Terminology and Slang of SheduCats

This is where you will find the most common used, and important terms among the Shedu Universe.

If you can think of any other terminology that is not listed here, feel free to note SheduMaster

And we will add the terminology to the list.

To use this list, put in alphabetical order, use "Ctrl+F".
For more information on the term, when available,
click the underlined named to be directed to a page that contains more information on the topic.


Ability Traits - are handler & rider character traits, that can be gained through various activities and may give benefits during shows and other group events.

Acerbus Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from JR's Mors Aeterna 26AS.

AP - Art Points. This is the value of your entries - both literature and art. Those can be used towards increasing stats of your Shedu cat.

Angelus Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from  CC Lily of the Valley 13AS.

Arabian - One of the most recent breeds of Shedu cats. These cats originate from Asian and classic thoroughbred Shedus. These cats can not be obtained as imports and must be bred in game.

Alternate Term: Arab

Arabian Fail - Cat bred from a litter that had the possibility to be an Arabian but did not roll the Arabian build.

Arabian Parent - Cat capable of producing an Arabian Shedu using one of the three breeding plans.

Ares Line - *New* Asian Line of fighting cats.

Asenti Line - One of the Original Djibb Family Lines. Known for producing fewer male offspring than other Djibb lines.

ASPC ( Asian Shedu Pedigree Certificate ) - (gone since 2016) - tests, set specially for Asian Shedu cats.  These were replaced by SPC, that were created to fit all Shedu sub-species.


Baketora - the results of a scientific project to "resurrect" the the Sabertooth Cat as part of a recreational study.

Bayun Cat - Robust, heavy cats. Subspecies of Shedu cats, originating from Eden Island.

Breeding Season - Occurs once every two real life months (except February), when Shedu owners are welcome to post their breeding requests. There are 5 breeding seasons during one real life year. (April, June, August, October and December)

Brown Locked - Cat that is Homozygous Brown, will only throw cubs of that base color no mater who bred to

BP ( Blood Percentage ) - Common term used by owners in reference to the amount of different sub-species a Shedu cat has within in it. These amounts are broken into Percentages given to owners upon the birth of their cub.

BPD ( Black Personality Disorder ) - A common ailment that haunts Black Shedu cats.

BPD Threatened - Cat does not suffer from BPD themselves, but has a high chance of producing BPD cubs if bred to a black cat.


Caligula Line - Shedu cats family Line based from Caligula 603ST, this is rare and often overlooked for other Lines.

Classic Thoroughbred Cat - the very first sub-species of shedu cats. Also known as Elsevier cats or "Classic Shedus" (referring to Classic Slim and Classic Heavy Body Types). Were created in 20th century with help of selective breeding and genetic engineering.

Coin Flipper - Brown or tan based cats that can produce black cubs if bred to the right partner

Cat's Code - Term used by the Data Entry Admins of the group to refer to the Code used when talking about a Shedu in whole. Codes often have a Letter then a 1 to 2 digit number following, such as 'b1' referring to Body type One ; Classic Slim. These codes can be seen used in the Lineart Library, as well as on each of the Linearts posted on the SheduLinearts Account.

Cesare Line - One of the Original Komainu Lines, based from Cesare 0.11.11.

Colour(ed) - Image that has clear distinct colors for each element and character shown (ie: Green grass, brown tree trunk, green leaves, blue sky); See also: "Flatcolor" (see AP Guide for examples)

Companions - Any one of a number of animal buddies found in our Companions Gallery. Companions give special bonuses and abilities to the Shedu they are partnered with. Shedus can have up to 3 Companions.

Cross Line - A relatively new Komainu Line based from At The Crossroads 16512K.


Damline - Inverse of a line, the damline of a cat is traced back through the direct female line (Dam, DD, DDD, DDDD, etc). Damlines are unofficial and have no bonuses (except in the case of Asian Familias), however some lineage enthusiasts in the community enjoy tracing these.

Damned Line - A relatively new Komainu Line based from Damned To The Depths 15880.

Deadheading - Official breeders getting rid of knockout (poorly / unwanted) cubs from their cattery - most sell to Rockport Gangs.

Dizang Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from Oren Ishii 20AS.

Djibb Cat - A sister species to shedu cats. A Hyena like creature of larger size. These creatures are related to shedus, but can not be naturally bred with them.

Dominant (Gene) - Means the gene will mask other genes so they will not be expressed, due to this, you only need one copy of the gene for it to be dominant. Typically denoted with a capital letter. Example: Tt or TT is dominant over AA or Aa, so cat will be tan

Dominian Line - A relatively new Komainu Line based from Dominian Jewel

DPC ( Djibb Pedigree Certificate ) - [gone since 2016] Tests set specially for djibb cats.  These were replaced by SPC, that were created to fit all Shedu sub-species.

Dragon Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from Naga 11AS.

DSS ( Double Silky Syndrome ) - Occurs when a silky x silky pair is bred and a cub inherits silky from both parents (resulting in two 'copies' of silky). DSS is always fatal.


Elsevier cat -
1) Classic thoroughbred shedu cat sub-species
2) Shedu cats, of whom belong to the Elseviers (e.i. belong to the group or Templado)

Emperor Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from LnD Ashoka the Great 10AS.

Even-Stevens cat - A cat with stats that have a small degree of separation.

Exploration - An activity within the Shedu Verse. Any miscellaneous artwork, RP, or literature that is not training or a show entry can qualify as an Exploration.

Ezio Line - One of the Original Komainu Lines, based from Ezio 0.11.10.


Familia - Female Asian lines always passes from mother to daughter. Familias have bonuses like normal male lines, however they only affect pure Asian female cubs in  litters. Any female shedu, regardless of subspecies, may carry a Familia even if they are not pure Asian. Familias may also be passed to female cubs if a male cat carrying a Familia is bred to a female with no Familia, in which case cubs would take on the sire's Familia.

FabFeb - Originally a Special February breeding season that now takes place in April (See "Febril") in which very special breeding items may be purchased and used. 

Fatal Dominant White - Occurs when a cat is Dominant White (WW) on a black base (ee/aa/tt OR EE/aa/tt). This combination is always fatal.

Febril - A community coined term used to refer to the February turned April breeding season in which very special breeding items may be purchased and used. 

Flatcolour(ed) - Image that has clear distinct colors for each element and character shown (ie: Green grass, brown tree trunk, green leaves, blue sky); See also: "Colour(ed)" (see AP Guide for examples)

FP (Fake papers) - Illegally obtained paperwork that makes your 'Streetbred' Shedu into an 'Official' Shedu, allowed it to breed to other 'Official' or 'OERS' (Official Elsevier Registered Shedus) to create more 'Official' Shedu Cubs. Additionally ; Officially bred shedu cats whom have failed their SPC tests may use these 'Fake Papers' in addition to, or instead of then having said shedu attempt a PBT.


Gene locked (tighter than an Huidini Water Torture Trick') - A cat that is AA/TT meaning it is unable to produce a black cub without the use of in game breeding items.

Ghost Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from Gravedigger 15AS.

Gladiator Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from CC Gladiator's Heart 12AS.

Grozny Line - *New* Komainu Line based from Grozny KS-30886.


Handler Ability Traits - traits that can be gained through various activities and may give benefits during shows and other group events.

Hauptsturmfuhrer Line - A Classic Shedu Line based from Hauptsturmfuhrer 900ST. This line was originally bred on the Streets by Mendoza Line from the Ramses Line and only much later accepted by Elseviers.

Haythem Line - A relatively new Komainu Line based from Haythem This line is known for their exceptional conformation and temperament. 

Heian Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from Yoda 03. Known for their Big Ears, Bob tails and Long Manes.

Hellcat - A very difficult and dangerous to handle cat, most notably used in reference to cats of Ramses line.

Heterzygous ( Het ) - One gene that is dominant and one that is recessive. Example: Gg  

Homozygous ( Homo ) - Two genes of the same kind, both will be dominant or recessive. Example: AA or tt 

Huangdi Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from Nikita 17AS and Lego 18AS.


IFS ( International Federation of Shedu Cat Racing ) - In game - calendar based races of flat and steeple in nature for Pure Classic Thoroughbred Shedu cat's life careers. 


Joker Card Breeding -  A special type of breeding, involving one of the original street bred cats. The resulting litter may have several oddities and unusual beneficial outcomes.

Jotun - A body type of the 'Djibb' Sub-species, they spot long faces and large bodies, though still have the unique look that mimic a hyena with tall shoulders and short hind legs.


Kami Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, Based from Bonsai 21AS.

Kenpachi Line - One of the two Official Baketora Lines, based from Kenpachi 0111B

Knockout (cub or litter) - the product of an unmatched pair. Refers to knockout/lowered prices these cubs are listed at and to 'knock out/off an unwanted flowering bud'.

Komainu ( Kom / K-Cat ) - Lion-like saber toothed Shedu Cat sub-species.

Kozhedub Line - A Classic Shedu Line based from Kozhedub 901ST. Bred by Mendoza, the Kozhedub line is known for its speed and even temperament. 

KPC ( Komainu Pedigree Certificate ) - (gone sinse 2016) Tests set specially for Komainu Shedu Cats. These were replaced by SPC, that were created to fit all Shedu sub-species.

Kvothe Line - A relativity new Komainu Line based from Kvothe


Lamora Line - A relativity new Komainu Line based from Lamora

Leonardo Line - One of the Original Komainu Lines, based on Leonard 0.04.11.

A limp pair - An officially unmatched pair. This is only found through the use of specialized Breeding Items.

Line / Lineage - Family lines passed from a male cat to his offspring. Lines all have different line bonuses inherited by cubs born with them.

LOG System - The system set up by admin to better keep track of vital information about cat - from breeding records, to current health condition, show achievements and much more.

Literature - A text only submission for Shows or other entries. Literature submissions also qualify for AP.


Mahogany Line - One of the Original Shedu Cat Lines, based from Mahogany, grandson of Spartak.

Maoz Line - A relativity new Komainu Line based from Maoz 16098.

Medici Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from Cosimo de Medici 09A.S.

Michael Jackson Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from Michael Jackson 01.

Moby Line - *NEW* Asian Shedu Cat Line, based from Moby.

Moggy - Ordinary cats, used as a mild insult as normal stat-ed cats, though they can  be or are good racers.

Moggy Breeding - Two normal cats who have not been tested to see if they are matched or unmatched, breeding to create more 'moggy' cubs.

Munchkin - A sub-species of Shedu cat, based from the Komainu and Baketora sub-species.

Mythic Familia - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from Nyx 23AS.


Nerf / Nerfed - Term used to describe anything that might cause a result that is less than desired. Often used in reference to the inborn stats of a cub being less than desirable due to a large difference in the parents stats. Thus being 'Nerfed.'

Nikolai Line - A relativity new Komainu Line based from Nikolai

Nocturne Line - *NEW* Asian Line, based from Nocturne. This line is known for jewel-like coats and highly active personalities.


OG Racer ( Original Racer ) - A term used by owners of shedus, refers to one of the 'Original' Cats. Though this term is loosely used to refer to Shedus whose ID numbers fall under 1000 (One Thousand). 

OERS- Official cats that are registered with Elseviers. (OERS ; Official Elsevier Registered Shedu) They do have official pedigrees given to them at birth & can participate in Official events. Their lineage is tracked the same as a pedigreed animal IRL.


PB (PBT) - Perspective Beast Test - A street license test in place of the SPC for any Shedu. Though originally created specifically for 'Streetbred' Shedus, any shedu may complete their PBT. This test is the only way for Street bred shedus to be allowed to breed without the use of Fake Papers.

Pharaoh Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from CC Egyptian Silk 23AS.

Pierrot Line - *NEW* Asian Line. Known for it's disturbing clownlike appearance and delicate sphynx coats.

Pokrishkin Line - A Classic Shedu Line known for their brilliant coats and versatile abilities.

Primal Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based on India 29AS.

Pure Blood - A Shedu cat of who has more than 93.75% of a single sub-species blood is considered to be of 'Pure Blood' for its Sub-Species.


Qilin Asian - A no-longer used sub-species term for Asian shedus who had Big Ears, Long Manes, Bobtail and Tiangou Body type.

Quidel Line - *NEW* Asian Line. Known for their short height and ability to withstand freezing climates.


Rad Red Line - A Classic Shedu Line based from Rad Red 144.  This Line is known for throwing Chocolate Tans and Piebald cats.

Ramses Line - One of the Original Classic Lines, based from Ramses I. This Line is famous for its speed, the original sire being the fastest Shedu on record.

Rasco Line - One of the Original Djibb Family Lines.

Recessive - Means the gene will hide behind other genes and will only be expressed when two copies are present. Typically denoted with lowercase letters. Example: flaxen is a recessive gene, so it will only be expressed when two copies are present- ff. Thus, it will never be Ff or FF.

