To receive their SPC, your cat needs to complete one of two basic tests:
Korung and Working abilities demonstration.

Though only choosing to do one Image is not advised, there are those whose final score tally may be enough for them to get away with it in the end.

If you happen to choose to complete both images you will receive a score between 2-90 based upon the effort / composition of the image.

While, if you choose to only complete one image you will instead receive a score between 1-45, and a score of 1-25 rolled randomly.

No matter which option you choose, the final score for your Shedu does not stand on these factors alone. Another element of the judging process is your Shedu's Line Requirement Score.

Stats used are cats INBORN stats and are not affected by AP bonuses

Line Requirements Score
(counted by member themselves)

Effort 1-45
(2-90 if two pictures drawn)

RNG 1-20
(if only one picture is drawn)

Shedu Novice Dimploma
(5-15 RNG)

 Keep in mind, that:

Items / Tack* do not count here!
*Other then mandatory Buzz Collar for Deaf cats


Bronze SPC : 115 points min
No bonus

Silver SPC 135 points min
+ 1 to three of your choice*

Gold SPC :   170 points min
+ 3 to three stats of your choice*
+ Line bonus trait

*If you bought/won Breeders Gold SPC - you are free to choose any stats, otherwise list available dependent upon Discipline chosen.

Double these requirement for a better score!

1 Full Body Image :
(Coloured, clean, with some sort of background, handler and appropriate tack required, shading is optional, but will affect effort score significantly)


+1200 Word Literature Piece :
(All Characters and location must be clearly evident)


The setting you are required to use Depends on where your cattery is located.

There are Shedu Cat Association Centers accredited to hosting Breeder's SPC Tests opening their doors around the world. These centers have their judgment of your cat approved by Elseviers, working as conduits to the Shedu Foundation set in Rockport, Florida.

Spreading the web of such centers as been costly for the Elseviers and the Centers alike, but that makes life of cat breeders around the globe much easier.

The bonus to doing so for the Elseviers and the centers alike was that it not only allowed the expansion of Shedus world-wide, but allowed those across the globe to transport their Shedus to testing facilities with less overall stress for the Shedu and their Handlers alike.

By the year 2010 every state in the U.S. has successfully built its own Center. Globally, nearly every country's Capital has had its own center built by 2020, with many more popping up in other major cities across the world.

By the year 2020 every judged certification sent from these Centers has been required to send the certification accompanied with an active GPS tracking chip, this chip corelates to the one that your Shedu is implanted with at the time of its test by the Center's Veterinary staff. These chip allows owners to have constant, 24/7 tracking available on their Shedus as well as their certification documentation that, once approved or declined, is sent back to the owner from the Elseviers.

Though from the first official sales, Elseviers have always required microchipping of their Shedus, the lack of initial documentation of very early generations, aside from Shoulder branding, allowed the leak of unofficial Shedus into the world. Initially this was not seen as a problem (in the sense of : the majority of Shedus were in Rockport, Florida, meaning the Elseviers were able to keep a tighter grip on any cats seen running about without a clearly visible shoulder brand.) until the mid 1990's as rampant amounts of un-papered shedus flooded the market.

The demand for official lined and papered cats became clear with BPD running rampant in these un-papered lines, and called for a better way of tracking papered sheus, as simple microchipping was not enough to deter thieves nor back-yard breeders until the new chips came about in 2020.

Because of this dynamic history, and the expansion of these centers around the world, the setting of your Breeder's SPC can be nearly anywhere, at any time of year, during any weather, though it should not be such dramatic weather that would cause judges to call off the testing. Remember, these are Official Elsevier Register Shedu Cat Association Centers, meaning that they must conform for Safety Standards set by the Elsevier Staff.

Meaning that fully appropriate tack is required for Shedu and Handler alike. This includes but is not limited to the following dependent upon discipline ;

Helmet for Handler ( Full face or Standard Horse Riding )
Full Saddle with Stirrups / Foot Pegs*
Appropriate Handler or Reigns for Handler to hold in at least one hand for control of their Shedu
Weather appropriate clothing for Handler ( look to the right for basic appropriate race gear )
Protective Leg wraps for Shedu ( If appropriate for Working Ability or is choice to add )**

* Foot Pegs are that of which you would think to find on a Motorcycle ; Bars that stick off the side of a shedu's Saddle that the handler stands on, ear the normal placement of Racing / Jumping stirrups.
** Such Working abilitys that would in theory 'require' leg ware are those of which that include jumping such as ;
- Steeple Chase, Show Jumping, Cross Country, etc.

