Shedu Cats Stats

Some kittens are born faster, stronger and smarter than other kittens ...
This is the result of variables in natural selection and artificial selection - each cat is different.

The SheduCats group has converted these attributes inherited from their parents into a numerical values split between TEN different categories ;

Str - Strength |  Int - Intelligence |  Sta - Stamina |  Spe - Speed |  Mov - Movement
Sur - Surefoot |  Agl - Agility |  Con - Conformation | Tra - Trainability |  Tem - Temperament

The born stat of a cub are revealed right at birth with the litters posting.
(or posted under a cats LOG after completely their SPC or PB for cats, bred before september, 2015)

The result of a cub's stats are rolled via RNG between the parent's Stats.
( Items, Companions and specific AP Milestones can effect the outcome of these stats )

You can improve your cat`s stats by applying AP (Art Points).

You can find additional Stat Points as prizes in some Events such as;
Group Hosted Shows and Explorations

Gaining SP- Stat Points

With the AP-gained stat points it is all good and clear. However, we would like to remind you of initial way of how the prize SP should be applied:

If show does not take stats into consideration, then SP should be applied with the restriction in mind:

Yet keep in mind, that Prize SP do not obey the 9 points cap rule ;

Each stat category, however, has its cap at 150 points. If this cap is reached in several specific stats, your cat becomes eligible to obtain specific traits. These traits can be inherited by cat`s offspring.

You can read more about trait rewards here: TRAITS & STATS



Inborn stats are inherited after parents. So in most cases your kittens will get something average between parents stats.

Line and familia also will influence your cub`s inherited stats. You can find all lines and families here - ALL SHEDU LINES AND FAMILIES

In rockport shop you can also find an item, that will help you to get better stats:

Caring for the queen - gives additional stats for cubs from upcoming litter.

Heavy inbreeding also may inflict influence cub`s stats.

Stats are used to determine your score in most of shows and events, hosted by shedu group.

In most cases (almost always, except big annual shows, such as K-mas and Asian fest) summ of particular stats determine your lowest possible score. 

As shows are judged by RNG, each cat, no matter how good their stats are has equal chanses for win. 

Stats acts like insurance for your lowest possible score.

For example, if RNG was bad to you and rolled only 2 points out of 200, and sum of your cat`s stats is 123 - your score will be not 2, but 125.

That way stats never a guarantee of the victory, but a sort of insurance against really bad rolls.

We have several official disciplines in this group (amount of those will grow with time), and each of these disciplines use specific stats.

You can find full chart here: 

Stats for Disciplines