Reference - an example image (or Lit entry for Handlers) of your Handler or Shedu. A Shedu's Import Page on the SheduMaster account is the Reference for all Shedus. References must include a comment LOG for Actions, Awards, Stats. etc.

Reijin Line - One of the two Official Baketora Lines, based from Reijin 0115

Ryu Line - One of the Official Asian Lines, based on Kage No Ryu 14AS.


Savoy Line - One of the Original Classic Lines, based on Savoy. This Line is one of the oldest and also known for being one of the fastest lineages.

Serpentes Line - *NEW* Asian Line. This Line is known for being swift, surefooted, and very responsive to command.

SFT ( Shedu Fundamental Training ) - Set of training tasks that, if completed, will increase your cat`s score in corresponding discipline.

Shedu Ability Traits - traits that can be gained through various activities and may give benefits during shows and other group events.

Shedu cats - Ridable feline creatures, that were created by scientists in mid 20th century.

Shedu Verse - The Universe of which the 'Canon' Shedus reside, mirroring our own universe and history up until approximately the 1860's.

Shiba Line - One of the Original Djibb Family Lines.

Shinkai Line - *NEW* Asian Line of Shedu Cats.

Siran Line - *NEW* Asian Line based from Siran. This Line is known for big-eared, long-tailed Asians with a focus on agility over speed.

Skyfall Line - A relatively new Komainu Line based from Skyfall

SND ( Shedu Novice Diploma ) - A activity originally designed with New players in mind, that introduces a player's Handler to the Shedu Verse by 'Fostering' a Shedu from one of the most Trusted Catteries, as well as the option to go a bit darker exploring the Street Racing world by "Fostering" a shedu from one of the most Feared Catteries. Completing this "Mini-quest" for the first time grants players the option to choose a starter Shedu and/or a lump some of RDs (in-game Currency) as well as a specific attribute that correlates to the Shedu the handler 'Fostered'. Further completion of this quest can only be done with New handlers, who have not yet completed a SND.

Spartak Line - One of the Original Classic Lines, based from Spartak, the first Shedu. All Shedus can trace their lineage back to Spartak. This Line is known for well-balanced racing ability and stable character.

SPC ( Shedu Pedigree Certificate ) - A test that all officially registered Shedu cats must pass in order to be allowed to breed. and produce officially Bred Cubs. Streetbred cats can not go through SPC, unless they have have Fake Papers applied to them, otherwise they need to complete a PBT.

Stat (Stats System / SP) - Some cubs are born faster, stronger and smarter than other cubs due to natural selection and artificial modification - each Shedu is different. Shedu Cats' Scientists has converted these attributes inherited from their parents into a numerical values split across 10 different categories for ease of understanding for Owners ;

Str - Strength ~||~ Int - Intelligence ~||~ Sta - Stamina ~||~ Spe - Speed ~||~ Mov - Movement
Sur - Surefoot ~||~ Agl - Agility ~||~ Con - Conformation ~||~ Tra - Trainability ~||~ Tem - Temperament

Streetbred - Streetbred cats are just that, bred on the 'streets'. Meaning they are not given official papers upon birth. Meaning they can’t produce official cubs* and that they likely have questionable lineage!


Tan Locked - Cat that is Homozygous Tan, will only throw cubs of that base color no mater who bred to

Thasi Line - One of the Original Djibb Family Lines.

The Game - you just lost <33

Thoron Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from FYN Thor 16AS

Tigre Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from CC Sher Khan 28AS.

Toned - Image that has very little variation in colours, such as black and white, sepia styled art. (ie. the mountains, sky, trees and grass are all shades of blue) (see AP Guide for examples)

Traits - A broad term used for both the Physical and Ability traits of a Shedu.

Tuna Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from ATF Rivers End 08AS.

Tywin Line - Shedu cats family Line based on Tywin 0.01.11.



Valkurie Line - One of the Original Asian Lines, based from Takara De Luna 30AS.

Vint Line - Shedu cats family Line based on Murcielago 13371. Originally a Streetbred Line, Vint cats are known for their hardiness and stamina.


Walkury Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from Kinka De Luna 25AS.



Yuanshi Familia - One of the Original Asian Familias, based from Areoka 22AS.


Zumbach Line - One of the Original Streetbred Lines, Based from King of the Woodland Realm 2080.