Health and Conditions of Shedu Cats

Like all life, Shedu are not immune to the basic Health concerns and Conditions that follow extensive line breeding, in breeding and general inheritance. Due to this the scientists dedicated to the genetic research of Shedu cats, have taken the time to conduct some testing on specific health concerns. Though this list is ever expanding with new information on existing conditions, as well as new conditions as they become known.

Further research and information is in the works, though breeders like yourself can further our knowledge, funding and overall research by visiting our Helix Genetic Research Laboratory.

Notice, all health conditions in shedus are devided in several groups, depending on if they can be treated or not.

Base Overview

In general it is known that the Shedu Cat breed is fairly healthy, when you do not consider line breeding or Inbreeding. Though, like all animals of the world each individual is different, and, with age and years of use, Shedus can naturally break down with some of the following generalized health issues ;
( Note, the list below is meant for those wishing to give their elder Shedus some generalized health conditions that are common in mammals ; )

High / Low Blood Pressure, High / Low Thyroid, Arthritis, Stiffening of Limbs, Sway Back (varying degrees), Hip Dysplasia, Loss of Vision / Cataracts , Loss of Hearing, etc.

Again, its important to note, those conditions so far have only been significantly notable in Shedus who are nearing the end of their life. ( Notably within the last 5 years of their lives )

Known Fatal Conditions / Concerns

Currently there are four known Fatal Conditions in the Shedu breeding world ;

Known Mild Conditions / Concerns

Currently there are only a handful of known mild Concerns when breeding Shedus, though more are being researched ;

Known Inbreeding Health Concerns / Conditions

notes for writer ; list general known / seen in-so-far

Conditions of various origins

CONDITION: Allergies  Permanent Reoccurring/chronic  

Prone: all,  especially sphynxes, cats with dilutions, albinos, very white/light cats, cats with leucism, cats with curly coat


Allergies can be caused by variety of factors and therefore can manifest themselves in many ways. Respiratory response, watery eyes and skin rashes are most common in shedus.

Necessity to use shampoo & anti-allergic foods before each show. If it was not done, cat will get - 10 points to final score in any show that takes conformation/phenotype into account.

Treating the issue: Anti-allergic foods

Items/activities needed: Shampoo and Anti-allergic foods before show

CONDITION: Blindness (partial or full) Permanent * Unless import prompt suggests otherwise.

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none* Unless prompt that comes with the import/cub directly suggests a possibility of a surgery or any other type of treatment. 

Items/activities needed: none* Unless prompt that comes with the import/cub directly suggests a possibility of a surgery or any other type of treatment. 

CONDITION: Cerebellar Hypoplasia Permanent

Prone: all


In mild case an affected cat can hold themselves more or less right and their movements are wobbly. In severe case they struggle to stay upright on their own.

Treating the issue: none* 

Items/activities needed: In severe cases devices that would help the cat to maintain their balance are needed.

CONDITION: Dandruff  Reoccurring/chronic  

Prone: all, especially cats with dark coats


Necessity to use anti-dandruff shampoo and anti-allergic foods before each show. If it was not done, cat will get - 10 points to final score in any show that takes conformation/phenotype into account.

Treating the issue: Anti-allergic foods

Items/activities needed: Shampoo and Anti-allergic foods before show

CONDITION: Deafness (partial or full) Permanent 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed: Buzz Collar is needed at shows and events.

CONDITION: Extra risk of stillborn cubs Reoccurring/chronic 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Fragile bones  Permanent

Prone: All, risk group: Classic shedu cats/Inbred cats


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed: none

CONDITION: Full loss of a litter Reoccurring/chronic 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Heart Issues Permanent 

Prone: all, especially classic shedus (75% of classic blood and up) and arabian shedus


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed: none

CONDITION: Infertility Permanent 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Iron Lungs Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: -/-

CONDITION: Low fertility Permanent 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Malnourishment Treatable/Temporary 

Prone: all


Cat has 50% dock on it's stats during any activities

Cat can not take part in shows before the condition gets treated/ cat gets healed

Treating the issue: Art/Lit action: taking care of the cat, feeding it, giving it gentle easy training sessions.

