Hello guys!

We have decided its time to give the Literature AP a guide of its own. As we will be allowing Literature in BIG group events like SAF, KMAS, and others, we have found that it is time to further expand on the the Literature section to give members clear understanding of the full extent of the AP bonuses and thusly, in some ways, understand how we judge these pieces!

Only the following Languages are allowed for Valid AP in Group Hosted Shows :

Stories in other native languages are allowed, with mandatory summary in English, for Explorations and other Non Official Group Hosted Shows (unless otherwise stated in the art requirements of the event participating in).


We are well aware that writing a literature piece in order to gain AP for your cat is an affair that has its own hurdles and obstacles that are drastically different from those which visual artists encounter.

Therefore, we did our best to make the Literature AP as fair as possible.

However this system, fair for genuine writers, leaves several loopholes that might get abused with the purpose of AP-grinding. 

Therefore, we reserve the right to decline the entry if we feel that it abuses the AP system or uses some of it’s options in an unfair way. 


Each cat that gets the 450 initial text minimum may claim a corresponding amount of AP.

If cats are featured equally through the story, even if the focus is on one cat or it’s a POV of a certain cat or a rider, if the story affects all of the cats equally, they can claim full worth of AP from the text.

For example, you’ve got 5 000 words of text, three cats. All of the three cats got their 450 minimal words.

Three cats met on the track. They got training all together, then one of the cats fell back (at 1500 words f.ex.) and two other cats went to train on a racing course, competing against each other.

So the cat #1 will get their AP for 1500 words. While Two others will get the AP for full 5 000 words.


Maximum Word Count per Piece allowed = 5000 Words

Initiating text of 450 words - 3 AP ( Base )

Each text should have at least 450 words in it, dedicated to a particular cat of yours for the text to qualify as an  AP entry for said cat.

The 450 words DO NOT have to be in a solid block. These can be scattered all over the text. 20 words here, 100 - there etc. But in a whole text be it 450 words or 5 000 words there should be 450 words dedicated to the cat in question. 

And even so, the 450 words can easily be a POV of your handler. But a massive, clear interaction with the cat should take place.

150 Words after initiation minimal text - + 1 AP ( Per 150 Words )

( +1 AP Per 150 Words | Maximum Word Count per Piece allowed = 5000 Words )

Notice that unlike initiation text that should massively feature the cat in question, the follow up text may focus on other characters (that do not suppose to get any art points or any other form of “art experience” reward from any other group) that influence the story of the cat. 

For example, Your handler was going through street racing practice and stopped by a pub to get a drink there, but got into a severe  bar fight and received the injury that stopped your handler and the cat from taking part in tomorrow's race.  

In this example it is clear that the first part of a plot involves the cat directly. But the bar fight will also count towards cat’s AP as it does influence their life/story with certain consequences.

RP bonus 1.5 multiplier

RP (Roleplay is a form of literature collaboration between two or more writers.). 

The main idea here is each participant gets their share of AP if they hit the 450 words initiation for their cat.

Same example with 3 cats

Each cat that gets the 450 initial text minimum may claim a corresponding amount of AP.

If cats are featured equally through the story, even if the focus is on one cat or its a POV of a certain cat or a rider, if the story affects all of the cats equally they can claim full worth of AP from the text.

! IMPORTANT ! This Multiplier ONLY Counts from The WORD COUNT, not the total with other AP Bonuses.

For example, you’ve got 5 000 words of text, three cats. All of the three cats got their 450 minimal words:

Example 1

Cat 1 - belongs to author A and you wrote the 1500 words in collaboration with them. Cat 2 & 3 belongs to author B.

Three cats met on the track. They got training all together, then cat #1  fell back (at 1500 words f.ex.) and two other cats went to train on a racing course, competing against each other.

