Munchkin Shedu Cats

Genetically munchkins are just very odd dwarf komainu cats. They are one of those unwanted results that happened to be during the komainu creation project. Their main trait that sets them apart from ordinary dwarf cats is the long "full sized" tail. Their tails are very strong and sturdy and has a bit different range of movement freedom.

These cats can be ridden by very light riders or kids. Though they have short legs their spines are very strong, well muscled and yet can be very mobile, flexible, if a munchkin would need that. Because of this they have almost no health issues connected with spine. They can suffer from kissing spines syndrom in an old age however.

Their common issues are of totally another nature. They manage to damage their long tails very often. So often, that some vets recomend to cut the tail at an early age to avoid all of the troubles. 

And, as always, other experts disagree with such recomendation.

Second weak point of these cats is eyesight. By nature they have very keen vision, but it can get worse very easily. They are prone to eye infections and no matter what colour the eyes, they are more sensitive to sunlight than of any other shedus.

Various fungie is a real scourge for skin, especially on the little feet of munchkins.

They are extremely smart. They are border-collies of the shedu world. Only bayuns can challenge this statement.

Many munchkins love water and are good swimmers.

The common flaws are stubbornness and selective aggression towards other animals. Munchkin Shedus are known for recognizing their own kin very well. They will not show any aggression towards other munchkins (unless it is a breeding rights issue or self-defenses) and will show much affection towards anyone, whom they consider their "family" (including their owners). 

Most common injuries that munchkin owners have are lots and lots of tiny scratches on their arms - result of unstoppable urge of munchies to lick and groom everyone from their group. 

Munchkins are extremely cuddly, very vocal (perhaps they are so talkative because of the fact that it is hard for them to use normal cat body language), and very jealous. They will chase other pets from their owner to get all the cuddles.

They have no sense of fear towards bigger creatures. And might look bold and a bit crazy, having no fear to stand their ground even against Komainu cats. They can be feisty. Sharp claws, strong jaws and a very sturdy build allows them to surprise almost any adversary.

HEIGHT: 61 cm - 170 cm ( desired ; 90 - 140 cm )

WEIGHT: 100 kg - 750 kg ( desired ; 300 - 500 kg )

TYPES: Only one type of build ; Physical Traits.

- Munchkins cannot have 'dwarfism' as a possible trait due to their genetic makeup and being of a dwarf-like build by default. 

COAT COLOURS: Shedu cat coat colors

MAX SPEED: registered record - 95 km/h
DIET: Carnivore
CHARACTER: Often stubborn, competitive, non-tolerant to other cats. With humans there are almost no problems, if cat was raised properly from very young age.

PROLIFICACY: usually 1-2 cubs per litter ( up to 3 with medical supplements )

BREEDING LIMITS: Every cat must have their SPC or PBB or FP also known as breeding papers to be able to breed.

- Every Munchkin starts with 3 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Females can be bred only once per breeding season. ( up to twice per season with medical supplements )

INBREEDING: Is not forbidden.
- Though Different levels of inbreeding can bring up variety of health issues and mutations.
- Read more about inbreeding and its consequences here: INBREEDING


* Munchkins are considered "panthera cats".


COMMON LIFESPAN: 30-80 years

ORIGIN: Bred in captivity by humans with help of genetic engineering 

MAIN USE: Pony-class riding, liberty & halter shows,  agility.

POSSIBLE DISCIPLINES: All, that are ok for ponies.