Items/activities needed: Art/Lit action:  taking care of the cat, feeding it, giving it gentle easy training sessions. (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/lit-entries to treat a cat)

CONDITION: Obesity Treatable/Temporary 

Prone: all


Cat has 50% dock on it's stats during shows

Risk of heart-attack (potentially fatal!) during show

Cat should be depicted chonky and fat in arts in order for AP to get counted for this cat.

Treating the issue: Art/Lit action: set of training sessions tailored for obese animals

Items/activities needed: Art/Lit action: set of training sessions tailored for obese animals (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/;it-entries to treat a cat)

CONDITION: Paralysis/paresis Permanent  / Treatable/Temporary /  Reoccurring/chronic

Prone: all


Treating the issue: Depending on the nature of the problem there might be a few treatments: antibiotics if the paralysis is caused by infection, anti-inflammatory medications if the issue is caused by trauma/injury. Depending on the situation and severity of the case cat might not be able to take part in shows or ridden activities. They also might need a wheelchair to help them move around. Whether the condition is severe/mild, treatable or not and of what origin will be stated in import/cub prompt.

If temporary or recurring: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment

Items/activities needed: In severe cases devices that would help the cat to maintain their balance and help move around are needed. 

If temporary or recurring:  Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/;it-entries to treat a cat)

CONDITION: Poor fur growth  Permanent Reoccurring/chronic  - if inherited (present at birth), Treatable/Temporary - if a result of malnourishment/poor care (acquired trait due to life conditions).

Prone: all, cats with sphynx/maneless parents


Treating the issue: none (if inherited), action (art/lit entry) (if acquired due to poor life conditions)

Items/activities needed: Coat sheen, Vitamins, Oils before shows where conformation and phenotype are taken into account (always for cats with inherited trait, only if condition is not treated for cats with acquired trait).

CONDITION: Pulmonary Hemorrhage (Lung Bleeding)  Permanent Reoccurring/chronic  

Prone: classic cats (75% + of classic shedu blood)


This condition is genetic yet might stay dormant for a long time, especially in cats that do not go through rigorous exercises. The issue often will show itself n the later stages of training or at the peak of cat's sport career. The issue lies in fragile blood vessels of the lungs rupturing during exercise. However, overal stress also can cause the issue to become noticeable. In severe neglected cases cats might drown in their own blood that fills up their lungs.

Treating the issue: none * Mitigated by Iron Lungs condition

Items/activities needed: none

CONDITION: Reduction in height Permanent 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Seizures Reoccurring/chronic 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Skin conditions (lesions, rashes, rain rot etc) Treatable/Temporary

Prone: all


Treating the issue: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment

Items/activities needed: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/;it-entries to treat a cat)

CONDITION: Small size of the litter Permanent 

Prone: all


Treating the issue: none

Items/activities needed:  none

CONDITION: Spinal issues Permanent / Treatable/Temporary /  Reoccurring/chronic

Prone: all, dwarf cats, inbred cats, very tall cats (200cm or bigger), cats of old age


Depending on it your cat might not be able to be ridden or take part in certain competitions. That information will come with import/cub description.

Treating the issue: If temporary or recurring: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment

Items/activities needed: If temporary or recurring:  Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/;it-entries to treat a cat)

CONDITION: Tender skin (Prone to sunburns)   Permanent Reoccurring/chronic 

Prone:  All sphynxes by default (!), cats with dilutions, albinos, very white/light cats, cats with leucism 


Necessity to use sun cream/spray before each show during sunny/hot weather. If it was not done, cat will get - 5 points to final score and minor damage - sunburn.

Cats might need to wear special rugs and other sun-protecting cloth *

Treating the issue: Sunspray, sun protection*

Items/activities needed: Sun Cream/ Sunspray, rugs *

CONDITION: Weak eyesight  Permanent

Prone: all, especially cats with dilutions, albinos, cats with blue eyes, very white cats, cats with leucism


Treating the issue: None

Items/activities needed: None

CONDITION: Weak joints   Permanent Reoccurring/chronic 

Prone: All, but especially Komainu/Bayuns/Baketoras/Cats with height more than 190 cm


Treating the issue: Joint supplements and shots before each show (get the mishap roll/injury in its place, higher level of injury stays)

Items/activities needed: Joint supplements + Pain killer

Positive Health Conditions

CONDITION: Enlarged Heart Permanent 

Seen in: all, especially classics and  asians


P.S: none

CONDITION: Ermine fur/Ermine coat Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: Ermine fur does not stand for a particular type of coat, it serves as an indicator of outstanding quality of fur (or skin in case of sphynx cats) no matter what type of coat your cat posses. 

CONDITION: Hard rock bones Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: You can state in your stories that your cat with this condition indeed has heavier, dencier bones and therefore your cat being more sturdy and a little more chonky than others.

CONDITION: Joints of steel Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: In racing world cats with good joints are pure gold...

CONDITION: Overgrown muscles Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: -/-

CONDITION: Polydactyl Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: The trait/condition is written this way: polydact(yl): fl-6, fr-6, hl-7, hr-7 - which translates to: front left paw - 6 toes, front right - 6 toes, hind left - 7 toes, hind right - 7 toes. Number of toes, of course, may vary from cat to cat.

CONDITION: Soft gaits Permanent 

Seen in: all


P.S: -/-


CONDITION: Fresh wounds Treatable/Temporary, might cause  Permanent scars as the result of treatment

Prone: all


Wounds can be of various severity, so consequences may differ from case to case.

Cat can not take part in shows before the condition gets treated/ cat gets healed

Treating the issue: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment

Items/activities needed: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/;it-entries to treat a cat)

CONDITION: Infections Treatable/Temporary 

Prone: all


In this category fall all kind of infections. Eye infections, ear infections, respiratory etc.

Cat has 50% dock on it's stats during any activities

Cat can not take part in shows before the condition gets treated/ cat gets healed

Treating the issue: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment

Items/activities needed: Art/Lit action: giving medication, providing cat with proper treatment (see exact guides for each particular case, it can take the artist from 1 to 3 pictures/;it-entries to treat a cat)

Fractures and bone splints - common injuries that can happen at any sportive competition or during a street race. Depending on the situation either avet kit item or lit/art healing entry will help to deal with those.

Melting tendons aka Legiments inflammation/micro-injuries - very shedu specific trauma. Have been seen as is only in racing shedus after being forced to race at full speed for prolonged time or too often (their body supports/withstands dashes at 150- 200 km/h)
Any faster pace turns into enormous stress for the cat's body and more likely than not it will have consequences (instantly or in the long run). One of the most common is sudden ligament inflammation. The condition unfolds extremely fast, tendons and ligaments of wrists and hocks are affected first, acute severe inflammation then might gp into knee/elbow ligaments or spread over to joints - wrists/pasterns/hocks/knee and worst case scenario - hip joints.

This condition require lightning fast action from the vet team if the owner wants to save cat's health and life.

Even if vets will be able to fight fever and peak of the illness and make a cat to walk on its own without limping again, such cats are rarely ever able to get back to racing (be it street races or official circuit). The inflammations become repeated or chronic issue and cat becomes lame for good  or tear its ligaments as a piece of paper. Also a lot of cats become very cautious and may refuse to run at full speed. It is believed that cats continue to feel the pain and that with ligaments cartlige of the joints also gets damaged and cause joint pains and sometimes even chips in the joints.

While Melting tendons are famous for being very acute and fast unfolding issue, a full on 24 hours after the race are considered to be a time gap in which melting tendons  symptoms can show themselves.

Interestingly enough, melting tendons considered to be an official circuit bane while in strteet racing it is not as prominant. (Except for speed tests and vehicle duels). Specialists assume the reason for that lays in the fact that street racers rarely have a chance to race their cats full speed. Constant twists and turns of the streets keep then and their cats at comparatively modest speeds.

Pulmonary Hemmorhage - while inborn and inheritable, sometimes this condition can turn up in cats that were being constantly overworked or had very intence racing schedule/careers.

Influenza and Respiratory infections - lore-wise any cat can get those, but in game these issues are almost exclusevly can be met only in feral cats. Such issues are treated with art/lit entries. Same goes for infections, eye infections and upset stomacks ; )(

Ticks & Fleas - issue that haunt all pet-owners. Shedus are prone to these nasty bugs too. 

Theorized Conditions / Concerns