Monthly Theme

BONUS FOR ALL PUREBRED CLASSIC SHEDUS. (More than 87,5% of classic shedu cats blood)

Found this badge on main page of SheduCats  group?

Great, that means that it is time to draw your classic shedu cats! These cats will get additional AP bonus during the time, while badge is on the main page sidebar.

Submit your art into the LOG in comments to make sure your art will be legit for AP bonus! 

Lit: Star Wars Bi-Weekly Race

Captain Grey Hawk stared out over the megalithic towers of Coruscant. The city-planet’s urban sprawl stretched in all directions, vanishing with the horizon. Here at the edge of one of the lesser (and less well-policed) spaceports you could see for klicks on a clear night like tonight. The landing zones were one of the few areas open enough to enjoy the view from the ground.

Read more HERE! 

The Charts

Ready to Nominate yours or your favorites?

Head over to our Nominations page for more information!





Moby AC-32818

Hattie Holm


Abyss Watcher RC-19865


[ JANUARY 10, 2024 ]

Hello, shedu fam. We have many important updates and general news for you.


This means that most of the group logs and activities will stay dormant for some time (time of winter holidays varies among departments).
Here is the schedule and the changes that come with them:

Design checks - Active.
THE CHANGE: Bi-Weekly checks with 10 design limit (instead of normal 5 design limit).
Yes, that mean that through the months of January and February you can submit 10 designs at once, not 5. This change is temporary. We will inform you when the limit will go back to normal. Expect it to revert to normal schedule by March.
Uploads: Active

Hack & Slash Log; closed for January, reopen in second half of February.

Lineart requests log: Open



SND & SFT: Open 







Now the member-hosted shows thjat are approved and sponsored by shedu group are equal in all AP bonuses with Official Group Shows.
You can read more about it here: Getting your show sponsored by the group

IMPORTANT: This change is NOT retro-active. These changes are applied only to the shows that are getting sponsored starting 2024 and on.


IMPORTANT! This is upcoming update that will be implemented when BANK will open again.

The items gained in any group (or group-sponsored) activities now can be applied directly to the cat/show entry/breeding without the need to put the items in the bank first (via deposit LOGs). You still can put them into the bank if you want to. But it is not necessary now.
However! If you opt not to put the items into the bank, it's up to you to keep track of the items and their proof of owning/gaining them. While the Group Team does not delete LOGs or Group journals, we can not ensure that such comments will stay intact for prolonged period of time (due to Devianart ongoing changes etc). So it is not afviced to keep your items out of the bank unless you have places you want them to be applied to in a timely manner.
Also, to make the load during Breeding Season easier for the Banking Team there will be added a new LOG - Event deposit LOG.
This log will be there for you to deposit all the won events that you want to see in your bank but have no urgency in them. This LOG will be proceeded only after the event will come to an end (relevant for 7DOS/Advent-type events etc).


Many changes have occurred with how we post breeding's, as well as working out the bugs of a new roller system including the Generated Cub Templates. We are keeping track of how this new system works and looking at areas where any issues may occur. 

We have noticed an issue with the size of the cub templates and how quickly the dam logs are being cluttered, as well as confusion on where to list ownerships and items used. 

After looking into this issue we have come up with a solution that will allow us to keep the dams logs less cluttered while still providing you with the extended info of the Generated Cub templates. 

This new system will be tested out in the upcoming 2024 breeding seasons. 

The Dams log breeding request will have just the cub summary comment and items replied to it, and ALL Generated Cub Templates will be posted as replies to the requests in the BREEDING SEASON LOG. 

All ownership and item applications will be done as a reply to the cub summary comment on the Dams log. 

The Generated Cub Templates will be available from the breeding season log for Copying to the Designed cat’s Stash.

Important: For the first season of this method, we will be including links to your comments on the Breeding Season LOG in the summary comment. However, this will only be for this first season, after that you as members will need to keep track of those links.

We hope that this method will keep things less cluttered and confusing moving forward.

We have included a visual TEST EXAMPLE here for you:

TEST: Dam Comment
TEST: Breeding Season LOG Comment


This is not an actual update. Clarification on already existing limits/regulations. Extra info is already reflected on the  relevant pages of the shedu site.

While the Shedu group does allow anthro characters in some settings, keep in mind that in the Sheduverse, anthros do not exist. As such, there are activities where your handler can be depicted as an Anthro, and activities where your handler must be human.
We have received requests to make clearer which activities can and cannot have anthro characters.

We have added the following to the “STEP TWO.A: What is a Character!?” page:
Yes, you can bring in an existing character to the group!
*Characters depicted in non-human (anthro) form do have certain restrictions. please see handler Creation for details on when a character can be anthro and when they must be human.

