Species Information Overview

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Shedu cats, also known as Elsevier cats were officially created by Orlando Elsevier in 1891 year. In that time shedu cats were just extremely big cheetah with height in withers - 100-129 cm. They became cats we know today only  in 1949, with first cat with height over 150cm, with the ability to carry a light weight jockey on his back. This was a male cat, named Spartak. He was the first cat to, not only carry the gene for extra growth, but pass it on to his offspring successfully and reliably each time. His blood is everywhere, even in Djibbs to some degree.

All cats by that time were very closely related to each other. To avoid severe inbreeding they were mixed back with cheetahs. This provided some fresh blood but crossed out a lot of the success in selection work. In that period (1970-1987) a lot of cats were sold and the species were getting over their hard times. During 70’s & 80`s several extraordinary cats were born, who provided the great fundamentals for further development of breed.  

In 1987 breed standards were refined, all sales were banned for a long time. Dangerous and unpredictable cats were evolving into incredible animals with good characters and great abilities. In 1992  the building of the first shedu racetrack has begun. Over several years problem cats turned into extremely expensive and desired “toys” of the richer people. It was very hard to get one of those cats, at least from an official breeder. Beneath all the shiny and rich surface there were few illegal traders, who were selling kittens from those long forgotten cats, who`s ancestors were sold in middle of the 70s. Maybe those cats were not premium class beasts, but they ran smoothly and fast enough for brutal underground races. 

Because of strict rules about keeping a shedu cat legally and lack of ability to take part in official races with unregistered cats, there is a really wide range of underground races - from mild country racing to extreme night street racing, often sponsored by mafia. 

The Below break downs are of all possible ranges for all shedus collectively, though specific ranges vary among different sub species.

Please see their individual pages for the actual ranges.

HEIGHT: 45 cm - 300 cm

WEIGHT: 20 kg - 1700 kg
- Each of the above vary greatly depending on the Sub-Species. Please see individual pages for specific information.

TYPES: Physical Traits

COAT COLOURS: Shedu Cat Coat Colors

PROLIFICACY: up to 8 with Medical Supplements

BREEDING LIMITS: Every cat must have their SPC or PBB or FP also known as breeding papers to be able to breed.

- Females can be bred only once breeding per breeding season. ( up to twice per season with medical supplements )*
- Males can have around 20 breeding seasons with an unlimited amount of breedings in each season itself.*
* Remember ; Restrictions vary among different sub-species. Please see individual pages for specific information.

INBREEDING: Is not forbidden, except with Arabian Shedu Cats.
- Though Different levels of inbreeding can bring up variety of health issues and mutations.
- Read more about inbreeding and its consequences here: INBREEDING



LIFESPAN: up to 85 years with proper veterinary care throughout the cat's life, though total expectancy varies by sub-species, and by each shedu itself.


Almost every sub-species can be cross bred with others.

Resulting cubs will be registered under one of the following groups, depending on their bloodlines and blood percentage: 

You may find all the information of interest, by clicking on the links above.

The Originals ; Cheetah-like, lean-built cats,  perfect for racing.

Military Favorite ; Mighty lion-like sabertooth cats, favored by survivalists.

The Vivid ; Lynx like brick house cats, perfect for halter shows and fighting.

The Orientals ; Modern Oriental styled cats, perfectly suited for endurance racing.

Military 'Secret' ; Ground rumbling tiger-like sabertooth cats, favored by operatives.

Kid's Best Friend ; Small, Loveable, Noodle cats who excel at swimming and loving you.

The Nightmares ; Massive bear-like cats who define what nightmares are made of.

Sister Species ; Honorable hyena-like cats, favored by ranchers and endurance racers.


Here you can clearly see which rule goes over which in regards of how your resulting cub will be classified.

Any pollution with Bayun blood would make your cat feloidea. 

Next in charge is Lynx rule.

Unpredictable outcome = it`s hard to tell which built cubs will inherit. In some cases breeding may result in dead cubs. It strongly depends on blood percentage and exact parents.