This also means that these centers, being all at least in part funded by the Elseviers, sport the Elsevier logos, and decorate their facilities and staff, especially when hosting SPC Tests (as many do so quarterly), with Elsevier colored accouterments ( ribbons, banners, silks, tacks, etc ). These colors range to include ; Violet, Orange and White with additional accenting colors of Grey, Black and brown.

It is also needed to note, that, unless setting your SPC test prior to the 2000's, nearly all Elsevier facilities conform to one of the two themes we have taken the time to depict below with two different image carousels.

The first Center theme is very Ecological and Modern in style (Left). Sporting very modern but 'woodsy' and eco-friendly styling. While the second theme is rather Futuristic, while still very eco-friendly and Modern (right).

Depending on time of year, and weather conditions, you are welcome to complete your test indoors, or outdoors.

Working Abilities Test Disciplines

Flat Racing ;
Stamina + Speed + Trainability + Temperament

Steeple Chase Racing ;
Stamina + Speed + Surefoot + Trainability

Cross Country ;
Stamina + Speed + Surefoot + Trainability

Show Jumping ;
Strength + Intelligence + Speed + Surefoot + Agility + Trainability

Dressage ;
Intelligence + Movement + Agility + Conformation + Trainability + Temperament

Driving ; (any form of driving, including troika racing and trotting races)
Strength + Intelligence + Stamina + Speed + Surefoot + Agility + Trainability + Temperament

Endurance ;
Stamina + Speed + Surefoot + Trainability + Temperament 

Stats are TEMPORARY for ;

Western Pleasure Riding ;
Intelligence + Movement + Agility + Conformation + Trainability + Temperament

Any Other Western Discipline ;
Stamina + Speed + Surefoot + Trainability + Temperament


Link to cat`s reference:
Name/Link to handler`s reference or tracker journal:
Link to your second picture:
Link to your SND:

Detailed score for line requirements:
[keep in mind, that cat begins with not 0 points, but 60 points. So all penalties and bonuses must be either deduced or added to those starting 60 points]



 Bonuses: -


Summ of points for line requirements: -

Chosen discipline for working abilities test: -
(list the name of discipline and the full string of stats involved)

Chosen stat bonuses: - 

(according to WA) List these, so admin would be able to assign  the stats of your choice in case your cat will get Silver or Gold level SPC.
If you forget to list the stats, the bonus will be added randomly to some of the stats involved in your WA test) 



 Breeder`s SPC LOG




So, my cat, being a dwarf, can fail this test, right?


  Yes, that is. As dwarfism is no way up to standards of the breed.


I see there is no more Gold SPC in items. Can we still buy one?


No. Gold SPC can not be purchased but can be granted to you or achieved by you through show winning or through quests.


Does SPC gives us RDs prizes still?


No. Its not considered as show in the whole meaning of it. The biggest prize is your cat gets it rights to be officially bred.


So, which SPC can I buy? 


None. Get Fake Papers instead.


Then what can i do with my dwarfs, shorties and other lovely freaks? D:


Buy fake papers!

If line of your cat is known - it won`t be changed. Your cat just will get right to breed.

Or... Create your own breed. No, it`s not trolling. That is one serious offer!



But I want best score for my cat. Then I still need to spend a lot of time on drawing, isn`t it? D:


Not necessarily. It is advised to count penalties and line bonuses before you even start to draw.

Because on line requirements alone you can get very many points. So many, that you`d need to do one sketchy picture to hit gold.

But if your cat has a lot of penalties or fitting line standards not that well,  then it is good idea to get all possible points from art!


And accuracy! How can I know what to draw? You did not give any straight instructions and examples!


Well. First of all, you have descriptions and images, linked for inspiration.

Follow the clues that are given, do not ignore them and you`ll be good.

But even then - you can think of a story that will allow you to change the setting a bit.

For example, you can say that center was in process of building or there was going an overhaul, and because of it, korung was held outdoor even in winter. And so on.

It`s okay to use some creativity and imagination!


Can we do literature?


Yes. It`s not the first option we`d recommend you, but it is possible.

And it must be written in english.

You still can do RP`s in other languages, as it was. But show entries must be written in english.

Minimal requirement: 1200 words.

Your text will be judged on how well its written and if it is logical and fitting into shedu universe or not.

So, it might be harder to get those 30 points as the lit piece will be judged on it`s own. With no comparison.