We have updated to the “Handler Creation” Page the following clarifications:
Human or anthropomorphic creature. (Furries and werewolves are accepted. See FAQ section below for further clarification and where they can be used.)
We know that people use shedus in their own universes  and within own worlds, so thats why anthros are allowed.

You can use Anthro's in non-competitive activities of the shedu group that do not take place in cannon locations. 

For Example: SND/Elsevier/Mezza facility settings/cannon location explorations(including Africa/Gatos)/etc do require human handlers

For Example: free explorations, story art,  themed/seasonal explorations, monthly themes and most of the monthly prompts, bi-weekly RNG races may have anthro handlers.

We hope that this will help clear up where you can use anthro and where you need to use human handlers. 


There was some confusion over the different types of SND items  and conflicting info. To keep it very simple, the SND (item) will give a member's handler the following:
SND + Trait + RDs payment from the same cat the Trait is from.

SND (item) does not reward an SND cat, as that is strictly an extra option for those who do the Art/lit option of the SND process.

Banking should receive an updated template posted for applying the SND (item):


Archievements Log: 

Traits Log: Link

Fostered Cat: 


RDs Amount


Trait Awarded


All pre-ordered Ferals will be rolled within January.
We expect to give out ferals and imports purchased in the sale within January-February time frame.



[ September 23, 2023 ]

Hello, shedu fam. We have a few swift updates for you that are important for upcoming season.


It is a test run, so this info can be found only here for now. The Breeding Season LOG will have it too when it will be opened. If everything will go smooth and dandy, this shortened template will be a permanent thing.

The fill in your cat’s info form is a thing for old cats only (that were bred/uploaded before the August of 2023. And were not used in breedings during 2023 (when the actual current database became a thing).
The Database Tool can be found here:
The Database template to fill (if your cat is not in the database, most of its info is missing)





Age of Sire:

Age of Dam:

Sire Breeding Approval:

Dam Breeding Approval:

Sire in Database? Yes/No

Dam in Database? Yes/No

If parents info is not full or completely missing from the database, please, create an own copy of this form, fill it and link with your breeding form.

I have Checked BOTH Parents of this Breeding using the Database Tool and...    

All information is correct, no changes are needed.


The following errors were found and need updated: "


If breeding within an Officially Registered Breed of Shedu, please include:

Sire & Dam Breed:

Breed Traits:


The health issues update:
Health issues and their overall conditions were posted on Shedu Site for a while. Though it seems that many people perceived them as only relevant for ferals (which is not true and it never was stated as having this type of connection/correlati

With a very varied reaction to the health issues rolling (as a fact, not to the HOW OFTEN those were rolling, that was indeed a very much non-intended result) a decision was made to change not only the % of the chances, but the conditions at which the certain health issues can happen.

With that being said, the health conditions will stay a thing that can happen randomly (if certain conditions are met). And there will not be a 100% way to avoid them.

Also, all the information that is presented here is relevant only for the random health issues. Meaning this info is legit for cats with healthy parents, non-inbred cubs etc.

For shedu cats of species with no restricted slots and with standard litters:
Health issues will roll only starting from 4th cub and on. So the first 3 cubs will always be safe from random health issues.

For shedus with restricted slots and small litters: the first cub will always be safe from random health issues.

This is true both for negative AND positive conditions.

The actual chances for health issues to pop up:
Lowest (and common) 1 out of 1000 (rolled per cub)
Highest (rare) 5 out of 1000 (rolled per cub)

Special - 15 out of 100 for shark mouth for djibbs.

Things you WILL NOT get randomly on a healthy bred cub:

Spinal issues
Small litter numbers
Full loss of the litter
Pulmonary Hemorrhage
Cerebellar Hypoplasia

Overgrown Muscles

Things that are not rolled at random, unless special conditions are met:

*Heart issues: - (exceptions: Classic cats 75%+ and Arabians)
Reduction in height (exceptions - runts of the litter)
Poor fur growth (exceptions - curly coat cats and sphynxes)

*Weak eyesight (exceptions: cats with either: WW/,CrCr/,ChCh/,PrlPrl or combo of nCh+nCr, nPrl+nCh, nCr+nPrl, nApp. (aka double dilutes, appies and dom white cats) with even higher risk for AppApp, Albinos and Leucistic cats)
*Tender skin (exceptions: cats with either: WW/,CrCr/,ChCh/,PrlPrl or combo of nCh+nCr, nPrl+nCh, nCr+nPrl, nApp. (aka double dilutes, appies and dom white cats) , AppApp, Albinos and Leucistic cats)

*Allergies ( (exceptions: cats with either: WW/,CrCr/,ChCh/,PrlPrl or combo of nCh+nCr, nPrl+nCh, nCr+nPrl, nApp. (aka double dilutes, appies and dom white cats) , AppApp, Albinos and Leucistic cats + Curly coat and Sphynx cats)

*Weak joints (exceptions: Asians over 175 cm, Djibbs over 170 cm, Jotuns over 200 cm, Classic cats over 190 cm, Komainu over 230 cm, Kom x Classics over 220 cm, Kom-Bake - 0ver 230 cm, Bake - over 230 cm, Bayuns over 230 cm, Arabians over 200 cm)

*Shark Mouth (exceptions - Djibbs and jotuns )

Enlarged heart: - Classics 75+, Tiangous 75+
Lanky build - only if cub is a runt of the litter

Things that can happen randomly at any time/litter:
Extra risk for stillborn cubs
Partial Blindness

Partial Deafness



Low fertility
Iron lungs

Joints of steel

Hard Rock bones

Soft gaits

Ermine fur

All conditions beneath are considered minor and are easily mitigated with cheap (RDs-buyable) in-game items (or actions):

*Heart issues:
- This conditions put your cat into higher risk category at races and high energy sports. Mitigated with - avoiding critical fatigue build up, special foods.
*Weak eyesight - Higher risk of falls or knock offs in active sports with obstacles, does not lead to full blindness, allows you to depict your cat a little eye-crossed.
*Tender skin - deducts points at many shows/competitions in certain conditions, mitigated with protective suits and/or sunprotection lotions
*Allergies - deducts points from final score in conformation shows, mitigated with special foods.
*Weak joints - higher RNG risk of injuries during shows, mitigated with joint supplements
*Shark Mouth (exceptions - Djibbs and jotuns ) - deducts points in different shows, including halter, mitigates via healing prompt entry.

[ August 25, 2023 ]

Hello, shedu fam!
There are a few news for you. Most of them are technical, but all of them are herolds of something awesome to come. ; )


Due to old rules on first companions being applied to the cat that found them, we are opening up a Special LOG for members to remove such companions and return them to their bank.

This option is ONLY available for companions applied to a cat 2020 and prior.

This option will be available from NOW until OCTOBER 30/2023 (+24h grace period) 


These changes are technical and are necessary for us to bring you some new features that do  involve stats in some aspects.

Total cap extended from 150 points to 200 points (per stat)

One time rise of the cap. 

Change in how line and familia stat bonuses work.
Line bonus points affect all cubs, no matter the gender

Familia bonus points affect all cubs, no matter the gender (before the familia bonuses affected only female offspring)

Each stat has a 3 point ultimate cap for line/familia bonuses. (For example: if a sire has a bonus +3 spe and dam (through familia) has a bonus of + 3 spe, cubs will get only 3 bonus points for speed. if a sire has a bonus +2 spe and dam (through familia) has a bonus of + 2 spe, cubs will get only 3 bonus points for speed. 2 from sire and 1 from dam. 1 extra point will not pass as it goes over the total cap for a single stat.

Cats that reached 100 points in every stat bonus:

Cat that reaches 100 points at all stats if bred to another cat with all 100 stats or higher - gets a chance at passing down its own traits to offspring.
Each cub can inherit ONLY ONE trait at a time. Not more. Which trait the cub will inherit is decided by random. Every trait that the parents have can be passed down.

Special status and reward for cats that reach 150 points at all stats:
Cooking soon.

200 points at every stat
The list of benefits is not full:
Each 50 AP will give an extra breeding slot (on top of overall cap of 30 slots)*
*ATM amount of extra slots are capped at 100

Each 1 stat point = 1 experience point. Experience points used in shows increase the better odds against RNG rolls. (Both shows and explorations)


We were not sure till the very end if we will be able to bring you neat updates to the cub-baking process this season, but we are!
So the format in which cubs will be given out will be changed.
Each cub will come with its full registration template filled for you ( aside from design permissions, owner and name). So you can forget about tediously filling out all the infos, yay!
As each cub will be posted as  it’s own separate comment, the cub transfers and feb item applications will become easier too.
The names are coming back to the lineages!
The dark time with IDs only are over ; )

Wild Card is not that wild anymore.
The wild card will stop raining random albinos and mels at your precious cubs (and other very random things). At least with such eagerness. The chances to get more desirable genes that are actually present in parents should be way higher now (like in OG days). That does not mean there won’t be any wild things, though! They will be just a bit more tame and logical.
And now you will be able to actually see what the wild card did to your cubs!

