Classic SPC (Classic shedu pedigree certificate) is judged via RNG + effort + SND


Bronze SPC : 55 points min
No bonus

Silver SPC :  75 points min
+ 1 to one of the 3 stats

Gold SPC :   110 points min
+ 3 to one stat
+ Line bonus trait


2 Full Body Images :

(Coloured, clean, with some sort of background, handlers needed where are due, shading is optional, but will affect effort score significantly)


+1700 Word Literature Piece :

(All Characters and location must be clearly evident)

1 - Korung image

Korung is basically a halter show class, where jury can value your cat`s exterior.

You can show your cat at liberty (but wearing a halter or collar!). Trotting, cantering, etc. Or in-hand. Either trotting or standing still in show stance.

Handler is not required to be in the picture, but if you`ll draw one, it will get you some bonus points in effort score.

Korung can take place in in-door arena or outdoor one at Elsevier facility (which located in Florida, near Miami). On their so called Youth Island (Spin Island). Third option would be beach at the very same island.

You can pick time of the day deliberately, depending on your artistic plot. Same with the weather. You can pick anything from sunny day to a storm. Even unexpected and exotic snowfall.

In korung stage you can depict up to three participating cats at a time. (There can be more cats, depicted, but only three will receive their score)

Requirement reminder:
Cat should be wearing a halter or collar!  

2 - Free Will Challenge

Main purpose of this test is to proof that whatever you do with your animal you do it not only good enough, but also, without forcing a cat into doing it. So, you can pick any discipline that you like (showjumping, dressage, cross country, racing) and perform with your cat. Trick is to do that with no tack. No saddle or bridle or collar. Only thing you can take with you is a steering stick - either a racing short whip or dressage whip. You can not hit cat with it, but steer him if needed, touching shoulders with tip of that stick or give clues for dressage movements.

This stage can take place in outdoor or in-door arena of Youth Island (for show jumping and dressage) or at the beach (for racing and cross-country).

Racing course is a straight run on the sandy shore. "Racetrack" is marked with bright small flags and pretty wide. It allows even to go through shallow water in some places.

Cross-country course is long and goes from seashore deep into island, so you`ll get not only through sandy beach with obstacles made from palm tree logs, but through bushy garden, Elsevier golf fields and even small forest.

You can pick time of the day and weather for this stage as you like, but normally it happens at sunset.

Rider is mandatory for this stage. Riders may wear protective gear, such as shedu riding helmet and suit.

Up to 3 cats may participate in this challenge at a time ( ONLY IF YOU PICK RACING OR CROSS-COUNTRY CLASSES!). For dressage and showjumping it is 2 cats per image. 

Example images:

Korung images

Free Will Challenge images


1. Submit comment with form, filled properly, to this LOG:


2. Wait for your results!

( Normally SPC gets judged once a month. It can take less or a bit more, but never more, then 1.5 months. If your entry is not judged within this timeframe - contact admins! )


Link to cat`s import image:

Link to your rider`s SND (if they have it):

Link to Korung entry:

Link to Free Will Challenge entry: