The Caligula Line

This is a rare line with a waning population due to being overlooked for other Lines, and due to its reputation or rather lack thereof it's unlikely that the fortunes of this line will improve in the future.

Founded in the late 1990’s, the line was formed after tests to identify the closest relative Line for a recently confiscated Street Bred male came up inconclusive and by proxy the male, known as Caligula, was given a Line name in his honor but unlike Rad Red, no unique features distinguish this line from the rest - common traits are heavy builds, dark brown coats and smoky leopard pattern. 

A very social and caring cat who will do anything for the owner if treated right. Caligula 603ST also loves to be groomed, although he cat hates water. Caligula does not enjoy leading, but is happy just being a follower.
His favorite treat is dry dog food.  

Base Information

Known for their classic looks, Heavy Builds and dark brown coats those of this lineage often also sport Smokey Leopard Pattern. As they originated from 'inconclusive' results, and thusly being considered originated from the Streets, its not uncommon to see these Shedus street racing, and taunting the police.

Further cats of this line are known for their level headed-ness even during the most heated of races. They are often chosen as well by those on the police force for their ability to keep their cool while other Shedus or handlers may be attempting to hurt them, or their partner.

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+2 Strength, +2 Agility

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- The majority of Shedus from this line sport Dark Colored Coats.

- Many Shedus of this lineage sport Smokey Leopard Patterns and Blue eyes.

Caligula Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Smokey Leopard Pattern ( Sl ) / Brown (A), Liver Brown ( A[ll] ), or
Red/Brown ( A[rr] ) Base Coat /  Pangare ( Pan ) / Siamese Bowtie ( B[s] )  

Panda Siam ( B[p] ) /  No Dilutions ( Cream (Cr) , Pearl ( Prl ), Champagne ( Ch ), etc )

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :