Shedu Cats is an ARPG (Art Role Playing Game)... which means gameplay consists of creating Art and Literature entries to tell the stories of your Characters within the Sheduverse. Every time you depict your Shedus or Handlers you can earn in-game rewards such as AP, RDs, Traits, and other goodies... even free Shedus!

Almost all creations that feature your Shedus or Handlers qualify for AP so long as they fulfill the minimum criteria for a submission. But in addition to basic AP, you can also submit creations that fit specific criteria in order to earn special awards while engaging in some of the common (and not-so-common) activities in the Sheduverse. 


There are a wide variety of activities your characters can engage in. Generally speaking, any piece of Art or Literature you create for your Sheduverse Characters will qualify for rewards under one of the following categories:



Explorations are your default category for any Art, Literature, or RP you create relating to your Sheduverse characters. Any creation that is not submitted for rewards under one of the other categories may be submitted as an Exploration so long as it meets the required criteria.

Originally Explorations primarily involved sending your Handler (with or without their Shedus) to explore Canon areas of the Sheduverse, such as the various districts of Rockport. However, this activity has since been expanded to include anywhere you might choose to depict your Handler and Shedu, as well as several Special Regions that are only available under specific conditions.

Unlike some categories, Explorations can depict your Handler only, without a Shedu involved. Works depicting your Shedus without Handlers cannot qualify as Explorations, but will still earn AP through the AP System

For more detailed information about Explorations, including types and rewards, please visit our Explorations Page!

Shedu Fundamental Trainings (SFTs) are a range of specific activities that teach your Shedu the basics of various competition disciplines. These Trainings represent the equivalent of "horse training/breaking" in the Sheduverse. 

Shedus that have completed their SFTs for a particular discipline dramatically reduce the risk of injuries when participating in events of that type. 

For more information on SFTs, please visit our SFT Page!


One of the most common activities in the Sheduverse is Breeding your Shedus, but before you can Breed... you have License!

Successfully completing a Breeding Test for your Shedu earns them the right to Breed. It proves their worth in their respective field and demonstrates that they carry genes worth passing on. 

There are several varieties of Breeding Tests, depending on whether your Shedu is Official (OERS) or Streetbred. Each Shedu will include in its Geno comment whether it is Streetbred or Official, regardless of whether it came from a player-bred Litter or RNG or any other source (such as a Sale or Feral Shedu Token).

Shedu Pedigree Certificates (SPCs)

Official Shedus (OERS) can attempt to earn one of three types of SPC. SPC submissions are often related to one of the Official disciplines such as Dressage, Flatracing, or Steeplechase. Each variety comes with its own benefits and requirements:

Perspective Beast Challenge (PB): 

Streetbred Shedus do not qualify to earn an SPC, instead they can compete in a Perspective Beast Challenge. 

These rough-and-ready streetraces pit your Shedu against one of several Group cats in a head-to-head challenge to prove their worth to the Streetracing community. 

PB tests combine Shedu's stats for a particular Streetrace Type with your score for Effort and a bonus if your Handler has their SND.   




Throughout the year there are a number of Shows and Events that are hosted by the Shedu Cats group directly. These Shows and Events can involve a wide variety of activities, prompts, and competitions that can earn some of the most spectacular rewards. 

Each Show or Event has its own requirements for participation that must be met in order to submit your creation for consideration. 

Some Shows relate to specific breeds of Shedus, such as the Shedu Asian Festival* (Asian or Asian mix Shedus) or Kmas* (Komainu or Komainu mix Shedus).  **Information coming soon!

Other Shows are specifically for Official (OERS) Shedus:
International Foundation of Shedu Racing (IFS)
Shedu Rabbitry Racing Foundation (SRRF) ;

or for Streetbred Shedus, and those OERS who are daring enough ;
Bi-Weekly Street Races

For full information on Shows and Events, please visit the links above!

Occasionally, Players like yourself will host their own Shows, offering fun new opportunities to engage with the Shedu Cats community and create fabulous art together. 

Each Player Hosted Show has requirements and rewards that are entirely up to the Host. Some Player Hosted Shows may be additionally sponsored by the Group. 

Check out our Discord Channel for more information: #community-shows 




Monthly Prompts provide an opportunity to let your imagination run wild, develop your Characters' stories and earn a little bonus reward while doing it. Monthly prompts have varying requirements and rewards, and are updated each month. 

Monthly Prompts come in six categories ;




Once you start creating art and Literature for your trusty Shedu and Devoted handler, it's time to consider their Art Points they have earned and their Stat points to help them progress through the game.
Check out Step Five - AP / SP System

But, if the idea of counting up your Art to progress your Shedus' stats seems kinda bleh, its OK, you can still continue on without doing this step. But we highly advise doing so after you complete about 3-5 pieces, and each AP milestone is quite useful to producing better cubs in the long run!

If you feel inspired, you can skip ahead to Step Six our Bank and Breeding Overview. Where you can learn how the Bank and the Breeding systems go hand in hand, buying items for your planned breeding and future cubs.