Shows hosted by members that are approved and sponsored by the group will count towards 2k AP achievement. The placing in these shows will get the winner/placing AP bonus as  any official show/event placing would.
To be approved and sponsored by the group the show must fit the next requirements and conditions:

A) Effort

B) Effort and Group Official traits/items/companions/SFT/SND etc (70% effort \ 30% items/traits/companions)

C) Effort + Group Official traits/items/companions + Original conditions/items/debaffs (70% effort + 30% for anything else)

*  You can include Stats as a part of those 30%. You can use effort + stats only. It is advised to divide stats by 10 instead of putting effort score into hundreds to meet the 70/30 ratio.


The judging rubric should be detailed and easy to understand.
It is recommended to use shedu standard effort-based judging rubric as a base and go from there or use it as is.

1) Art: Half-body toned or coloured + Handler/Rider visible (half-body)*

* Exception: Halter/In-hand shows + Dog agility/water jumps/etc-like classes where handlers are not mandatory to be depicted.

2) Literature: 600 words minimum (english or russian language only)

3) DA-member can enter no more than two teams* in each class.

*Team is a group of a cat or cats and rider/handler or driver (and driver’s helpers if that is required) that perform as an entrant eligible for the placing/show rewards.
So for a show jumping class a team is  a cat and rider.  For driving class it can be several cats hitched in one cart and a driver and helpers.



Host should provide judging of the show within:
1 month for shows that are set as seasonal turn-over shows or those that run all the time.
6 months for big single/solo shows that run just once.
If the host fails to judge their show in said time. They will be contacted by shedu admin team. If there won’t be any response within a month,  show will be  judged by admin team and the prizes will be given out to the winners.
All prizes sponsored by the group will be given out as is.
If prizes include art  by the host, group won’t be fulfilling this type of prize.
If the prize pool includes slots to cats owned privately by the host - the slots will be granted for winners by group admins.

Prizes donated by other members, prizes including/involving goods from other ARPGs, rl money or da-points will not be given out as shedu admin team has no authority over those.

The Host will not be able to apply any shows for a group sponsorship for a calendar year after failing to judge the sponsored show in a timely manner without a valid reason.
Notice! Group will intervene only after a complaint about the situation will be  filled by a member waiting for the judging to be done.

If the host experiences complications in life or goes missing from DA all together etc the group will intervene and judge the show after 6 months for recurring (turn over) shows and after a year for single run shows.



The shedu group keeps the right to decline the sponsorship request 

if the topic/theme or classes of the show contradicts shedu lore and might be considered questionable or disturbing.


We will not sponsor RNG-shows or shows with a heavy RNG influence that is not dictated by official shedu items or traits. (Heavy influence - more than 30% of the total score).

RNG is allowed to solve tie scores however.

SPONSORED SHOWS JOURNAL will get the Stamp of Approval and show itself will be added to the LOG under that exact stamp.


You can read more about each of the disciplines in detail on this page: Event Disciplines


Send the Note to the SheduCats group with all the info about your show (the show journal and show doc if you have one).
The journal should be published to Deviantart already.
The journal (and the document) should contain all the needed info that should not be altered after the approval in any major way.
You are free and welcome to suggest/request specific prizes for the show.
However, keep in mind, that Group Team will decide what kind of prizes to provide (if they can or can not meet your initial request/suggestion).
After the show will be approved (you will get the reply note) the Show Journal will get the stamp of approval and your show will be linked in the LOG of the approved shows.


Q: Does show have to be set in SheduVerse to be approved? Can it be set in another time/universe?

A: The show can be set in any universe and/or timeline. It does NOT have to be set in SheduVerse. Of course it is encouraged for you to stick with the shedu world, but that is not a must and the fact of show being hosted in medieval times (for example) on it's own won't stop it from getting sponsored.

Q: What is considered disturbing or not appropriate topics for the show that might stop it from getting sponsored?

A: As it is stated Group's Team deals with each show on case by case scenario. There is no set list of acceptable or not acceptable things. We do not underestimate creativity of our members <3.
However, the overal guides/borders could be described next way:
1 - the conditions of the show should not contradict the accepted ways of shedu handling (group lore). For example, bits are not used on shedus in any circumstances. It is forbidden officially to get cats involved with lure racing etc.
2 - Avoid sensitive topics (*current religions/real life conflicts/politics etc).

3 - Do not use settings of modern history (20-21st century) major events - wars/revolutions etc

4 - SheduCats group does not promote trophy hunting or cruelty towards animals. So events that include this aspect of life (showing it in a positive way) won't get sponsored.

5 - Do not mix Official classes with street classes (especially street fighting).

6 - No nudity in shows, please.

That is not full list of possible issues, of course. Also, do not forget that street events can get more rough and cruel. But fitting warnings should be placed in the show journal itself and the entries should be asked to use fitting filters.