The Savoy Line

Like the Rameses Line it is a small branch, though due to the decline in recent years of the Rameses line, the Savoy Line have taken the crown of having some of the fastest cubs on the track. Usually these cats have a friendly personality, sporting jaguar spots, seen as a dominant trait within the line, and commonly seen with heavy builds. Some individuals have a black coat - the most notable is the female cat The 6th, she has been the dam, grand dam, and great grand dam, of many well versed racers over the years.

The Savoy and Spartak Lines often go head to head in the Official Racing when comparing the two they normally seem fairly equal, though each excelling in their own fields. Cats of Savoy line are very versatile, but are highly noted for their ability in steeple chases, though do very well in flat racing as well.

Savoy himself was a Grandson of Spartak, sired by Flamur and full brother to Mahogany.

Base Information

[404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+3 Agility, +2 Stamina

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Though Savoy is but an extension of the Spartak line, in 2022, Savoy stands as one of the most popular Lineages owned by Pet Owners and Breeders alike.

- Known for further popularizing the Roan gene, further having the first genetically confirmed "Varnish" Roan appearing from an extended relation who popped up from the Streetracing world, Nitro 13796.

Savoy Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :