The Haythem Line

Haythem was selected to be the start of his own lineage due in part to his exceptional physical confirmation, but even more so for his incredible temperament. His descendants have proven to be far more easy-going and more friendly than other Shedus with large amounts of Komainu Blood.

Haythem and his descendants have harnessed these traits to excel in dressage and Haute Ecole events. These strengths are balanced with relative shortcomings in strength and speed, being outpaced by other Komainus in events focused on being strong or quick.

Haythem himself walks with an air of nobility, notably more so than his Komainu peers. Haythem’s sense of nobility and grace has continued in his line, as each descendant is expected to live up to Haythem’s example.

Haythem considers himself the rightful king to all he sees. He's confident, self-assured, and suffers from a massive ego. This Komainu will treat humans as if they were cubs that need to be humored, and is quick to remind them if they over step their bounds. In performing, he is incredibly task-focused and will perform whatever he thinks needs to be done to the absolute best of his ability. Unfortunately, he does NOT take losing well, and is prone to moping or sulking about for days if he does not win at any sort of competition. 

Base Information

Valued for their conformation and temperament, Haythem lined Komainus are known for their soft, but courageous  personalities and unwavering devotion to their handlers. Though, like all Komainus this line suffers from very few female cubs being born, through the help of science, this line's female population is thriving.

Females of this line population are highly valued as their present better than average skills when it comes to raising their cubs, as well as their willingness, unlike some shedu bloodlines, to allow their handlers and caretakes near their cubs.

Further ; Several females of this lineage have been known to even accept full caretaker assistance during the birthing process.

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+3 Conformation, +2 Temperament

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Sporting Dark coats with flashy white or silver stripes, making prized members of this line stand out as a class of their own.
- Members of this line have been known to do very well in Dressage and Haute Ecole Events.

Haythem Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :