BPD : Black Personality Disorder

BPD is now sadly an official disorder known in Shedu cats. So far it has only been located in – and seems to originate from – black coated cats, especially those linked to Ramses lineage or those highly inbred, which caused the name.

Due to the danger of the BPD and the desire to eliminate this disorder, all cats must now be scanned at birth. Elsevier staff will do this as a free service among all official litters born after May 14th 2014 *.

If BPD is detected, veterinarian staff will put down the cub in question.

 (In game this means, that admins will notify you if your litter showcases BPD or not, in which case BPD cubs are put to sleep to avoid risking the other cubs in the litter. If no BPD notification on your litter, no cubs were put down.)

 Notice that BPD threatened cats are hard to locate until bred. And they will only show if they carry the disorder, if they breed any litters with black cubs.

Once a Shedu has passed on the BPD to a cub, it is likely that they are carriers. Carriers should as a minimum never be paired to a mate, with whom they have once bred a BPD cub. If BPD shows in more than one litter with different mates, it is wisest to stay away from any gene pool where true black is a possible outcome.

So far BPD has not been seen in browns or tans.

*Notice that this offer does not involve illegal street born cats. Please watch group for updates on BPD in street cats in the future. Thank you.

Cub Statuses :

BPD = cub was euthanized soon after birth

BPD threatened = might be carrier of BPD

It has been noted that Shedus who naturally lack the Tan gene, such as Djibbs and Bayuns of high blood content, have not been known to display BPD issues when breeding Black x Black cats to each other.

For Ease of Reading ;

Helix regrettably informs the Shedu Community that their scientists have located the cause of rabid behavior in individuals in their latest investigation. The disorder is known as Black Personality Disorder or BPD. During the case study our scientists located the origin of BDP in the OESR cat gene pool - it seems these at risk cats are individuals descended from Ramses Lineage - the original true black cat - and inbred individuals.

The cause of BDP is found in the brain - whilst scanning affected individuals anomalies were found - growths of scar tissue restricting growth and adequate blood supply to the Frontal Lobe. The Frontal Lobe is the nerve center of your personality, emotions, recognition and formal reasoning. BDP manifests itself as rabid behavior almost immediately after birth for affected individuals. The two recorded cases of this post-natal rabid behavior preceding this formal investigation resulted in the massacre of the individual's littermates and severely injuring the Queen. The Elsevier Veterinarians in charge of the Nursery have recorded in some cases of severe character flaws and post-natal rabid behavior beginning before the cub has even opened their eyes.

Upon further investigation with Subject Omega - the condition of the Frontal Lobe deteriorates and the amount of scarred and dead tissue multiplies as the afflicted animal ages. The exact lifespan of a BDP individual is unknown although Neurological specialists estimate a BDP cat can have a life span of 6-12months depending on the severity of scarring before the animal succumbs to irreversible brain damage. Subject Omega was euthanized at 3 months 12 days of age due to self inflicted wounds in solitary confinement.

Due to these findings we advise all OESR cats bred from fore-mentioned at risk cats to be screened at birth and all BDP individuals to be euthanized for the safety of healthy kittens, Queen, Staff and for the well being of the afflicted animal.