"A knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education and of all true service" The Ministry of Healing, p. 409.2; Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8, pages 292, 293.

Getting to know someone is the foundation of trust. How well have we gotten to know God? "Our work is to restore the moral image of God in man through the abundant grace given us of God by Jesus Christ." – {TMK 45.3}

"Now as never before we need to understand the true science of education. If we fail to understand this we shall never have a place in the Kingdom of God" Home and Church School Manual, p. 6.2, Mrs. E. G. White. CLICK here to download a great study about this here.

"The science of true education is the truth. The third angel's message is truth" T. Vol. 6, p. 131.