The Zumbach Line

The foundation story of this line varies greatly depending on whomever tells the tale. The Zumbach is named in honour of a Mahogany Line cat from the 1980’s of the same name, whom was considered the greatest dressage cat of his generation and many awaited his debut to the stud market after a successful career but he was stolen before he could perform his first season. The theft was highly publicized, the kidnappers did not make any demands or if they did they were not released to the public and later announced that Zumbach had been killed - his body was never recovered.

This is where the founding of the Zumbach Line we know today differs - some believe that Zumbach was stolen, bred illegally and later killed when he had outlived his purpose, some believed that a rogue stud manager illegally bred him and organized his kidnap, ransom and death to cover up the mistake. Yet to this day, others believe it was just a ransom gone wrong. The special breeding program meant to recreate the superior qualities, of which were conformationally perfect with a wide range of movement, ultimately did not use the illegitimate offspring of Zumbach, as genetic tests of the foundation stock have never been publicized.

In the end, the resulting selective breeding program was greatly successful in recreating the qualities of its namesake ; The heavy build, superb conformation and silky gene. In the final result was 'King of the Woodland Realm', whom, after detailed research, was ultimately confirmed to contain DNA of 'Zumbach', fully reviving his namesake in full.

King of the Woodland Realm to this day stands as the 'first' known cat to be positively identified as being on highest relation to 'Zumbach', and stands as the eldest IDed Shedu of this lineage. 


King is a polite and almost regal cat that can be a real gentleman to work with. But if he doesn't get his sleep or you forget the treats one too many times, he can be a real grump. A little grooming and a few extra treats and he will soon be back to his usual self. Loves chasing little flickering lights or lightning bugs, those devils!

Favorite treat - popcorn. 

Base Information

[404: Calculating additional information about this lineage ]

Bonus to Stats of those with this Lineage ;

+2 Movement, +2 Conformation, +2 Temperament

Line Bonus for Gold Breeder's SPC :

Notable Traits :

- Known for being the first known Lineage to actively produce Silky Maned Shedus.

- Held extreme popularity when founded as the owner of "King of The Woodland Realm" happily had their stud cover many females in his prime, thusly many Silky maned Shedus to this day can trace their Silky gene back to Zumbach Himself.

Zumbach Line Requirements

Severe Ranged Penalties :

Middle Ranged Penalties :

Minimal Ranged Penalties :

Bonuses :

Line Bonus for Gold SPC :