What is the LOG? 

The LOG system is based on an idea by serranef , where the initial design of the animal holds all important life changing information.

Basically, it functions like a journal for your Shedu.

The LOG uses the comment system on the individual designs - which means Admins can go to a design at any time and find both past and current owners, breeding records and other important info related to the SPC and other activities of said cat. 

How Do Owners Use It?

For example: if you create a show entry for your animal, you go to the original design, uploaded by SheduMaster, such as this one:

Then create a comment to admin`s LOG comment in SHOW ENTRIES category (link to LOG comment branch is always posted on cat`s design sheet) and post a thumb of your entry.

You can also post RPs, trainings and other creations that involve your cat.

However, this method of using the LOG is not mandatory.

It makes sense only if you can post thumbnails.

In most cases, this allows you to keep track of all art of your cat, even if the originals were deleted from DA.

Also, if cat changes owners many times,  it is an easy and comfy way to track all the activity of said cat.

But, as it was stated, this use of LOG is optional.

There are two categories for art in LOG:


Main Purpose of the LOG

There are three mandatory things, that you, as owner, need to do with LOG:

How do Admins Use the LOG

As you might have noticed, there are several more categories in the LOG: ACHIEVEMENTS, TRAITS, CONDITION and ITEMS - these are for admins only.


Do not flood LOG sections with comments, please! Try to keep the LOGs as easy to read as possible.