Each member needs to calculate % of inbreed of upcoming cubs on their own.
It`s not admin`s work to do.

Breeding Requests must have the Calculated %
All uploaded cubs / cats should have their Inbreeding % listed in their Information Template.

 Cats that were born before December 2015 will not receive any inbreeding penalties as their creation was prior to the requirement of the Inbreeding % Calculation, Though their actual level of inbreeding can affect future cubs if further inbred.

Inbreeding is checked/traced as far as Four generations back. No further than that.

Inbreeding measured in % and is ranked into four levels of inbreeding.

 The only exception that will reduce inbreeding effects is Matched Pair. It reduces inbreeding penalties on 50% at any level.
A pair of Shedus can be checked to see if they are "Matched" with Breeding items.

The Four Levels of Inbreeding

0.0% -  4.49%  => No Level. Healthy cubs*

4.5% - 14.99% => 1st inbred level. Minor

15% - 24.99% => 2nd inbred level. Mild

 25% - 34.99% => 3rd inbred level. Serious

 35% -    ...    % => 4th inbred level. Severe

* Though cubs may be clear of inbreeding health effects, other Health Issues and Conditions can still present themselves due to other breeding 'clashes' such as but not limited to ; Black x Black = BPD and Silky x Silky = DSS.

Keep in mind, all stated pros and cons are chances. Not 100% must.

Higher the inbreeding level, higher chances for unwanted effects to happen.

0 - 4.49% => 0 inbred level



4.5% - 14.99% => 1st inbred level 

Chances of penalties ;
15% for 'unhealthy cub'

Effects to Stats ;
- 2 points to ALL Stats

Possible Negative Effects ;
- Deafness
- Spinal problems

Possible Positive Effects ;
- None

15% - 24,99% => 2nd inbred level

Chances of penalties ;
30% for 'unhealthy cub'

Effects to Stats ;
- 4 points to ALL Stats
- 5 points to Intelligence

Possible Negative Effects ;
    Level 1 Effects Plus ;  
- Heart Issues - No Sport or Racing Careers for Cub
- Small Litter Numbers
- Reduction in Height

Possible Positive Effects ;
- Enlarged Heart ; +5 to score in racing/or speed factor
- Coat Marking Mutations begin to appear
- Body Mutations begin to appear

25% - 34.99% => 3rd inbred level 

Chances of penalties ;
75% for 'unhealthy cub'

Effects to Stats ;
- 6 points to ALL Stats
Reduction of Int / Tra stats by 50%

Possible Negative Effects ;
    Lower Level Effects Plus ; 
- Still Born Cubs
- Seizures
- Further reduction in height
- Low Fertility of Cubs

Possible Positive Effects ;
    Lower Level Effects Plus ;
- Odd Body Mutations begin to appear
- Additional Coat and Body Mutations appear

35% - ... => 4th inbred level

Chances of penalties ;
90% for 'unhealthy cub'

Effects to Stats ;
- 8 points to ALL Stats
Reduction of Int / Tra / Sta to 0 Stat Points

Possible Negative Effects ;
    Lower Level Effects Plus ;
- Full Loss of Litter
- Freaky and detrimental Body Mutations
- Significant reduction in height
- Infertility of Cubs

Possible Positive Effects ;
    Lower Level Effects Plus ;
- Extremely Rare marking and Body Mutations appear


As many breeders in the world, I think you want to be sure that your cubs are born healthy!
This little calculator is gonna help you to see how much risk you have with each litter or parent pairing.
The higher the inbreeding, the higher your chance to produce unhealthy cubs.

Shedus has their own inbreeding calculator:


All you need to do is put in the IDs of the parents of the future cub.

However, if the shedu calculator does not work for you or you feel the results are off, you can re-check the results via this calculator that can be found on this site:

Don't bother with reading the information on the website linked above.
We have made our own guide to (hopefully) make it easier to understand ;

Step 1

The number of generations at the top, should be 4.

That is equal to the full pedigree from sire and dam. So no real search work is needed, except for maybe some 'unknown' names on older import sheets! (be sure to check those out as well!!) 