And with that being said keep an eye out for anything weird. Reborn roller might try to throw some bugs at all of us.


The halt will be over soon (on 1st of october) for monthly themes and monthly prompts.
The nominations will be further halted till the end of the year. But don’t be upset. They will be coming back better than they were :3


Loved the last batch of ferals and can’t help but want more?
Check these out!


Hello Everyone!

We have a few updates  and news for you!
First of all, new design check LOGS are now officially open. You can find those on our site or on the main group page.

Special Design Event is open!

We've updated Group Rules (Affix basic rules):

The suggested minimal price for any shedu import is $7 or 700 DA pts or 70 000 RDs.


The requirements for Handlers received a FAQ section update with information about anthropomorphic characters acceptance.


And the last but not the least:
Due to summer delays with RTU,
The Arabian Stat Increase is moved to December of 2023, instead of February 2023!


[ June 06, 2022 ]

Hello Everyone!

The Bi Weekly Race, Monthly Nominations, Themes and Prompts have been updated! We wish you all luck and happy arting!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From the AP team - We are happy to announce the new AP GUIDES are now officially up and running!


The Literature AP Guide | The Visual Art Guide | The Physical Arts Guide

2K AP Achievement | The AP Prep / Submission Guide

We have also taken the time to wip up a NEW AP Calculator that is MOBILE FRIENDLY and should be a bit easier for everyone to use. Remember to make yourself a copy, and to accept the reset button's scripts! They are non-harmful and simply re-set the data for you! So dismiss the warnings and have fun with the Calc!
If you have any questions regarding the use of the Calculator, feel free to ask in the #AP-Help !

Along with these updates, we will now be hosting 'Shedu Crash Course Classes' periodically throughout the year in our Discord Channels set specifically for these classes! The First Class will be hosted from 6/7 - 6/10 by DaxDaxWolfy and will revolve around AP counting and submitting. She will also be around to help players learn how to use Google Sheets for their Counting, as well as around to help sort out individual counts of images. When she is 'Online' - Green - Status, and in the Assigned Discord chat, she will be available to answer questions.
We will also have a channel for voting on the next class, as well as a suggestions box for classes! (please Note, IFS Classes are planned upon its re-opening. -- Apologies from Dax, its a big make over!

Please ALWAYS Include Names & ID's + links to the Shedu of which you have Drawn / Written
about and their Applicable Handler/s in EVERY submission!
[ Example ; IMAGEAbyss Watcher 19865 + Handler : Jaz (as Ewok) ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From the Website Team - We are happy to say the new Lines and their Backgrounds, Line Pages, Requirements and other minor updates have been made and will keep being made as they roll in. This too means the new lineages are applicable for the up-coming Breeding season, for any of those wishing to breed their new lines this season!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From the Banking and Breeding Teams -

REMINDER: Only a MAX of 5 DIFFERENT Redeem Comments may be maybe within a Single BANKING Comment!

!! No more than 5 admin proofs per comment
!! No more than 5 application comments per player in the log.
Do NOT add more comments until your 5 have been cleared.

June season will open on time and, as mentioned before, this ONE year will allow Fab Feb Items as well! Remember - Those Trying for Arabian PLAN Breedings - ALWAYS specify the Plan you are attempting!

- AP and Bank will close on the 19th of June (+ 24 hr Grace Period). All Bank and AP submissions before that date will be applicable for the season. ( Notice : Bank may take 1-2 days after to be processed. And Ap may take several additional days dependent on amount of submissions in the last days )

REMEMBER If you are submitting a breeding to the request log PRIOR to the parents having their AP counts processed, PLEASE make a note of it!

Love from the Team <3

[ May 21, 2022 ]


You might already noticed, that now ear tufts, cheek tufts and double sabers have been turned into legit traits with their own body codes.
A few things we need to clear from the start:
Ear tufts and cheek tufts (fox or standard) are semi-optional traits. Meaning if parents have them, cub may have them  if the owner of the cub pleases so. These traits can also pop up randomly in the  breedings. If your cub got that trait by random, it can not be ignored or removed.

Double-sabers  are treated as any other type of sabers and will be present with cub's info. It is a trait that can either be inherited  or can pop up as a random trait in a breeding. Owners have no control over this trait's expression.

Old cats:
Old imports that have double sabers and clear cheek tufts should have their info updated accordingly. If you are unsure about traits, feel free to ask in #needhelp section of SheduCats Discord server or  note the group with your questions.
Old imports in most cases  have no  ear tuft trait, no matter the lineart. Their tufted ears have separate look that was not released to the public just yet. 