For example, if your feloidea cat is 50% or up of bayun blood vs classic shedu or komainu - it would be totally safe to breed to komainu cat, while if your feloidea has high % of djibb blood - it might become a risky breeding.

Same goes for panthera x lynx breedings. 


Each shedu born is given different classifications for their "Physical Traits" these range from their Physical body type, to their ears, tails and even height!

Some of these traits are specific to certain sub-species of Shedus, while most are universal to all. Read more about Physical Traits HERE!



If properly raised, a Shedu Cat can live on your property just like any other cat or dog. (Granted that the living space/yard/farm/property is well fenced). Just make sure there is always enough shelter, water, moving/exercise space and that your cat is well fed.

But, it is still a good thing to have a cage or small sanctuary for your Shedu - in case you’ll need to lock him up or keep secure and in one place for a while. (f.e. Vet visits, bad weather, scared guests, ect.)

Note that the cage must be large if the cat will have to spend more than a couple of hours in it. It should be no less than 6 x 10 x 3,5 m.

If, for whatever reason, you can’t allow your Shedu to roam your property freely, you must create a safe haven for him/her with proper living conditions, like enough room to walk around (and run, of course) along with a shelter where he/she can hide from the nasty weather or relax in the shade on a hot day.


5 months - 1 y.o. - Teach them basic manners.

1.5 - 2 y.o. - The first riding lessons + Getting used to its rider.

2. y.o. -  Physical Fertility reached + Junior Speed Test.

2 - 3 y.o. -  Racing Tests-Beginner races.

3 y.o.  - Minimum age for Breeding.

3 y.o. - 5 y.o. Primary - Short distance Races.

5 - 6 y.o. -  Fully grown cat!  Can take part in any Race/Event.

6 - 18 y.o. -  Prime Breeding or Racing age.

18 -23 y.o. - Golden age for Breeding; Increased risk & reward  (see Breeding Rules and Golden Litter information)

25 y.o. - Average Maximum Lifespan for Shedu Cats


(aka ‘’Every polite cat must know how to...’’)

It a is great idea for a cat to be trained to know the following ;

*To listen to voice commands, f.e. sit, lay, stop on command.

*To know where his ‘’bathroom’’ is and not use the whole house/ect. as his personal litter box.

*To know the walk/trot/canter transitions on voice command or the ‘’Command Stick’’ (a special kind of two sided short whip)

*To swim - which is a great skill and goal! Not the easiest to achieve. But always worth a try!


Before you start training and showing your cat, you might like to visit CENTRAL STORE and buy some of the vital equipment available there!

You definitely want / need to do that, if your cat is deaf or has low temperament points. In those cases you`ll need either a mandatory buzz collar or muzzle.

Now, when you and your cat are ready it is good idea to start their SHEDU FUNDAMENTAL TRAINING.


There are usually plenty of events, in which you can enter your shedu into shows, races or explore with Shedu Universe with them!

You can see them all on our Shedu Eventing page!

But the best idea for Classic and Arabian Shedu cats is to start their racing career with ;

IFS - International Federation of Shedu Racing 


Shedu Cats needs a lot of exercise and ‘’play time’’. Therefore they must be granted the time (and space) to roam, run and play. Plus hours of walking, exploring and training. It is very good for them to have the ability to run at full speeds freely, without a jockey on their backs. Your cat will be grateful for this.

Stimulation (time killers):

All cats loves toys. Shedu’s are no exception. Toys that are considered perfect for them may include:

*Giant balls, (that can stand the pressure of their claws and doesn’t puncture easily)

*Ponds with fish (great for cats who are fond of water and enjoy a fishy snack)

*Companions (some cats are really extremely friendly and will be happy to have a friend by its side! The perfect choice would be some kind of large dog breed. But some cats can even tolerate horses and large birds without trouble with trying to hunt or eat them. Yet it is always a risk to allow this. So be ever watchful!)