Step 2

Fill in all places. 

If you cat has unknown parents, DON'T fill that position, just leave it open. As each name that you write is gonna be taken into account. YET, on official cats, when you have an 'unknown' name, please check the official shedu pedigree to see if the cat isn't related to the first shedu cats (see below)

also, be sure then if a name appears more then once, that you write is EXACTLY the same!

So 'Bashira 36' and 'Bashira' are gonna be seen as two different cats!! So better copy paste a double name if you have any repeating ancestors!

TIP 1: 

For older cats, you can find the ancestors in this lineage.

And Yes, those names need to be added to, if you need them.  

TIP 2:

You don't need to add any ID number, EXCEPT you would have cats with the same name, but different idea.

For example, the name 'Sixtyfour' is used by 2 different cats. So in that case, you better add the ID number, so that the calculator sees that those are 2 different cats 

This an example of Bashira 36 her full pedigree, filled in in the calculator.

You can see that her parents are full siblings to each other, so big trouble, in fact.

Now, when we press 'continue' we get (tada) 25% inbreeding.
That is pretty high ... 

Step 3

To make a few things clear about the percentage.

- Everything that is below 4.49% is perfectly healthy.

- Inbreeding between  4,5% and 14,99% => 1th inbred level. You have change for some minor trouble. deafness, blindness, maybe some stat loss. These cubs can still perform like any other, but aren't maybe gonna be top class, except with hard training.

- Inbreeding between 15% and 24,99% => 2nd inbreeding level. You are gonna see some bigger trouble. Cats can have heart trouble, making they are unfit for sporting. Smaller litters and infertility can occur and some bigger stats loss. The cubs also aren't gonna be the smartest ...

- Inbreeding between 25% and 34,99% => 3rd inbreeding level. litter size is decreasing fast. the change for stillborn cubs is then becoming higher. More change for defects and big stat lost ... And you have change for some major physical problems.

- Inbreeding higher then 35% => 4rt inbreeding level. The worst you can get. if you have a cub alive, you are already lucky, but these are almost worth nothing for sport ... maybe even as a common house cat. Good for circus, as freak cat maybe?

Frequently Asked Questions


There is 4 generations required, yet on lineage of a cat there are only 3 generations. You need to click a lot of links, it can get messy.

How you go about that?


Everything is easier, then you think!

As you need to calculite % for upcoming litter, all you need to click only twice:

Use names of sire and dam and open their import sheet.

Lineages of sire and dam is all you need:

1 gen (sire + dam) + rest of 3 gens (= lineage of sire and dam)

It looks like THIS.


Serious, over 40% How can you ever reach that?


Not that difficult in fact. You breed one male and one female and then you keep breeding that male to his daughters ...

Or a son to his mother ... Like this.
(works the best with starter streetcat + fake papers  if you want to know)

The result is an inbreeding of 48,43%... poor cubs, I would say...


So how and when do we need to calculate inbreeding %?


You need to calculate it before breeding season for upcoming litter!

As all cubs from said litter will have equal % of inbreeding.

See breeding template line:
"Percentage of inbreeding for upcoming litter" 


So if I breed 2 cats together, who are both 0%, the cubs are also gonna be 0% inbred?


Eum, no  As dam and sire can still be related to eachother. It's not because the parents come from an inbreed free breeding, that when you pair them up they will give 0% cub.

Aka ; (0% + 0%) / 2 is NOT 0%!

You need to calculate the inbreeding for each litter, each time!! 


Ahh, sire and dam have a common ancestor, I can't breed them together!! *sob* *sob*


Relax ! First look how far they are related to each other 

Because a litter that is related trough it's parents or great-grandparents is a huge difference!

If you breed two sibling together you are gonna have much more risk then when you breed 2 cats together who only have 1 common great-grandfather ...

If that double name shows up in the 4th gen away from the litter, I wouldn't worry a lot. It's blood is already really diluted, so less effect.

Yet if they are related trough grand-parents, I would start to watch out. The distance really matter when it comes to inbreeding ^^ Each drop count, related AND unrelated!