Breeding Tests Overview

Below are all of the different ways of which a Shedu can become allowed / applicable
for breeding. We have taken the time to give a little information for new players
below along with links onto their respective information pages.

Every Shedu must prove themselves worthy before they are permitted to breed. For officially bred cats, they'll go through the Shedu Pedigree Certificate, or an SPC, to receive the right to contribute to the genepool. There are three different avenues to go through to acquire their SPC based on the quality of the cat and your goals with them. Check out the SPC page for more details, or see the dropdowns below for a very quick overview of each!

This is the best way for newbies to get into breeding part of the game.

Easy & clear conditions of the task.
Easy draw & post way of entering.
Easy to obtain Bronze level SPC.

Hard to get Gold level SPC.

This option is good for dedicated breeders, who knows line requirements and keep those in mind, while planning own breedings.

Ability to predict test`s result by looking at line requirements points.
High level of influence on result.
(little RNG part in judging)

Necessity of counting numbers.
Possibility of failing the test is high, if cub has low line requirements score.

This is the way for those, who`s main focus is cat`s show career.

No need for doing additional art, that has nothing to do with cat`s participation in events.

Requires quite a determination to go through whole championship.

Have a cat that failed their SPC or PB, or even a Streetbred cat you want to be official to enter official shows? 

Well, my friend, you need yourself some Fake Papers! These are purchasable in the Shedu shops and can be applied to your cat that way. There are a few things to keep in mind regarding this item however:

Fake Papers may only be used on cats meeting the following descriptions:

!! Fake Papers will make a Streetbred cat considered 'official' and any cubs bred from the cat after the papers are applied will reflect this (unless of course they are bred to a cat that only has a PB).

For those cats who are not officially bred, and therefore cannot participate in the SPC, there is the Perspective Beast Challenge, or PB, they can participate in. This challenge differs from SPCs, however, in that even official cats may participate, if they dare. 

This challenge is far fiercer than the SPC as it is street racing to the core. A perspective cat must challenge and meet a certain standard a seasoned veteran street racer to receive their Perspective Beast Badge. If they want a good prize or a trait, they must even defeat that veteran!

Check out the Perspective Beast page for more details!