The World today...

In the year 2022...




...Traveling back in time

The History of the world, prior to 1860's remains almost in whole untouched, save for the City of Rockport, which was made specifically for the Shedu Vurse.

Taking its actual founding the early 1820's, after a small portion of the Elsevier family immigrated, the small port-side home north of modern day Miami, turned from a simple homestead into a thriving metropolises that overtook its sister cities. Now a-days, Miami, and many surrounding cities are but small sub-cities within the out stretched claws of the Shedu Vurse's ever expanding "City of Rockport", stretching nearly half way up the eastern coast of Florida by the early 2000's.



Elseviers and their Associated Centers

There are Shedu Cat Association Centers accredited to hosting Breeder's SPC Tests opening their doors around the world. These centers have their judgment of your cat approved by Elseviers, working as conduits to the Shedu Foundation set in Rockport, Florida.

Spreading the web of such centers as been costly for the Elseviers and the Centers alike, but that makes life of cat breeders around the globe much easier.

The bonus to doing so for the Elseviers and the centers alike was that it not only allowed the expansion of Shedus world-wide, but allowed those across the globe to transport their Shedus to testing facilities with less overall stress for the Shedu and their Handlers alike.

By the year 2010 every state in the U.S. has successfully built its own Center. Globally, nearly every country's Capital has had its own center built by 2020, with many more popping up in other major cities across the world.

By the year 2020 every judged certification sent from these Centers has been required to send the certification accompanied with an active GPS tracking chip, this chip corelates to the one that your Shedu is implanted with at the time of its test by the Center's Veterinary staff. These chip allows owners to have constant, 24/7 tracking available on their Shedus as well as their certification documentation that, once approved or declined, is sent back to the owner from the Elseviers.

Though from the first official sales, Elseviers have always required microchipping of their Shedus, the lack of initial documentation of very early generations, aside from Shoulder branding, allowed the leak of unofficial Shedus into the world. Initially this was not seen as a problem (in the sense of : the majority of Shedus were in Rockport, Florida, meaning the Elseviers were able to keep a tighter grip on any cats seen running about without a clearly visible shoulder brand.) until the mid 1990's as rampant amounts of un-papered shedus flooded the market.

The demand for official lined and papered cats became clear with BPD running rampant in these un-papered lines, and called for a better way of tracking papered sheus, as simple microchipping was not enough to deter thieves nor back-yard breeders until the new chips came about in 2020.