Hebrews 4:1-10

Ellen White warns "There are those among us who occupy important positions of trust, and who have refused to follow the light, and their course has been displeasing to God" Lt 162, 1908 (March 29, 1908) par. 17.

Accomplishments during Jesuit Adventist Pope Ted Wilson's Watch/Term of Office - the buck stops with the Head/Chief/Boss:

> Took the "meat" or anti-Pope (3 Angel's Messages) statements out of "Great Hope" booklet

> April 2015 Promised United Nations that 501c3 Church would cooperate with United Nations agendas

> 2015 General Conference Session changed Fundamental belief #18 about the writings of Sister White. Making them of none-effect as the Prophet warned would be the last great deception: https://sites.google.com/site/howtoperformmiracles/2015 = <<< Click here to see the CHANGES Elder Ted WIlson (Son of Neal C. Wilson who said 34 years ago after changing Doctrine #2 in the Dallas Texas 1980 General Conference Session"...There is another universal and truly catholic organization, the Seventh-day Adventist Church" (Review, March 5, 1981, page 3) MADE at the 2015 GENERAL CONFERENCE SESSION regarding Ellen White and the TESTIMONIES!

Born: May 10, 1950 (age 66), United States of America

Ted N. C. Wilson's Education: 1971-Washington Adventist University [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, Sports, Contemporary Music Radio Station, does not adhere to SDA pioneers doctrines [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, Sports, Contemporary Music Radio Station, does not adhere to SDA pioneers doctrines], New York University [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, Total Secular School], Andrews University [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope]

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has been compromised at the highest level, as Mrs. Ellen G. White predicted would happen. This site is dedicated to providing comprehensive documentation of the infiltration of Jesuits into the Adventist Movement from 1845 until present. BECAUSE GOD'S PEOPLE NEED TO BE AWAKENED OUT OF THEIR SLEEP AND TO KNOW THAT THEY NEED TO STUDY THE SDA PIONEERS WORKS AND PROCLAIM THEM AS THE LOUD CRY, THE LATTER RAIN TO THE WORLD! THIS IS THE ADVENTIST MOVEMENTS MISSION - TO PROCLAIM THE THREE ANGEL'S MESSAGES FOUND IN REVELATION 14:6-12! Ted N. C. Wilson IS NOT giving the Three Angel's Anti-Pope/Anti-Catholic Doctrine Messages! HE HAS REJECTED THEM HIMSELF AND WANTS TO KEEP YOU FROM GIVING THEM! Ted Wilson studied with Catholics and Jesuits at New York University, where he received a Ph.D.


Learn how the modern 501c3 SDA church has been promoting SUNDAY SACREDNESS FOR DECADES NOW HERE:


BECOME a true God worshiper (1 Cor 8:6/John 4:23-24, Acts 24:14) like the original founders of Adventism. “Arise, shine; for thy light (“truths given in 1841, '42, '43 and 1844” 15MR Ltr 75 1905.) is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee” Isaiah 60:1. “TO THOSE WHO GO OUT TO MEET THE BRIDEGROOM IS THIS (Third Message Rev 14:9-12) MESSAGE (Go OUT of ALL 501c3 churches into Christ’s mind/teachings/words – Philippians 2:5) GIVEN" Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 420.3.

"All the messages given from 1840-1894 are to be made forcible now, for there are many people who have lost their bearings. The messages are to go to all the churches" MR Vol. 21 [Nos. 1501-1598], p. 437.1. "Many who went forth to meet the Bridegroom under the messages of the first and second angels, REFUSED THE THIRD, the LAST TESTING MESSAGE (Rev. 18:4, Matt. 25:6; come out of all 501c3 churches) to be given to the world, and a similar position will be taken when the last call is made" Last Day Events, p. 269.1, RH, October 31, 1899 par. 12.


"They taught their children to abhor popery, and held that to remain at peace with Rome would be disloyalty to God. But how widely different are the sentiments now expressed!" The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p. 380.1.

J. H. Merle D’Aubigne in his history of Protestantism says this:

”Popery is the perversion of church authority into mental tyranny.”

When I read that some years ago my heart nearly stopped for we had seen popery in Adventism Big time! Here is the free ebook to read the book this quote came out of:


Here is another link if the link above fails to work:


Ellen White and her husband used to sit by the fire reading the above book.

“The tempter often works most successfully through those who are least suspected of being under his control” Great Controversy 509.2.

“The dignitaries of church and State will unite to bribe, persuade, or compel all classes to honor the Sunday” Great Controversy 592.2.

“Every conceivable message is coming to counterfeit the work of God, and always bearing the inscription of truth upon its banner” 2 Selected Messages 92.3.

“There will be counterfeit messages coming from persons in all directions. One after another will rise up, appearing to be inspired, when they have not the inspiration of heaven, but are under the deception of the enemy. All who receive their messages will be led astray” 3 Selected Messages 404.4.

“ What greater deception can come upon human minds than a confidence that they are right, when they are all wrong? The message of the True Witness finds the people of God in a sad deception, yet honest in that deception” Review and Herald, September 16, 1873 paragraph 5.

Ted N. C. Wilson's Education: 1971-Washington Adventist University [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, Sports, Contemporary Music Radio Station, does not adhere to SDA pioneers doctrines], New York University [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, Total Secular School], Andrews University [their corporate charter is issued by the Pope]

If you read Principles of Ecclesiastical Law you will realize that all corporations (school charters as well) on Earth are subject to the Roman Curia and the Roman Pontiff. These corporations--- IBM, Exxon, Pepsi-Cola-----things which we personify much as we do Churches, are not really things. They are organizations of men. Many of these organizations of men don't realize that their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, but, in the end, so it is. The Roman Curia invented corporations as an entire concept---- foundations, trusts, cooperatives---you name it, they invented it. They hold the patent of patents on the fictional world. It is their enchilada entirely. And, as such, they are responsible for it, by Maxim of Law.

This includes all the "non-profits", the 501c3's that "think" they are or ONCE WERE, "PROTESTANT" denominations. They are not, nor were they EVER protestant once they applied for and were approved for a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501c3 tax status. They are are ALL Catholic by virtue of the Catholic charter (corporation/LLC/INC, ect...) and again by the 501c3 tax status a 501c3 provides such as "non-profit" or "tax-exempt" meaning they can write you a tax-deductible receipt for your tithes and offerings, so you can use it on your tax return with the Catholic owned IRS or debt collector for the Papacy. But when ministers or organizations partook of Satan's dangled "greed" carrot, they became "CATHOLIC" after being approved for the tax status a 501c3 provides, and are now hopelessly trapped. You can't discriminate against a minority group, like woman's ordination - the Bible does not teach that women should be ordained ministers, another minority group, LBGTQ: Lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, queer/questioning. Gender identity: A person's sense of their own identity as a female (girl or woman), a male (a boy or man), or other gender (for example, transgender, bi-gender or gender queer which is a rejection of the traditional binary view of gender). If you tell what the Bible teaches about this today in any 501c3 denomination you will have your non-profit status revoked and be liable for interest and penalties back to the original filing date. This would bankrupt the church who has been bound and gagged by the corporation and the Federal 501c3 IRS. The tax status a 501c3 provides. They did not need to ask the government for something they already possessed as an inalienable right from God.

It gets so much deeper. It is the mark of the Beast, for anyone to adopt doctrines in common with the Papacy like the Trinity, Sunday worship, immortality of the soul, Eucharist, the belief that we cannot be sin free, etc.. These are counterfeit doctrines setup to deceive the whole world and keep them from obeying the plain law of God found in Exodus 20. The Three Angel's Messages are Three Anti-Catholic doctrine messages and ALL of the faithful true early Seventh day Adventist pioneers like Elder James White, Elder J. N. Andrews, Elder Steven Haskell, Elder Joseph Bates, Elder Hiram Edson, OElder Otis Nichols, Elder William Farnsworth, Elder Judson S. Washburn, Elder R. F. Cottrell (1814-1892), Elder E. J. Waggoner, and OTHERS, were all FAITHFUL AND TRUE to the THREE ANGEL'S MESSAGES which ARE the LATTER RAIN and the LOUD CRY that is to AGAIN BE REPEATED AND GIVEN TO THE LAODICEANS (the modern 501c3 SDA church denomination = the majority of so called "Adventists" who have given up the doctrines of the faith and true early SDA pioneers) BY THE BRIDE, THE 144,000 who obey and keep the THREE ANGEL'S MESSAGES.

Bottom line, we need Jesus. The TRUE Jesus. There is also another Jesus! Yes, hard to believe, but there is a counterfeit Jesus. See 2 Cor 11:3-4.

2 Corinthians 11:3-4(KJV)

3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with (beware of) him.

This counterfeit Jesus name is Tammuz, born on Dec 25th. The TRUE Jesus was born in the Spring, the time when the Spring lambs were born, around the last of March and the beginning of April.

The TWO BABYLONS by Hislop. It explains this in great detail and is an amazing book.

It is imperative that we understand who the false Jesus and the True Jesus are in these end times or else we will be deceived by this false Jesus doctrines. Nearly all of the whole world bows down and worships - this false Jesus on December 25 by the Catholic CHRIST-MASS. Mary Christ Mass. Merry Christmas is really Mary Christ Mass for Tammuz the Catholic false Christ.

I know, it's hard to change the traditions and ideas that have been steeped into our minds for centuries.

How much do we want of Jesus? Jesus said to forsake ALL and follow Him. How much are we willing to forsake? We must study like our life depends on it, because it does. Our eternal life.

Andrews University: Does Andrews University teach the same core values as John Nevins Andrews taught - the man who Andrews University is NAMED AFTER? Click here to find out for yourself.

Education: All "accredited" schools must teach Jesuit theology if they want to get accreditation and receive Federal funding. Just the name "University" means "Jesuit". Learn the "Jesuit" oath here.

Click here to see a video about what every "accredited" Education system teaches today. Notice the parallels in the SDA church beliefs today - from 1845 until today has waxed stronger and stronger and will do so until Jesus returns with a shout!

Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning are evaluated. The standards for accreditation are set by a peer review board whose members include faculty from various accredited colleges and universities.

Neal C. Wilson's (Ted N. C. Wilson) Son's Training: First off, let's examine more in depth the choice of schools made by Ted Wilson and his Father and what the schools they choose taught Ted Wilson:

Washington Adventist University:

  • Washington Adventist University has 7 varsity sports teams. Does indulgence in ball playing give men desire to know truth and righteousness? The 2008 men's baseball team won the USCAA National Championship, the first national championship in the school's history. The "Iron Nine" of the Washington Adventist University baseball team have played in three national championship games between 2006 and 2009. Along with winning the title in 2008 they have been national runners-up in 2006 and 2009. Were any of these championship games played or planned on the Sacred Sabbath hours?

  • Ellen White writes: Sport, Sports, arranged at great expense for Solomon's diversion 3BC 1165; ML 167 as usually conducted are not acceptable to Christ ML 205; MYP 391 athletic: influence of, on student's progress in school and success in afterlife troubles teachers Ed 210 tendency of most, is subject of anxious thought to persons having youths' well-being at heart Ed 210 See also Athletic games children's, parents and teachers should interest themselves in FE 58 does indulgence in horse racing and cricket matches and ball playing as, give men desire to know truth and righteousness? CT 456 exciting, humble believer induced to join in TM 84 stimulate every passion to activity COL 54; 9T 89 frivolous and rude and grotesque, at Australian school CT 348 gatherings for, professed Christians superficial in character and religious experience are always ready for CT 340 have nothing to do with horse racing or similar FE 319 love of, causes much perplexity in our school work CT 312; FE 512 occupy minds of people today 9T 43 outdoor, do not permit children to go into streets after nightfall to engage in FE 63 parents should associate with children in their CT 124; FE 159 parents who allow children to engage in COL 54 rude and unmanly, many schools and colleges disgraced by FE 72 youth finding no legitimate scope for their pent-up energies after school hours are led to engage in FE 72 student who engages in wicked, in disobedience to school rules FE 297 world filled with, is always thirsting for some new interest CT 456; SD 110 youth's, open door to flood of temptations CT 366; 8T 65 See also Amusement; Game; Recreation.

