Welcome to the Prep / Vet Shop

To purchase something from this shop you must first have the adequate amount of RDs already stored in your bank! If you do then you may use the Purchase Log to make your selections!

If you need any help with tallying up your purchases, we have taken the time to put together a Catalog*(Coming Soon) of all our items and their prices, for players to be able to quickly total up selections, and make insure they have enough in the bank to buy!

Veterinarian Items

Level 1 = Trifling Scratches
Level 2 = Minor Wounds
Level 3 = Moderate Wounds
Level 4 = Serious Wounds
Level 5 = Potentially Fatal Wounds

Every time you apply one of these items it will either have no effect, partial effect or completely heal the injury.
If the injury is not healed then the chance increases with consecutive applications ;
1st application has a 25% chance to completely heal the injury.
2nd application has a 50% chance to completely heal the injury.
3rd application has a 75% chance to completely heal the injury.
4th application has a 100% chance to completely heal the injury.

If applied by NPC vet amount doubles so 1st application = 50% and 2nd application =100%.
If applied by Player Handler with Vet Profession works 100% on the 1st application.

Using an item that is a higher level than the injury adds +10 % chance per level.
Using lower level item decreases effectiveness by 10% per level.
So using level 1 item on a level 2 injury gives only 15% chance (so it requires up to 7 tries not 4)
Using a level 1 item on a level 3 injury would have a 5% chance (so it requires up to 20 tries)
Using a level 1 item on a level 4 or higher injury would have 0% chance and be a waste of RDs.

Notice, there are big "packs" for each level.
This item sets are very useful in IFS and similar set event, when players sometimes submit several entries in a row.

Level 1 - Trifling Wound Care

Antibiotic Ointment ; 1 500 RDs
Effect : Useful for treating one serous injury.
Use : ONE Time.
Restrictions : None.

Mini First Aid Kit ; 6 000 RDs
Effect : Contains enough supplies for 4 trifling injury treatments
Restrictions : None.

Level 3 - Moderate Wound Care

Soft Splint & Antibiotic pills ; 6 000 RDs
Effect : Useful for treating one moderate injury.
Use : ONE Time.
Restrictions : None.

Standard First Aid Kit ; 24 000 RDs
Effect : Contains enough supplies for 4 moderate injury treatments
Restrictions : None.

Level 2 - Minor Wound Care

Vet Wrap & Anti-Inflammatory Meds ; 2 000 RDs
Effect : Useful for treating one minor injury.
Use : ONE Time.
Restrictions : None.

Basic First Aid Kit ; 8 000 RDs
Effect : Contains enough supplies for 4 minor injury treatments
Restrictions : None.

Level 4 - Serious Wound Care

Rigid Splint & Antibiotic Shot  ; 8 000 RDs
Effect : Useful for treating one serous injury.
Use : ONE Time.
Restrictions : None.

Emergency First Aid Kit ; 32 000 RDs
Effect : Contains enough supplies for 4 serious injury treatments
Restrictions : None.

Level 5 - Potentially Fatal Care

IV Fluids, IV Meds & Hospital Care ; 10 000 RDs
Effect : Useful for treating a potentially fatal injury.
Use : ONE Time.
Restrictions : None.

Field Medicine Kit ; 40 000 RDs
Effect : Contains enough supplies for 4 fatal injury treatments.
Restrictions : Only usable by trained vet or soldier.

Elsevier Veterinarian Care ; 

RDs Cost :  Lvl 1 - 200 RDs  |  Lvl 2 - 500 RDs  |  Lvl 3 : 1 000 RDs  |  Lvl 4 : 1 500 RDs  |   Lvl 5 : 2 000 RDs

Effect :
Increases chances of successful treatment by 50%
You can call a vet to treat your cat.
To do so, choose the treatment level you want the vet to apply, when applying Vet Care Items to your shedu.
Restrictions : None.

