Komainu Shedu Cats

Their characteristic personality is more like a dog. Loyal and easy trainability to execute a variety of task from carrying a person or heavy loads on their backs to protecting their masters to even attacking an enemy. 

They usually form a very strong bond with their humans or even a whole group of humans and often they will suffer if they are separated from them. Bred to be loyal partners in combat situations, they are very good for trail riding, endurance, agility and any other discipline that does not involve crazy speed, such as racing. Shedus make for great refinement in the Komainu. If you breed a light built cat to them, you get a heavy built shedu.

Komainu Shedu cats were the results of a scientific project to "resurrect" the the Saber-tooth Cat as part of a recreational study. It started in one of the private ecological parks at the Chinese border. Though, military forces got into the project and it quickly turned into another secret military program. 

It was called, *Beasts of Gevaudan project. Instead of using the typical lionesses or tigresses, they used heavy built Shedu cats as surrogate mothers to bear the genetically altered embryos of the saber-toothed cats. The program was shortly banned after the first results came to life. 

As this project was running to its end of the contract with the Elseveriers, they were able to claim their rights to the resulting cubs. So they received cat #0.04.11 and #0.11.11. Soon after they managed to capture cat 0.11.10, but the young male by that time managed to get famous. Local people believed that there was some kind of terrible creature living near their homes, soon after another surprise grabbed villagers. 

This terrible breast found his companion in the face of a buddist monk. That huge cat like creature was not aggressive to people and was following "his" monk around like a loyal dog. People called that creature Komainu. Eventually, that name stuck to all the of those huge cats...

These cats can be ridden, but speed is not a strong point in comparison to their Shedu cousins. They are extremely strong animals, capable of carrying the heavy loads through uneven terrain. 

HEIGHT: 45 cm - 300 cm ( desired ; 190-230 cm )

WEIGHT: 35 kg - 2100 kg( desired ; 700-1300 kg )

TYPES: Pure Female / Pure Male* / 75% Komainu x Classic / 50% Komainu x Classic / 25% Komainu x Classic / Baketora x Classic ; Physical Traits.

* See Pure Male Body Types below! 

COAT COLOURS: Shedu cat coat colors

MAX SPEED: registered record - 100 km/h
DIET: Carnivore
CHARACTER: Varies between cats. Desired one is calm, friendly and obedient.

PROLIFICACY: 1 cub ( up to 2 with medical supplements )
( rarely a third, always deformed or stillborn )

BREEDING LIMITS: Every cat must have their SPC or PBB or FP also known as breeding papers to be able to breed.

- Females start with 3 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Females can be bred only once per breeding season. ( up to twice per season with medical supplements )

- Males start with 5 breeding slots. More may be achieved through AP or as prizes in different competitions.
- Males may be bred several times during one breeding season.

INBREEDING: Is not forbidden.
- Though Different levels of inbreeding can bring up variety of health issues and mutations.
- Read more about inbreeding and its consequences here: INBREEDING



COMMON LIFESPAN: 20-60 years

ORIGIN: Bred in captivity by humans with help of genetic engineering 

MAIN USE: Military service, endurance races, surviving tests.


- All, that are ok for heavy or warmblood horses.

- Multi-purpose. Guarding, Search and Rescue. Also, can be used as mount or burden animal.


Information on Komainu Tack coming soon...

Pure Male Body Types

Pure Male Komainu share one of 8 unique body styles: 


*Line has since been updated. See Linearts for more info