2022 News Archive

[ April 07, 2022 ]

Hello Cats and Kittens!

Just a quick announcement! The April Season is open! Be sure to read through the Breeding Rules and to use the new template! Good luck, everyone!

[ April 02, 2022 ]

Hello Shedu Cats!

We have a Big announcement for you, full of all the wonderful things we’ve been getting ready for you behind the scenes! Let's Dive In!



JAN / FEB Notice ;

From now on Jan / Feb will remain as Total Team Holiday months. This means that "February" will NEVER again be a valid breeding season, but with this "FEBRIL" will remain the 'name' of the 'April' season for it will forever be the 'Fab Feb' items month.


The Shedu Asian Festival is expected to launch ; April 10th, 2022. We greatly apologize for the wait, but we assure you all it will be well worth the wait!!


For those players who have already paid for their items ; Your items will be processed into your respective bank accounts over the next few days.

For those players who are having issues with paying and / or have not received resolution on deals / questions ; Please contact @Templado Via Discord DM's or via DA Notes.

For those Special Asian Customs (those Approved / Confirmed) ; Be sure to send your information and designs to @Templado Via Discord. Their Line Background will be made by her, Special Backgrounds for said Line Starters will created over the next few weeks.
Notice ; Those Line Starters can change to their special backgrounds after they are created without the use of a Redesign-Token. Allowing them to be uploaded sooner on their basic background.

IFS Notice ;

Currently at this time, we have temporarily Suspended all IFS (International Foundation of Shedu Cat Racing) activity while we update, adjust and add to the program. We will be giving an announcement upon its re-opening in the next few weeks.


New ; The Shedu Site

Crunching away for hours and hours, Dax and her gremlin team have been hard at work putting together the Shedu’s website! 

This site holds all shedu related information, though there are a few pages left to be transferred in as of this moment, the team is continuing to work hard to get everything done and NEW information added! ( to include new lore and information on health/conditions as well as further information on sub-species and their respective lineages )

Want to navigate the site easier? Use the Site Map to see all pages neatly organized for the ease of players!


SheduCatsLineart INFO ;

The new SheduCatsLinearts Account is ready for visitors! With more linearts being added regularly, keep your eyes peeled for the one you’re waiting for!

Further we have opened our new Lineart Logs! These include ; Missing Lineart Requests (broken down into sub-species categories for Admin ease), and a Hack n’ Slash lineart submission!
Please be sure to read all rules and notices on the Lineart account for all needed details!

!! Please note, the Lineart lookup tool is still a bit buggy, please be patient with the very tired Dax while she works out these issues!


RDsManager INFO ;

With the site launch we have reopened the Rockport Bank with new fancy logs that will be rotated out every 3 months.

The bank’s Logs will close on the 15th of April to allow admins enough time to catch logs up prior to end of breeding season. Logs will reopen with a new ‘APR/MAY/JUN’ quarterly log after that point.

( Please bare with our team while we finish this, we have been working without rest for many weeks to prepare this all for you! )


SheduArtJury INFO ;

Further, the AP team is kindly requesting you prepare yourselves for your next inputs, we will be reopening the AP Logs by the end of this week.

All applicable entries submit to the logs prior to the end of the breeding season (April 21st : ~2pm EDST) will be valid for the FEBRIL breeding season ;

! BUT you MUST make a notice the cat is being bred on the AP request AND you must put that the cat has been put in for an AP request in the breeding request + a link to the AP request so we can ensure the AP request is processed prior to the breeding request. 



We have implemented a NEW breeding Template. Please note ; This does NOT mean you have to re-do your requests if you have already used / set up with the old template, we will still accept these!

The season will open Approximately 2pm EDST on April 7th.

The Season will close Approximately 2pm EDST on April 21st.

The 24 Hour grace period starts after the Closed log comment.

Those comments posted up to 24 hours past the Close comment will still be allowed.

( Time zone countdowns will be made for US ; EDST, EU ; BDST, RU ; MCD )

! NOTICE ! The grace period is meant to be an ‘oh crap’ savior, not meant to be when you post all of your requests. Those thought to be abusing the grace period, may be denied further use of the grace period.


Huge Thank you to Dax and the Gremlins working hard to bring all that to you!



Bi-weekly Street Races are finally back! Check out the April theme HERE!
If you need a reminder on the requirements or are new to Bi-weekly races, further information on bi-weeklies can be found HERE! 



Monthly prompts have been updated and NEW Prompts for Street Racers added in! We hope you all have fun!