In this case you follow logic:

Cat 1 : 1500 - 450 = 1050 (÷ 150) = 7 AP + 3 (for  initiation 450 words) = 10 x 1.5 = 15  AP


Cat 2 & 3 : 1500 - 450 = 1050 (÷150) = 7 AP + 3 (for  initiation 450 words) = 10 x 1.5 = 15 AP (per cat)

     (5000  - 1500 ) ÷ 150 = 23 AP (without RP bonus)

TOTAL AP for Cat 2 & 3 = 15 + 23 = 38 AP (per cat)

Example 2

Cat 2 - belongs to author A and Cat 1 & 3 belongs to author B.

Three cats met on the track. They got training all together, then Cat 1 fell back (at 1500 words f.ex.) and Cats 2 & 3 (one of these cats belongs to your co-author/collaborator) went to train on a racing course, competing against each other.

In this case you follow logic:

Cat 1 : 1500 - 450 = 1050 (÷ 150) = 7 AP + 3 (for  initiation 400 words) = 10 x 1.5 = 15 AP

Cat 2 & 3 : 5000 - 450 = 4550 (÷150) = 30 AP +  3 (for  initiation 400 words) = 33 AP x 1.5 = 49.5 AP (per cat) 


Structured Narrative - + 1 AP

This is the Organizational framework of a story - Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
When all three of these story sections are individually compelling, yet also work well in concert with each other, this creates a smooth and compelling narrative that keeps the reader attached and understanding.

What this means is that to receive this AP bonus, your literary piece must have a clear beginning, middle and ending. Readers should be able to reach each literary piece with this bonus easily, as a stand alone story, even if it apart of a larger, ongoing story.

Syntactically Accurate - + 0.5 AP

Literary piece that shows proper syntax ; Meaning proper use of text font, sizing, grammar, word order and punctuation throughout the piece.

Mechanically Proper - + 0.5 AP

This is the physical, visual, put together of a literary piece.

Meaning to receive this bonus ;
- Sentences should not be run-on.
- Paragraphs should be clean, and started/ended properly.
- Proper Indentation is used.
- Proper use of text font and sizing.


A Part of a Continuous Story - + 1 AP

This bonus is for literary pieces that are a Part of a larger Story.

Examples ;
Each of the pieces below show clear valid stand alone stories that are further a Part of a larger, continuous story.

Active Characters - + 1 AP / Per

The Rule of 11 ;
5,000 / 450 = 11.11-
( Max Word Count / Minimum Requirement of words dedicated to that character = 10 Maximum able to earn AP )
( 10 Max AP as the Initial Character who is getting the AP does not count itself! )

With that in mind, the piece must include at least 1 Uploaded Shedu or Approved Handler (whose ref is in the DA group's Handler's Folder).

Active Characters include ; Player owned Shedus, Handlers, Other ARPG Species, Non ARPG Species Characters [Like A Dog], or Shedu Bound Companions of which you have written more than 450 minimum word inclusion for.

Group Character Feature -

This Bonus acts as a stand alone from the above rule of 11, but is void if the Amount of Active Characters is 11!

+ 1 AP - Minimum 250 Words dedicated to the Group Character
+ 2 AP - Minimum 250 Words dedicated to the Group Character + Featured Accurately and Logically

The Max amount of Group Characters in a single entry is 18.

This is because ; 5000 - 450 (for personal owned shedu or Handler initial inclusion) = 4550 / 250 (for each Group cat minimum word required inclusion) = 18 Maximum Group Characters

What Counts as a Group Character?

Meaning any Group owned Shedus and Handlers (Those owned by @SheduMaster and or / Elseviers ).
Note, we know there currently is not a list of these characters. Please give us time as we compile our lists!

What does 'Featured Accurately And Logically' mean?!

This means that the Group Character's written personality was presented accurately by the writer, and the Character appears logically within the story, not without reason. Meaning you should not just use 250 words to idly talk about a group Character who happens to be walking by, if you are not going to later race them in the same story, or see them again! It should make sense of why they are around! 

Further this means that you should not extremely harm or kill the Groups characters within your entry!

Shedu Universe Canon Location

Max of 6 location within a single literature piece! (That's a lot of travel!)

