The Kami Line

Information coming soon... 

[404: Calculating Lore/History]

Base Information

[404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+3 Conformation

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Line Colors : White, Black and Silver

- Line Symbol : Flames, caught in a pitch black circle

Prefix rules :

- Name must have Suffix "Kami"

- Naming Guide : Eastern, Asian themed names.

Breeding Rules : 

- No inbreeding within the first two generations. 

(i.e. sire to daughter, grand-dam to grandson, etc.)

Kami Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :