

Itiya Hillela

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Itiya Hillela

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kiss the word, the Bible?

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They kiss the images and cut them and put them in frames

And they hang them




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did not know that

They bring flowers to them

I can show you plenty of sda pictures being worshiped

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never heard of it before

Now i tell you because i was a catholic and i know it

If i were to find a picture which falls from an adventist on the road i would go down get it and kiss it and take it home with me and put it on my room wall and pray for it. We are to be light not darkness knowing that the WORD OF GOD ALONE is like a double edged sword

Do we believe the Word of God?

If we believe the word of God He said make nothing under Heaven for WHAT IS IN HEAVEN REMAINS IN HEAVEN...

20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Exodus

Where is the remains in heaven verse?

Not making of any likeness anything

No this is not a verse this is to explain lots of things said about this matter

He even told them not to make likeness of anything (likeness of man or animals or anything

Wait so i can bring you the verse

The definition of Heaven

The Definition of Heaven by Sister White—Christ is the truth of all that we find in the Father. The definition of heaven is the presence of Christ (Manuscript 184, 1897). SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7 (EGW), p. 989.9 (Ellen G. White)
