STEP TWO.B: Your First Shedu!

Ah-hah! So you want that sweet, sweet kitty first! No worries, we’ll go back to the Handler soon enough. 

Through the Shedu Novice Diploma!

Completing the SND gives you access to a collection of already designed & uploaded Shedu Cats. 

This means you can go straight into playing the game. You don’t have to wait like with the other steps.

If you want to play IMMEDIATELY why not back track to > C H A R A C T E R <  and follow those steps?

> Newbie Custom Import! <

Buying from Community!

Just don't rely on these options for 'freebie' cats! 

So… What’s a STREETBRED and what’s an OFFICIAL Cat!? 

* if you apply Fake Papers your Streetbred can be treated as official. All their cubs will be born with "Official: pedigrees. If your Streetie was ‘Unknown Lineage’ before they’ll be assigned a random bloodline and if said cat is a male, all of his offspring too will carry this lineage.

You have a GENO - Now what!?

Well, now it's time to design that kitty! 

You have a CAT - Now what!?

So you have an uploaded cat? Good! Now you can decide if you want to BREED this cat or if you want to pursue a story!

If you want to BREED the cat please move to > Step Four; How to play <
If you want to do group hosted activities such as Bi-Weekly Street Races and The International Federation of Shedus Training then follow Step Four as well! 

If you want to pursue a story, all you have to do is start drawing and writing about your characters! Ultimately you don't have to do anything you don't want to. But there are some fun things you can do with your cat such as...

Art Point System - The Sheduverse XP System
all about earning that sweet, sweet AP & how it affects your STATS

what are they, where do we get them and how many can a cat have!?

Items & Companions - Equipment!?
That's right! Equipment for your shedu cats!