  • Ellen White warnings have been disregarded at Washington Adventist University about Sports is also a warning to what else has been disregarded for those preparing their ascension robes: The public feeling is that manual labor is degrading, yet men may exert themselves as much as they choose at cricket, baseball, or in pugilistic (fighting/war Spirit) contests, without being regarded as degraded. Satan is delighted when he sees human beings using their physical and mental powers in that which does not educate, which is not useful, which does not help them to be a blessing to those who need their help. While the youth are becoming expert in games that are of no real value to themselves or to others, 275 Satan is playing the game of life for their souls, taking from them the talents that God has given them, and placing in their stead his own evil attributes. It is his effort to lead men to ignore God. He seeks to engross and absorb the mind so completely that God will find no place in the thoughts. He does not wish people to have a knowledge of their Maker, and he is well pleased if he can set in operation games and theatrical performances that will so confuse the senses of the youth that God and heaven will be forgotten. {Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 274, 275}

  • The university operates a radio station, WGTS, that plays contemporary Christian music. The first reason that we oppose Contemporary Christian Music is because it is worldly, meaning it is not separated from the world as the Scriptures demand.

New York University: New York University is a private, nonsectarian American research university based in New York City. Founded in 1831, NYU is one of the largest private non-profit institutions of American higher education. On April 18, 1831, an institution was established, with the support of a group of prominent New York City residents from the city's landed class of merchants, bankers, and traders. Albert Gallatin was elected as the institution's first president. On April 21, 1831, the new institution received its charter and was incorporated as the University of the City of New York by the New York State Legislature; older documents often refer to it by that name. Source: Wikipedia

If you read Principles of Ecclesiastical Law you will realize that all corporations on Earth are subject to the Roman Curia and the Roman Pontiff. These corporations--- IBM, Exxon, Pepsi-Cola-----things which we personify much as we do the Church, are not really things. They are organizations of men. Many of these organizations of men don't realize that their corporate charter is issued by the Pope, but, in the end, so it is. The Roman Curia invented corporations as an entire concept---- foundations, trusts, cooperatives---you name it, they invented it. They hold the patent of patents on the fictional world. It is their enchilada entirely. And, as such, they are responsible for it, by Maxim of Law.

Link to Principles of Ecclesiastical Law:


Steve Nagy Beware brother because Ellen White WARNED that a SATANIC HATRED would be kindled against the Testimonies of the EARLY SDA pioneers and as I see it you are just repeating the old line the Jesuit leaders (Isaiah 9:16) spewed out: "pioneers are not inspired". That belief will cause you to be LOST brother and I do not want that!

“Satan is . . . constantly pressing in the spurious–to lead away from the truth. The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God’s remnant people in the true testimony. There will be a hatred kindled against the testimonies which is satanic. The workings of Satan will be to unsettle the faith of the churches in them, for this reason: Satan cannot have so clear a track to bring in his deceptions and bind up souls in his delusions if the warnings and reproofs and counsels of the Spirit of God are heeded” Selected Messages Book 2, p. 78.2 (Ellen G. White).

“One thing is certain: Those Seventh-day Adventists who take their stand under Satan’s banner will first give up their faith in the warnings and reproofs contained in the Testimonies of God’s Spirit.”13 Jesus is now saying to us “turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?” Lt 156, 1903 (July 27, 1903) par. 4, (Ellen G. White).

"The whole company of believers were UNITED in the truth. There were those who came in with strange doctrines, but we were never afraid to meet them. Our experience was wonderfully established by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. . . .It was some time after my second son was born [1849] that we were in great perplexity regarding certain points of doctrine. I was asking the Lord to unlock my mind, that I might understand His Word. Suddenly I seemed to be enshrouded in clear, beautiful light, and ever since, the Scriptures have been an open book to me. (Manuscript 135, Nov.4, 1903, "Establishing the Foundation of Our Faith.")

Did you get that?

"In a vision given me at Bordoville, Vermont, December 10, 1871, I was shown that the position of my husband has been a very difficult one. A pressure of care and labor has been upon him. His brethren in the ministry have not had these burdens to bear, and they have not appreciated his labors. The constant pressure upon him has taxed him mentally and physically. I was shown that his relation to the people of God was similar, in some respects, to that of Moses to Israel. There were murmurers against Moses, when in adverse circumstances, and there have been murmurers against him." Testimonies for the Church Volume 3, Page 85

As Moses was a type of Christ leading the ancient children of Israel, so James White, says Ellen White, was a type of Moses, leading the modern children of Israel into the Heavenly Cannan.

Isn't that great?

Ellen G. White held her husband, James S. White up as an example for others to follow. She, of all people knew he vehemently rejected the trinity doctrine as unbiblical. She said James White was a type of Moses, that he was KEEN, NOBLE & TRUE and that he had been given GREAT light also, and was to speak and WRITE it out for OTHERS. She, as a true prophet of God would not ask others to follow her husband's leading if she herself did not believe the trinity was error. Remember? She stated that ALL of the pioneers came into harmony and were UNITED in the TRUTH! That included herself too! New truths do NOT contradict old truths or new light does not contradict OLD LIGHT, it only enhances the old light! When they came to something they all did not agree and understand, they would pray together, and God would show her the truth. They all worked together to hammer out the foundations of the early SDA church beliefs. "Whatever contradicts God's word, we may be sure proceeds from Satan." Patriarchs and Prophets, page 55, paragraph 2. "There is one straight chain of truth without one heretical sentence in that which I have written." — Ellen G. White, Letter 329A, 1905. (references: MS 135, 1903. (The Early Years, p. 145; James S. White, "type of Moses", Testimonies for the Church Volume 3, Page 85; "Moses was a type of Christ." {Patriarchs & Prophets, Chapter 43, p. 480-481; James White was "Keen, Noble & True" and was given "GREAT LIGHT also" and "he was to speak and WRITE it out for OTHERS", Selected Messages bk.1, p. 206-7 1904; ] As Moses was a type of Christ leading the ancient children of Israel, so James White, says Ellen White, was a type of Moses, leading the modern spiritual children of Israel into the Heavenly Canaan.

"Like the Jews, many have closed their eyes lest they should see; but there is as great peril now, in closing the eyes to light, and in walking apart from Christ, feeling need of nothing, as there was when he was upon earth." {RH, Aug. 26, 1890}. "A clear conception of what God is, and what He requires us to be, will give us humble views of self." {RH June 2, 1896} "The same arguments are still urged against all who dare to present, in opposition to established errors, the plain and direct teachings of God's word." {GC p. 148} "I saw that the strength of the children of God is in their humility. When they are little in their own eyes, Jesus will be to them their strength and their righteousness, and God will prosper their labors." 3 Testimonies p. 307.


"In the time of trouble, just previous to the coming of Christ, the lives of the righteous will be preserved through the ministration of holy angels. But there will be no security for the transgressor. Angels cannot then protect those who are living in neglect of a known duty or an express command of Jehovah." ST February 26, 1880, Art. A, par. 21

The express command of Jehovah through His Prophetess Ellen White is to BELIEVE ON THEIR WORD, to repeat the WORDS of the protestant early SDA pioneers! I dare not disobey and I encourage you to stand up for the life saving testimony of ALL the "PROTESTANT" early SDA pioneers as well!

These are a PART of the number to make up the 144,000!!! WHY would anyone NOT want to promote the WORDS, books articles and tracts of one of the 144,000???? I cannot fathom it and to say "THEY ARE NOT INSPIRED" is SATANIC! Many sleepy foolish virgins are just repeating the lines of the Jesuit leaders who are wolves in sheeps clothing that have infiltrated the SDA churches.

Had those who claimed to believe the truth acted their part as wise virgins, the message would ere this have been given to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. But five were foolish. The truth should have been proclaimed by the ten virgins, but only five had made the provision essential to join the company that walked in the light given to them. {RH, October 31, 1899 par. 10}

Here is a little paper I've put together in PDF and WORD format to show this more clearly:

PDF: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2nmi6r-BcI3WlZhTzdPOFVzbEk/edit?usp=sharing