Hello all you busy Explorers out there! We got a little update on the regulations of Exploration Entries to match the AP rules and prevent trouble when it comes to AP counting.

From now on only a max. of 5 Exploration Teams per entry are allowed.
This means one Image or one Story can only be rolled for up to 5 rolls at max.

These changes are NOT retroactive, every entry done and uploaded before today may have more than 5 teams being active.


Shedu Design Guide Updates

We have a “few” tweaks, additions and clarifications made to select design guides for your designing pleasure! 

!!! Important !!! We have made changes to the layout of the Registration Template!!!

*Please make sure any saved versions of the template you use are updated to this new format!*


- We have added a section to the template for Arabian breedings (Plan # and if Gen1 “Fails”)

- Re-ordered and updated the language of the Physical builds section to match our rollers order

!! Reminder !! Do Not edit the layout or order of any part of the template, as these are for official use! This includes but is not limited to ; indentations, abbreviations, additional spacings, etc. As these have caused issues when uploading cats with funky edits.

- Remember, the template includes the LOG list at the bottom as well!

- There will be a “grace” period of 1 month (May 02,2022) after this announcement for templates to be switched over, any outdated templates or modified templates after that time will be asked to be corrected before cat(s) will be uploaded.

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Silver Guide Changes:

Clarification on Silver vs Melanism :

If you choose the semi-transparent expression of melanistic gene, silver will show through where applicable,
however on a solid expression of melanistic, silver, as other genes, will not show at all.


And just three black markings that do not get affected by silver at all:

Changed to:

And just three black markings that do not get affected by silver at all:

Restricted Silver changes:


Restricted modifier shuts the effect of silver gene either on the body or on a mane and tail tip.

If silver under a restricted modifier affects mane, it can cause stripes in the mane.

Changed to:

Restricted modifier shuts the effect of silver gene and:

A. Will affect only Mane and tail tip

B. Will affect only body (not mane and tail tip)

C. Will affect Mane and Pattern only

D. Will affect siam points (face, ears, paws, tail) only

E. Will affect Pattern only

F. Will affect Pattern and tail tip

G. Will allow Silver to affect various black markings in a non-equal way (heavy silver on the mane and head and minimal elsewhere, heavy silver on the muzzle of the cat with siam, yet minimal around eyes and on pattern etc)


Silver under a restricted modifier affects mane, it can cause stripes in the mane or Cause the roots in the mane to be lighter than the tips. This expression may NOT mimic Haffie reversed mane and should have a notable blended gradient.

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Dominant White Changes:

Added clarification on what color swatch to use for Dominant (WW) white cats :

Important: Designers Note!

When designing a WW cat, it will discard the genetic base swatch (tan or brown) and default the colors used in its design to those found on the black color swatch. (as seen in the examples below)

Updated to red eyes trait and Dominant White ;


Can not be overridden by red eye colour trait!

Changed to:

Can not be overridden by red eye colour trait unless heterochromia is also present!

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Shedu Eye Colors changes:

Added clarifications to Lavender and Hazel colors :

Hazel* - Liver (nL/LL)

*A brown that is closer to pale yellow or greenish, olive brown etc

Pink/Lavender eyes = Lilac eyes

Updated to “Purple” Eye color:



In old references you can find cats with purple or pink/Lavender eye traits. Those equals violet and lilac respectively.

Purple eyes = Violet eyes

Pink/Lavender eyes = Lilac eyes


*P.S: Purple eyes:

Purple eyes refers to the Violet and Lilac eye colors, it is a blanket term for both.

Note that additionally: Pink/Lavender eyes = Lilac eyes

Shade of purple eyes is inherited from the parent(s) and cubs should be designed with their parent(s) shade of eye color. If a parent has “Purple” eye trait and the eyes are dark purple, cub(s) should be designed with dark purple eyes.

- It may be seen on cubs with “purple eyes” trait listed that these may be updated to Violet or Lilac upon upload as we update the old terms. This may also occur in uploaded cats, as we add them to the breed roller.

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Update to Restricted belly roan on the hierarchy guide:

*Note added*

! IMPORTANT ! Siam sits under belly roan. Check the restricted belly roan guide for more information.

Update to the Belly Roan (restricted section) Guide:

* Wild dun + Siam will still have its interaction, however, the Siam will still be under the restricted belly roan layer.

Additionally: Restricted Belly Roan + Siam + Wild dun:

Effect can/may be reversed:

Siam will go under belly roan, wild dun will take on the colour from siam and will sit on top of belly roan. 

So it will create, in the design: Siam gradient and solid Siam colored striping above it.