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Create Your Own "Breed" of Shedu

Shedu cats are not a breed. They are a species. 

And Shedu cats have their sub-species, 

such as Classic, Komainu, Asians, Baketoras, Arabians, Munchkins and sister-species - Djibb cats and Bayun cats.

Breeders can go further on and create their own breed of Shedu cats, mixing together preferred traits in a closed population, bred by said person.

Breeds must have good genofond and at least 4 families, that are not related between themselves (at visible lineage template - otherwordly - three generations back). They must have however special ancestors, those starters, who will be considered as first cats of the breed. (The cats who are official “starters” of project)

Breed Definition:

A population of cats, having same (particular) ancestors and united with specific passable traits.

What are the benefits?  

Well it's fun to have your own breed that is officially recognized.

The traits, that are key for the breed will have more consistent passing rate.
For example ; it is hard to breed a cat with curled tail, but if that is a trait of your breed, cats will have higher chances to pass on that feature.

Cats of member`s breed will go through different SPC test standard, conditions of which will be set by the creator of the breed.

Your breed will have own background template and in official shows can have even separate classes.

Creators of the breeds also will be able to create shows, that are open only to their breeds, if they want. 

Conditions :

What do you need to start your breed:

Your breed unique traits will come from three directions ;

1 : Lineage.
2 : Coat Colors and Phenotype
3 : Working Traits and Abilities

All three components must be at place for cat to be considered as individual of said breed.


To begin with, you need to get a solid foundation of suitable Shedus ;

Minimum 6 Cats
2 Males / 4 Females

Though the above is the minimum, its highly suggested by those who have gone through this system to instead acquire / breed a solid 10 "Starter" cats, of which the normal ratio is either 1:2 (males:females), but breeders have instead suggested using a 1:1 ratio to allow for better range in further generations to avoid actual inbreeding.

Requirements for said starters are ;

*Example ;  Your desired traits in breed are tan base, piebald, grey. It is ok if one starter is tan piebald and second is graying tan. But of course,  it`s better to have all wanted traits on each cat...

First Cats to be Registered : 

These cats are flesh and bones of your breed, so to say.

They will be your first registered cats of your breed.

You need to present at least 15 cats (Starters are not included in this number!) 


It is very important! When you establish the starter base, you breed within lines and do not introduce new cats with other ancestry!

So, list of presented cats must be next:

1 sire and two dams of  I line
1 sire and two dams of  II line
1 sire and two dams of  III line
1 sire and two dams of  IV line
1 sire and two dams of  V line

  All these lines must NOT be related among each other for 3 generations back (otherwordly - not related in frames of visible lineage template)

 But all of cats must lead their lines from those starter sires and dams!

 If you will create more families they can be somewhat related to other families. It is up to you to keep track of/avoid strong inbreeding.

To register your breed and it`s first cats you need to have :

At least 2 Sire Starters and 4 Queen Starters ( The more - the better for breed and it`s genetic pool diversity )

At least 5 families of First Cats ( family consists of 1 sire and at least 2 queens)

So, you need to present with your project at least ;
15 first cats + 6 starter cats = 21 cats minimum

DOs and DON`Ts

Try to avoid inbreeding at all costs. Your breed - is a small population. The lesser the level of inbreeding among the cats - the better.

The ban on families being related gets raised if you manage to present more, than 6 starters and 5 families.

It means that 5 families still should not be related among each other. But they can be mildly related to the "extra" families (on top of 5 basic families) 


Step 1:

Before you even start to breed your cats, you`ll need to fill out a Breedsheet template.
You can access a Blank Breedsheet Template Here.

Step 2:

Please, send note to the group with filled Breed standard linked.
Title note ; " Breed Standard Approval"
It must be approved by group on the level of "idea" or "lose-concept" so additional your efforts won't end up as a waste of time.

Step 3:

Go to this LOG, create a comment there, that contains next information "NAME OF THE BREED by (your DA name)"

Under own comment, link a link to your note, that you've sent to the group. This way you and admin will be able to keep track of breed's development.

This Log will be your breed development LOG. You can post your WIP  breed standard there, if you wish. Otherwise this info will stay private hidden in group notes even with link to the note present in the log - only admin and you will be able to access the notes.

The approved project can be adjusted here and there in process of creating a real living base of cats for that. As sometimes it is easier to say than to really achieve!

Then, when you`ll get all your starters and first cats (good idea to keep their designs in PSD still ; ) ) send all the approved info + stash with starter cats listed + stash with first cats of the breed as a response to the string of notes you already have with the group considering your breed.

Then your info will be approved, cats registered and your breed will take it`s place in member`s breeds list here:


Frequently Asked Questions


What if someone starts a very similar project to mine?!


Breed definition:
A population of cats, having same (particular) ancestors and united with specific passable traits.

Even if someone will start project with same goals, as yours, lineage of cats will be different. Therefore breeds can`t be considered identical. 


May I put starters on my new breed Background?


No. But you can put a small badge similar to cattery logo, saying that this cat is part of your breed project.


And my first cats of the breed. They will stay on normal line BG?


You can leave them like that, yes, with badge or just change their BG through Design Adjustment procedure, after cats will be registered as part of your new breed.