Dual Against Group Cats

Works as simply as it sounds! 

Pick a Rival from ~The List Below~ to Duel.
( Difficulty of Rivals are dictated by the RDs reward amount )

Draw an image of your team racing against chosen rival team and post your entry to corresponding LOG.


Full body image, colored with distinctive BG. 

Rival cat & rider must be at least 50% visible.
( photo-manipulated backgrounds are allowed)


1000+ Word Literature piece
( Rival Team should be Clearly featured )


Police chase risk: None
(Bribe is auto-applied to all races of this class.)

District: Any

Status: "Race for Honor"

Restrictions: Each Shedu can attend no more than 3 races of such class per one season. ( Two RL months)

Judged: RNG + Stats + SND (5-15 RNG) + Items\ traits


The following Form must be copied into your Log Comment:

Link to cat`s import sheet:

Link to chosen rival cat`s import sheet:

Link to rider`s registration sheet:

List item + it`s possible bonus:


IMPORTANT: Do not forget to list cats & riders under Race Entry Submission itself. There should be links to their registration\import sheets in the image description.

NPC Street Racing Teams

Here you will find the list of NPC street racing teams (of group cats),
available as rivals for racing duels.

This list will be updated with new cats from time to time.

IMPORTANT: Normally, each shedu racer can attend no more, than 3 races of this type during one season (2 RL months) and each race can be attended just once with the same rider during one season. Next season the same team can try their luck once more against same rivals.


Rider: Tom White "The Axe"

Street Rank: Rookie, IV

District: Ragbrooke

Prize: 5,000 RDs
2 x Punch card

Rival Cat: Syrah 203ST


Rider: Vladimir Kozhevnikov "Molotov"

Street Rank: Daredevil, VI

District: The Circles

Prize: 10,000 RDs
1 x Getaway badge

Rival Cat: Gagarin 14320 


Rider: Mary Jane Air "Mitra"

Street Rank: Seasoned, XI

District: Goldbridge

Prize: 25,000 RDs
3 x Getaway badge

Rival Cat: Death Star 10161