How to list new traits on the import sheet properly:
Ears: Classic, tufts
Face: Standard, cheek tufts
Sabers: Double sabers


You might have noticed that cubs are being rolled with “Body codes” these codes do not have a spot on the import template, this is intended.
It is an Optional thing that you the member may add as a Reply to the LOG comment on your cat after it has been uploaded.
This also means that you can use the wonderful Body code Generator to make and add body codes to all of your older cats as well, without the need to wait for an admin to update a cat's import info!

Purple eyes are being updated to either Violet or Lilac as cats move through the RTU/Breeding LOGs.
Please read the Shedu Eye Colours Guide section on how to handle purple eyes when designing cubs.

Please do not assign your own color of purple if the Parent(s) do not have Violet or Lilac listed! As we’ve had to correct a few mislabeled cubs.

We have some VERY IMPORTANT NEWS regarding the Upload of cats, so please read this thoroughly to prevent any delays with your cat(s) upload!

The Latest batch of Uploads (RTU’s) has been completed. If your cat was not uploaded, please check the stash comments of the cat(s) to see if there are any comments there to explain why.
If there is no comment, please inquire in the #needhelp section of our Discord server (or note the group if for some reason you are unable to join us in discord) and we will look into where your cat(s) may be hiding!

Additionally We’d like to encourage everyone to check the stash comments even if their cats have been uploaded as some cats had additional notes/reminders commented. DeviantArt still does not notify if comments are made to stash, and this has made things tougher to address any issues without additional work to the staff.

Per our Announcement on April 02/2022:

!!! IMPORTANT !!! We have made changes to the layout of the Registration Template!!!

*Please make sure any saved versions of the template you use are updated to this new format!*

- We have added a section to the template for Arabian breedings (Plan # and if Gen1 “Fails”)

- Re-ordered and updated the language of the Physical builds section to match our rollers order

!! REMEMBER !! Do Not edit the layout or order of any part of the template, as these are for official use!
This includes but is not limited to ; indentations, abbreviations, additional spacings, etc. As these have caused issues when uploading cats with funky edits.

- Remember, the template includes the LOG list at the bottom as well!

- There will be a “grace” period of 1 month (till May 02,2022) after this announcement for templates to be switched over, any outdated templates or modified templates after that time will be asked to be corrected before cat(s) will be uploaded.



On June 9th, 2020 the New Designs guides were first revealed, with them came:
THE CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE SHEDU COATS DESIGN GUIDE. An in depth Do’s and Don’t of all things design related. Among that information are two sections that have been over time “gently” reminded to members by the Import uploader(s) to keep in mind:


- the template should be filled fully and may not be altered


- Is forbidden. You should not add any extra elements to the design or the import sheet. Countershading/glowing or any other effect, such as boldening the lineart  should not be added to the design.

Our wonderful Uploader(s) have been making corrections and comments for almost Two years to address these particular situations and bring your cats to you. You want your cats uploaded and we want your cats to be uploaded. However, there are still instances of these rules being skipped.

Moving forward, the approval stage of cats will be as followed:

1. Initial design check (Design Admins)

2. Template and information check (Admins/SM)

3. Upload and final checks. (RTU Admins/SM)

Design checks have gone through (May 20, 2022) for the next batch of cats to be uploaded, so please keep an eye on their Stash files for any comments as steps 2+3 are proceeded.


Copy/Paste the Import template (Found here or here) and simply fill in the correct information of your cat. It’s that easy!

We all want this process to go as smoothly and hassle free as possible, to bring you your cats as quickly as we can. Help us help you, and be a responsible breeder.  

[ May 03, 2022 ]

Hello You Amazing Kats and Kittens!!

Just a few small announcements for you all!

The Monthly Theme,  Prompts, and the Species bonus have been updated! A BIG Congrats to our Monthly Nominee and our Winners!!

Reminder ; Next Breeding Season (June 7 th - 21st) will ONLY this year also allow the use of FAB FEB Items.
These items may be purchased Via Points ;  HERE at this time!
Remember to start planning your breedings and items so you are not scrambling last minute!
- Further reminder ; BANK Closes the 19th of each breeding Season! ( For breeding applicable logs / purchases )

And finally, The gods have spoken, As of the JUNE 2023 Season (next year) the minimal Stat requirements for Arabian Attempt cubs will be increased by +10 SP for each stat required.

STAT              WAS             WILL BE AS OF JUNE 2023

SPEED: 45 ==>   55

SUREFOOT:     35     ==> 45

AGILITY:         30     ==> 40

CONFORMATION:   33   ==>       43

TEMPERAMENT:   25   ==>       35