In this section we'll be introducing you to the BANK and BREEDING systems of Shedu cats! These are fun, optional sections of Shedus and hopefully this introduction will make things easy to understand. But don't worry if you still have questions - you can always give the group a poke and ask some questions!

Rockport Bank

The shedu bank is where all your Rockport Dollars (RDs) and items get stored. This is not an automatic system. You will need to post in the correct logs to have your Shedu goodies deposited, purchased or used but have no fear! All the logs are straight-forward and easy to find!

Getting a Bank Account

To open your bank account you need to have earned at least 1 item, an RDs deposit or prizes to put into the bank. Then post in whichever log is appropriate to your needs ( Prize Deposits or Explore deposits are usually your first banking stops! ) and an account will be made for you!

Wait, I don't get an account if I have no items?

Nope. To save room in the bank if you have no RDs or items you don't have a bank account in the records!

The Admins sweep through the bank once every 'season' (three months) and deletes any in-active / empty accounts at that time.

What if I change my account / account name?

You'll need to inform us of account/ name changes! Simply note RDs-Manager with any such changes. Otherwise if your name doesn't match the name in the bank your requests will be denied.

How do the logs work?

They're pretty simple and straight forward, but basically you open the page for the log you need and comment! Be aware that logs have limits on how much can be requested per comment!

Breeding Your Shedu

So you've looked into everything else and now you want to get straight to the breeding aspects of Shedus? You've come to the right place! Breeding's pretty easy once you know how it works. There's just a few things to know right away!

Breeding Forms

To breed your shedu, you first must fill out the breeding form. The breeding form can be found here: BREEDING REQUEST TEMPLATE. Once this is filled out with both parents information, it is to be posted in reply to the female's 'Breeding' comment in her log on her import.

This form may be posted to the female's import at ANY TIME, before or during a season.  Just make sure that, if you plan to apply items, it is posted with time to spare for items to be applied. 

Always remember to check that both parents have PB, FP, or SPC badges before posting forms to their breeding logs!

Breeding Season Rules

There are Five (5) breeding seasons in the SheduCats group throughout the year, they are as follows ;

APRIL ; “Free” Season ( Fab-Feb Specialty Items Allowed )

JUNE - “Free” Season ( Rotating ; Special Species season )

AUGUST"Exclusive" Season

OCTOBER - "Free" Season ( Special Season for All Species )

DECEMBER"Exclusive" Season

What are "Free" and "Exclusive" seasons!?

"Free" Breeding Seasons ;

Free seasons have a total of 15 breedings per player.
These slots are divided as follows ;

"Exclusive" breeding seasons ;

Open only for Breedings done with Breeding Licenses.

Exclusive seasons have a total of 10 breedings per player.

These slots are divided as follows ;

If a player doesn't own any Breeding licenses during Exclusive seasons a player can use a Breeding Picture in place of the license. This option is only available during an Exclusive season!

* Split Breedings are those of which have been posted by another player, but of which are split in any way shape or form with yourself.

- Further ; This does NOT include Breedings of which you are posting, and the other person is added into the comments.

Breeding Slots

Every shedu has a limited number of breeding slots available to them. Some species, such as Komainu and Baketora, have what's called 'Restricted Slots' which means they have very limited numbers of slots and more have to be unlocked. Other species, such as Djibbs, Classics & Asians are only limited by the age of the cats and how many total slots they've used.

How do I know if my cat has limited slots?

By looking at our Species Information Overview, you can find each Sub-species page. Each page lists the basic information for your sub-species including how many breeding slots they have and if there are restrictions or not!

You can also check your cat's import image. Shedu's with restricted or limited breeding slots will have their slots marked out numbered 1 - # depending on their subspecies, by the SheduMaster account in their breeding log

AP Bonuses For ;

Baketora, Bayun and Komainu Shedu Cats

50 AP Milestone

1 additional slot to males & females

100 AP Milestone

1 additional slot to males and females

150 AP Milestone

1 additional slot to males and females


2000 AP Milestone

 10 additional slots for males \ 12 additional slots to females

(For munchkins - 12 additional slots no matter the gender)

Breeding Age and Golden Litters

Shedus must be 3 years of age in order to breed. 

Shedus 'age' up when they are bred, and also when they participate in a Racing Career (see OERS Racing).

 Shedus can easily live up to 25 years (some more, some less than that), each breeding takes away one year of cat`s life. So, the average female can have around 22 breedings. Sub-species with limited Slots follow their own rules for number of breedings, as listed above.

However, with Age, breeding risks grow;

Golden Litter Rolls

When your cat is between the age of 18 years and 23 years, it will be eligible for the Gold litter Roll. This is a special RNG roll that can give all of cubs in that lucky litter:  

In other words, these 5 years from 18 to 23 years - are the golden age for breeding.

Gold Litter Roll is applied both to Males and Females! 

Only ONE parent needs to qualify for a Gold Litter Roll to be applied.

In order to fit under the conditions of gold litter roll your cat must be aged only through IFS or other calendar competitions or through breedings.

You are still able to age your cat for story purposes as you`d like, but that will not make it legit for the gold litter roll.

New Players 'Do Not

An important thing to know about Shedu breeding is there is such a thing as deceased cubs in litters. There are three major ways to end up with deceased cubs and these are things you should avoid especially as a new breeder!


Black Personality Disorder

This is tied to black shedus ( ee/aa/tt ). BPD can kill your cubs so don't breed black x black shedus! You'll want to breed what's called a 'coinflipper' instead. This is a brown or tan cat that has single-copy genes for Brown and Tan and can produce black!

Example Coinflipper: ee/Aa/T

See how the Brown (A) and the Tan (T) are one Big and one Little letter? That's a coinflipper! This has the chance of breeding black cubs when paired with other coinflippers or black cats and negates the risks of BPD issues in your litter. 

Double Silky Syndrome

Similarly to BPD; you don't want to breed silky x silky. This causes deceased cubs in your litters as well and its never fun to get deceased cubs. 


Inbreeding of first level (4.5%) or higher can cause health defects, stat debuffs, or even cause cubs to be stillborn. Its always important to do your research on inbreeding to decide whether or not you want to take the risk, and always double check inbreeding in your pairs to prevent any unwanted surprise outcomes!

How to Submit your Breeding!

Once your breeding form is filled out under the female's breeding comment on her import, and you have applied items (if you wished to apply items), it is time to submit the breeding to the current season's log.

Remember, once a breeding is submitted to the season log, it is finalized. 

The season log can be found here: Link

This means it is always best to recheck your breeding forms before you submit to the log!