Misc Vet Items

"Drugs" ;  0 RDs
Effect : Increases chances for the win ( + 20%), yet if use of drugs are discovered, your cattery will be banned from racing for 4 RL months. Cat`s result in race would be scratched.
Restrictions : To request an item, note RDsManager.

Painkiller ; 500 RDs
Effect : Instantly cures up to one minor injury, allowing cat to run next race. When used it will make cat more prone to further injuries, this chance increases with each consecutive use.
Restrictions : None.

Shedu Preparation Items

Available Items

Hardy's Transportation Magnetic Hood ; 6 000 RDs
Item Slot : Head AND Neck
Bonus : Shortens mandatory time gap of 14 days between international races by 2 days. Decrease fatigue by 5%
Restrictions : None. Permanent Item.

Hardy's Transportation Magnetic Rug ; 15 000 RDs
Item Slot : Chest AND Back
Bonus : Shortens mandatory time gap of 14 days between international races by 4 days. Decrease fatigue by 10%
Restrictions : None. Permanent Item.

Hardy's Leg Protection Boots ; 4 000 RDs
Item Slot : Legs AND Paws
Bonus : Shortens mandatory time gap of 14 days between international races by 2 days.
Restrictions : None. Permanent Item.

Hardy's Travlers Set ; 27 000 RDs
Item Slot : Head, Neck, Check, Back, Legs AND Paws
Bonus : Shortens mandatory time gap of 14 days between international races by 7 days. Decrease fatigue by 23%
Restrictions : None. Permanent Item.

Misc Preparation Items

Elastic Bands ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +3 to Movement
Restrictions : None.

Claw Polish ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Movement, +1 Conformation
Restrictions : None.

Alaska Oil ;  800 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Trainability
Restrictions : None.

Wax Melter ;  1 500 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2-8 to overall Score (RNG Rolled by  Judge)
Restrictions : None.

These Items take up an Accessory Slot. You can only use one copy of a specific item at a time, for example you may not use a Wax Melter in both Accessory Slot I and II.

Silk Brush ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +3 to Conformation
Restrictions : None.

Touch Up Spray ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Conformation, +1 Movement
Restrictions : None.

Fly Spray ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Temperament, +3 Movement
Restrictions : None.

Sweeties Pheramone Enhanced Treats ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +3 to Temperament
Restrictions : None.

Shedu Food & Treat Supplements

These are every day additions to fresh meat that your cat receives.
It is very important to choose right food for your cat.
A food's quality and benefits vary not only based on it's "purpose" but and from brand to brand.
Each food and each brand have their own benefits.

Foods take up an Accessory Slot in your cats Prep Items and you can only use one at a time.
~ For example you can not have a food in both Accessory Slot I and II even if they are different types.
You can use a Food and a Treat at the same time.

Kilimanjaro Volant ;  600 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Speed, +1 to Temperament
Restrictions : None.

Kilimanjaro Endurant ;  700 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Stamina, +1 to Temperament
Restrictions : None.

Kilimanjaro Recovery ;  1 000 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : + 2.5 points to final score in Endurance, Flat and Steeple Chase races.
Restrictions : None.

Kilimanjaro Senior ;  1 400 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to total final score at any competition, if cat is 18 y.o. or older. OR Gives one reroll to elder dams on death and health issues roll.
Restrictions : Specially formulated for cat's 18 years and older.  *can be applied for shows and breeding seasons

El Clasico Hardy ;  650 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +1 to Stamina, +1 to Agility, +1 Surefoot
Restrictions : None.

El Clasico Perfect Balance ;  650 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +1 to Movement, +1 to Agility, +1 to Intellect
Restrictions : None.

El Clasico Perfect Deft ;  800 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Agility , +2 to Surefoot
Restrictions : None.

El Clasico Perfect Stride ;  800 RDs
Item Slot : Prep Item (Accessory I or II)
Use : ONE Time
Bonus : +2 to Stamina, +1 to Speed
Decreases Fatigue by 10% from prior race.
Restrictions : None.