Dr Christopher - and Dr. Robert Morse

  1. Doctor Christopher's New Herb Lectures 1: Introduction; Elimination

  2. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 2: Bloodstream

  3. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 3: Liver; Lungs; Brain

  4. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 4: Stomach; Heart

  5. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 5: Pancreas; Nerves; Insomnia

  6. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 6: Diuretics; Skin; Pregnancy

  7. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 7: Allergies; Mucusless Diet; Obesity; Reproductive Organs

  8. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 8: The Eyes; Varicose Veins

  9. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 9: The Cold Sheet Treatment; The Incurables Routine

    1. Dr. Christopher's New Herb Lectures 10: The Incurables Routine (cont); Comfrey Paste; Plague Remedy <<<<(LEARN HOW SUPER GARLIC IMMUNE IS MADE AND HOW GOD GAVE THIS RECIPE TO DR. CHRISTOPHER AND THAT IT USED TO BE CALLED PLAGUE REMEDY)

Dr. Robert Morse's Overview of How the Body works here. <<<EXCELLENT!

Dr. Robert Morse's main YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/robertmorsend

In the following three videos Dr. Morse discusses the simplicity of how the body works, and how you take care of it:

School of Natural Healing

Christopher Publications is proud to offer this electronic edition of School of Natural Healing. Over the years, beginners and practitioners have trusted School of Natural Healing to provide expert instruction on herbal therapy. The worldwide distribution and use of Dr. Christopher's formulas confirms the success and safety of his methods. If you have ever used an herbal combination, it was most likely one of Dr. Christopher's. This text combines his methods and famous formulas in an easy-to-use volume for personal and classroom study. Expanded and revised, we present this work, assured that it will enhance your efforts in natural healing.

About the Author

Dr. Christopher became a Master Herbalist in 1946 after completing coursework under Dr. H. Knowles at Dominion Herbal College in Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1948 he received his Naturopathic Doctor Degree from the Institute of Drugless Therapy in Tama, Iowa. He continued his studies at the Los Angeles Herbal Institute under the renowned Dr. Edward Shook, receiving his Herbal Pharmacist Degree. He practiced as a professional herbalist in the states of Washington, Wyoming, and Utah. He developed a training program for herbalists and organized The School of Natural Healing in 1953. When political legalities kept him from healing patients in his clinic, he fully applied his talents in instruction and provided herbal education for thousands. In addition to lecturing, he wrote and published other works including Herbal Home Health Care, Every Woman's Herbal, Regenerative Diet, Three Day Cleansing Program, The Incurables, The Cold Sheet Treatment, and Rejuvenation Thru Elimination. Dr. Christopher's Message is "God intended everyone to have the knowledge to properly care for their own body."




Chapter 1 - About Disease

Chapter 2 - The Alterative Herbs

Chapter 3 - The Anthelmintic Herbs

Chapter 4 - The Astringent Herbs

Chapter 5 - The Cathartic Herbs

Chapter 6 - The Diaphorectic Herbs

Chapter 7 - The Diurectic Herbs

Chapter 8 - The Emmenagogue Herbs

Chapter 9 - The Expectorant and Demulcent Herbs

Chapter 10 - Lobelia

Chapter 11 - The Nervine and Antispasmodic Herbs

Chapter 12 - The Stimulant Herbs

Chapter 13 - The Tonic Herbs

Chapter 14 - About Collecting Herbs

Chapter 15 - The Cleansing Program

Chapter 16 - The Regenerative Diet

Chapter 17 - Herb Alternatives

Herbal Formulas

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III


Equal parts. Wheat Germ Oil, Honey and Comfrey root or powder to make a pastee to put on anytime of burn or rash, 1st or 2nd or 3rd degree burns. It is a miracle paste: Listen to this Comfrey Paste miracle here. It is a powerful herbal aid.

Dr. Christopher's Newsletters

For many years Dr. Christopher published a monthly newsletter. The issues he wrote are presented here in their entirety.

Volume Index:

Newsletters - Volume One

Newsletters - Volume Two

Newsletters - Volume Three

Newsletters - Volume Four

Newsletters - Volume Five

Newsletters - Volume Six

Newsletters - Volume Seven

Index Pages

Select the book you would like to view the index for.

100 Herb Syllabus Index

School of Natural Healing Index

Herbal Home Health Care Index

Every Woman's Herbal Index

An Herbal Legacy of Courage Index

Dr. Christopher's Newsletters Index

Unpublished Works Index