The average adult Shedu Cat needs around 10-15 kg of fresh meat daily. They can consume this amount of meat at one feeding session easily but it is much better for their health if you split the amount into small portions. 3 to 5 Feeding Sessions a day would be ideal!

Pork is bad choice. The best would be beef + deer/goat/sheep and/or wild hogs. Bird meat is also a fine choice but is considered a treat or extra along with their daily meals.

Like domestic cats, Shedu’s will love having some milk now and then as a luxury!

If for some reason you are against natural food ; Industries can offer you great variety of dry foods, produced specifically for Shedu Cats.
You can find those in the CENTRAL STORE.

In hot weather you can also give them ‘’ice cream’’ - frozen cubes of fish and meat!

There are some cats that also loves fruits and veggies plus who will be happy to share the dinner table and it’s contents with you! But this is bad for them.

Cats in training or those who are active racers may need various supplements like Vitamins, special Joint-Supplements, ect.


This depends mostly on the climate and weather conditions of the region, but every racing cat will need daily grooming, anyway. 

Strong and harsh brushes and combs are the best for grooming them. In hot climates it is best to shave your cat.

You don’t need to worry about bathing them too often, though, as like domestic cats, shedus clean themselves regularly and are usually very hygienic. So they won’t need frequent bathing!

Though it is smart to note that Shedus of other Sub species ( Like Asian Fenghuang and Asian Shugo's ) do require a lot more attention to their coats and shedus will soft and long manes need brushed out reguarly to avoid matting in manes and coats alike,


Though Basic Shedu Tack is fairly universal, different subspecies tend to have different designed tack suited specifically to work best with their body and movements.

For examples, we have linked Classic Shedu Tack below, as it is most 'universal' across all sub-species in general set up ;




The Walk

The walk is a four-beat gait that averages about 10-12 km per hour. When walking, a cat's legs follow the following sequence: left hind leg, left front leg, right hind leg, right front leg, in a regular 1-2-3-4 beat.

At the walk, the cat will always have one foot raised and the other three feet on the ground.

Ideally, the advancing rear paw oversteps the spot where the previously advancing front paw touched the ground. The more the rear paw oversteps, the smoother and more comfortable the walk becomes.

Walk is the king of all gaits. It is very important. And a lot of exercises requires walking, not trotting or cantering. All the obedience basics are taught on a walk. Each cat needs at least an hour of walking per day. (Under saddle or while being handled in hand - does not matter).

The Trot

In most cases it is not a very comfortable gait when riding a Shedu Cats. It has big amplitude, rarely being ‘’soft’’ or ‘’graceful’’ like when riding most horses. But a collected trot or a very fast one is another case!

The trot is a two-beat gait that has a wide variation in possible speeds, but averages about 20 km per hour. A very slow trot is sometimes referred to as a jog.

In this gait, the cat moves its legs in unison in diagonal pairs. From the standpoint of the balance of the cat, this is a very stable and firm gait. Yet Shedu Cats prefer to go to a canter, instead of increasing their trot speed. They must be well taught and trained to perform a collected trot as well as a very fast one.

The Canter

Very important gait for any Shedu Cat that is going to be a companion and not a racer.

Canter is similar to that of a horse, yet it can be much, much faster before it turns into a gallop (from 25 to 70-80 km per hour). The main and most important difference between the canter and the gallop - The Shedu Cat does not bend its spine as much when cantering as they do when galloping. So a canter is much more comfortable and ‘’controllable’’  gait for the rider.

The Gallop

This is the gait that the Racers are famous for, of course! It gives the cat its ability to run at maximum speeds of 100-312 km per hour. With a strong bend in its spine and such extreme speeds it`s almost impossible to stay on cats’ back without a proper saddle.


These 'Builts' are for the further 'conformation' of each sub-species.
These 'Builts' are most like those noted when looking at Horses, these further dictate the 'shape' of which the shedu appears. Though, this is 100% optional, and only fully recognized when Creating Your Own "Breed" of Shedu.

All cats, presented here are of slim built, but look how strongly they can differ!
[ example presented on a classic slim shedu body style ]