AP - Art Points - 

You earn Art Points each time you depict your Shedu either in artwork or stories. These can help you improve your cat. Certain AP milestones will give your cat special bonuses.

Besides that, particular amounts of AP can be converted into SP (Stat Points). With the help of those you can improve the stats of your cat.

If you raise your Shedu`s stats, the offspring of the cat will also inherit better qualities. So taking care of an already born cat`s progress is important and beneficial both for the cat itself and for future generations.

There are three types of AP:


IMPORTANT: All art to count for AP must be fully submitted to DeviantArt (Cannot be in Stash).  Art gained from other sites must be uploaded to DA (with permission from artist + Link back to original art).
*Events of Deactivated account/deleted deviations will be handled on a case-by-case bases

We have worked to make our Art Point system as fair as possible for all, paying close attention to eradicating the loopholes that allowed and invited for AP-grind.

Instead of that, we arranged points in the way that makes participating in group events and creating story-driven, meaningful art to be the most rewarding approach.

Before we dive into AP calculating, we would like to stress out that art points given by the Shedu group should not be perceived as an indicator of artistic worth of any of your arts. The AP system is just a part of the game. It leans on objective qualities that can be evaluated universally. 


 By Origin


Visual Art

Additionally the follow types of visual art are accepted, however the AP system is not set up to evaluate these types:

Physical Art

We do NOT accept:


When you reach a certain AP milestone you will be able to convert your AP(art points) into SP (stat points). And apply those SP to your cat`s stats. However there is an important rule.


Stats earned by AP have a cap limit. Once a stat is increased by +9 points it cannot be raised again until all other stats have likewise earned +9 points. This cap only applies to AP stat increases and does not include stats gained from other sources. (Such as SPC, IFS Achievements, show prizes etc)


50 AP

adds 1 extra point to 2 stat categories of your choice. But it can not be one and the same category. (I.e. you can not add 2 points to “spe[_]”. You`ll have to add 1 point to “spe[_]” and 1 to any other stat category)
Baketora, Bayun, Munchkin, Arabian and Komainu Shedu Cats: Gain +1 Breeding slot

100 AP

adds 2 extra points to 2 stat categories of your choice. But it can not be one and the same category.  (I.e. you can not add 4 points to “spe[_]”. You`ll have to add 2 point to “spe[_]” and 2 to any other stat category)
Baketora, Bayun and Komainu Shedu Cats: Gain +1 Breeding slot
Baketora, Bayun, Munchkin, Arabian and Komainu Shedu Cats: Gain +1 Breeding slot

150 AP

adds 3 extra points to 2 stat categories of your choice. But it can not be one and the same category.  (I.e. you can not add 6 points to “spe[_]”. You`ll have to add 3 point to “spe[_]” and 3 to any other stat category)
Baketora, Bayun, Munchkin, Arabian and Komainu Shedu Cats: Gain +1 Breeding slot

Baketora, Bayun, Munchkin, Arabian and Komainu Shedu Cats: After 150 AP, no more slots are gained by AP (Total 3 slots earned by AP)

200 AP

This milestone does not give any additional direct stat point boosts. Instead your cat will receive one of the following traits (trait will be decided by RNG):

The bonus clarification:

The 200 ap bonuses give a small stat bonus to cat's future offspring (it does not affect cubs already born). 

The bonus points to scores are only applied to that specific cat and not its offspring.

Eternity 250+ AP 

This only applies to cats that have had their 200AP validated by admin and has been published on their log

A cat cannot advance to this stage until this has been done.

For each 50AP after a cat has earned its 200AP bonus, the cat shall receive: