Explorations Overview

Any Art, Literature, Roleplays, Collaborations, Story telling pieces and additional miscellaneous arts that you do with your Shedu that is not a training or a show entry may be counted as an Exploration, as long as the things that are described\depicted there take place in the fitting exploration area.

Initially it was just as it sounds - explore an area that surrounds you.
During the exploration of certain areas you can trigger quests (happenings),
as well as find RDs, useful or tradable items, or new, secret locations to explore.

Results are determined solely by RNG unless there are other applicable factors that could affect the result,
such as ; Companions, specific Traits of Shedus, Traits of Riders, and/or some Items.

Most of the areas that are available for 'Quest' Exploration in the Shedu Universe are located in Rockport or near it. 

However, no matter where the Exploration takes place, it essentially all works the same way ;


Create an Art or Literature piece that can be counted as exploration entry according to one of the following criteria :

A) +500 Word Literature piece ;
Handler is Mandatory ( Shedu is Optional )
All Characters and location / evidence of exploring must be clearly evident

B) Art piece ;
Full body, colored or toned, with background.
Handler is Mandatory ( Shedu is Optional )
( photo-manipulated backgrounds are allowed)
If Regional / Special Exploration, Background must be distinct to the requirements of the Region / Special Exploration.

!! NOTICE !! Only 5 Active Shedu Teams may participate per-Standard Exploration requirements.
( ie. max of 5 Handlers and 5 Shedus. )


After creating your artwork or literature, you must add the following information in the description for your entry:

District / Area : (add link to secret location, if you`re going there with the access badge proof from your LOG)

Handler's reference : ( which contains Handler's Log )

Shedu Cat's reference : ( which contains Handler's Log )

Special Items and their possible effect : 

Traits of Shedu Cat / Handler and their possible effects : 

Additional effects : 

Submit your entry to Story And Misc Art Folder ~HERE~


The Owner of the cat/handler should submit the exploration piece to the corresponding log.

If for whatever reason the Artist and NOT the Owner is posting exploration to the log ;
( The Artist should tag the owner of the team in their comment.
AND the Owner should reply to it with their approval of this action! )

If there is no tag, and/or no comment back from the owner - the entry will be declined!


It is up to you to retrieve all of your findings during explorations.

You need to redeem those through here:



Choose this option if your exploration entry takes place in an area other than Rockport (or other special zones ).

Your entry will get basic exploration roll for standard items & prizes


Choose this option if your exploration entry takes place in an area other than Rockport (or other special zones ).

Your entry will get basic exploration roll for standard items & prizes


Africa Tour

Ah! You must be that one lucky consumer of Kilimanjaro Shedu foods who won tickets for the Africa tour? Congratulations! Pack your bags and go!


Please check if the explorations in this section are open as these are SEASONAL:

Halloween Explorations

Special Halloween explorations can take place anywhere! It is up to you to come up with the location. It can even be Otherwordly explorations...

Shedu Asian Festival: Eastern Explorations

Explore vast territories of far East wilderness, visit iconic places, and maybe you will come back home with not only an unforgettable experience, but perhaps something more...

Special Star Wars Explorations

Leave the concrete jungles of Rockport city and take on a journey of a Galactic scale! Take your Shedus to explore the most significant and famous locations from the Star Wars saga...



I have a massive RP piece. Most of the events there take place in different parts of Rockport and are shared between two players, can I ask to roll this RP as exploration?



You need to count all the words in your story, split it in two (between two players) and divide those amounts in separate exploration entries, that should be rolled by admin.

IMPORTANT! You do NOT need to divide text itself! Just word counts, so you can post needed amount of exploration AP!


How many characters can attend one exploration?


There is no actual limit. You can explore the streets with all of your gang.

But Art/Lit requirements must be met for each and every participant.

Keep in mind also that it is not cats who explore, but Riders/Handlers. So you count humans as entrants, not cats.

Also, the Exploration must be logical. You can explore the streets with your gang, but not with 50 random people. There needs to be a story reason for the characters to be involved with each other.

EXCEPTION: When Exploring a Hidden/Secret Area, Only the Character that has unlocked that area and ONE guest will receive their special exploration rolls.


Do explorations still gives additional bonus AP?


No. But it counts as show entry. (AP-wise) 


Can a Roleplay be counted as exploration?


Yes, as long, as your RP fits the Literature requirements.


I do not see any secret locations anywhere. How can I find one or know there are such?


Each district has secret locations in it.

But each secret location gets revealed to the public only when someone discovers it.

Amount of secret areas may vary from 1 to 5 per district.


Is there limit on how many times one person can explore a district or secret location?


No, unless secret location has special conditions. And if so, it will be clearly stated.

As common rule - there is no limitation on how many exploration can be done.


Can Story Art be counted as exploration?


Yes, as long as it shows the proper place (district, etc) and is not a part of other activity that is rewarded by group in other way. For example, your exploration can be in the same time RP illustration, training but it can NOT be a show entry, or street racing entry etc.


I have an NPCs from my gang. Can they follow my character in secret areas, but not gaining anything from it? For story purposes?


Yes, sure. As long as only your character and their cat are active explorers, it is possible.