Shedu Cats - What are they?!

Elegance, Grace, and Speed, Shedus were not always the amazing companions they are today...

The very first official Shedu, was only one in a long project stemming three generations of the Eslevier family, starting with 'Grandpa' Orlando, and re-envisioned by his Grandson, Orlando, named after his grandfather. Fitting his name, the younger Orlando followed his grandfather's passion for Zoology, Biology, adventure and the unknown...

The first Official Shedu, Spartak, was nothing short of amazing in the eyes of Orlando and those who now love the species as a whole, knowing it is all thanks to his genetics that we have the Shedus of today. Spartak was one of several, overly large Cheetahs found by Orlando during his adventures to Africa. After breeding Sapartak out for generations, it was clear that through selective breeding that larger and large Shedus could be a reality. 

Through the help of specialized diets and extensive training, of both humans and felines, the shedus of today are nothing short of remarkable. Ranging in size, color, temperament and personality, but the one trait that lies deeply imbedded in each and every one, is their truly undying loyalty, deeper ingrained into their souls than 'Mans best friend' the Domesticated dog.

The Originals ; Cheetah-like, lean-built cats,  perfect for racing.

Military Favorite ; Mighty lion-like sabertooth cats, favored by survivalists.

The Vivid ; Lynx like brick house cats,
perfect for halter shows and fighting.

The Orientals ; Modern Oriental styled cats, perfectly suited for endurance racing.

Military 'Secret' ; Ground rumbling tiger-like sabertooth cats, favored by operatives.

Kid's Best Friend ; Small, Loveable, Noodle cats who excel at swimming and loving you.

The Nightmares ; Massive bear-like cats who define what nightmares are made of.

Sister Species ; Honorable hyena-like cats, favored by ranchers and endurance racers.