Newbie Guide

So you fell in love with these gorgeous cats and found your way here? So did we! Bit confused on where to begin? No worries! We’ve all been there too. I’ll help walk you through everything!

I know there’s a lot to take in, and breaking it down can be stressful. But we can take this at your pace, so read each section as many times as you like and remember, we’re always here to answer all your questions and help you along the way!

Step One > You Are Here <

Step Two 

Step Four

Step Five 

Step Six

STEP ONE: Getting Started…

Everything has a beginning and with Shedu’s our beginning is here! The first things you’ll need to do are…

So what’s next!? Next is where you decide if you want a CHARACTER first or your CAT first

> C H A R A C T E R < > C A T <

(don’t worry, we’ll follow these steps anyway. You’re just deciding which is first on your list!)