+ 0.5 AP - Minimum of 100 words dedicated per place / organization location
+ 1 AP - Minimum of 100 words dedicated per place / organization location + Featured Accurately and Logically

These Cannon Locations are as follows ; 

Actual locations mentioned in lore ; Rockport City Districts, Head offices of Organizations, Gang dens from lore etc.

(If you are unsure if the location you have described counts for this bonus, please message the AP-Questions in Discord!)

This bonus can NOT be claimed if the Literary piece includes ;
other ARPG Species as they are not Shedu Universe Cannon!

Shedu Mascot Feature - + 0.5 AP

This bonus is for literary pieces that specifically include one of the Official Shedu Mascots in a minimum of 100 words.

Mascots can be written into literary pieces as physical beings, or as pictures, billboard art, banners, etc.

Show / Exploration - + 3 AP

Further this includes ; Bi-Weekly Races, Group Sponsored Shows, Classic and Breeders SPC's, Prospective Beast Tests, Explorations, and all Official Group Shows.


These pieces should clearly identify what event the characters are participating, not just Shedus and Handlers mindlessly wandering around for explorations, or taking a nap during the middle of a show!

ADDITIONALLY : Some Shedu Shows give additional AP as prizes to the Shedus. This AP should ALWAYS be processed through the bank and the link used for this 'BOUND" AP should come from the Shedu being Graded's  LOG.

Show Placement - + 1 / 2 / 3 AP

For those who can validly link to an Official Group (or Sponsored and approved by the Group) Show Placement from the Shedu's LOG.

3 AP for First Place
2 AP for Second Place
1 AP for Third Place

Shedu Fundamental Training - + 2 AP

This bonus is for literary pieces that specifically have been turned in as Shedu Fundamental Training Pieces.

These pieces should clearly identify what is happening for the SFT, and not just be handlers and their Shedus mindlessly wandering around. We must be able to clearly know that the Shedus are 'Training to Stand Tied" or "Training to walk on a lead"!

Handler Holds a SND - + 1 AP

This bonus is for literary pieces that specifically have clear indications that the Handler, of whom holds a valid SND given by the group, is training a Shedu.

Often this bonus corelates to Shedu Fundamental Training, but, you do not have to have the piece be an official SFT piece. It can be miscellaneous training of the Shedu, but must clearly be that the handler with the SND is training the Shedu in question for this bonus to apply.

This Bonus does NOT stack even if multiple handlers have their SND's.
- Further, SND Only applied to the Cat/s the Handler is directly training

Example ; If Shedu A Is being Trained by Handler A, and Shedu B is being trained by Handler B. But only Handler A holds a SND, only Shedu A will gain this bonus!

Monthly Theme - + 5 AP

For those who can validly link to a sent Monthly Theme comment entry.

Valid Once per Cat per Month, unless otherwise stated.

ADDITIONALLY This AP should be validated through the BANK and applied to the Shedu cat's LOG!

Monthly Prompts

For those who can validly link to a sent Monthly Prompt comment entry.

AP amount is dependent upon the Prompt itself. Not all prompts allow Literature entries.

Valid Once per Cat per Month, unless otherwise stated.

ADDITIONALLY This AP should be validated through the BANK and applied to the Shedu cat's LOG!

Seasonal AP - + 3 AP

For those who can validly link to a sent Seasonal AP comment entry.

Valid multiple times per cat per month unless otherwise stated.

Featured Art Bonus - + 10 AP

For those who can validly link to a Featured Art Stamp's AP applied to the Shedu's Log.

Only valid once per piece, per Shedu within the piece who meets the 450 Word Minimum.

If no Shedus are within the piece, valid per valid handler who meets the 450 Word Minimum for Unbound AP.

ADDITIONALLY This AP should be validated through the BANK and applied to the Shedu cat's LOG!


 WARNING: The “filler texts” & intentional shortening of the text 

The clearly filler parts of the text that does not influence story or character development might be declined!  

The text should be divided into separate submissions logically. Do not try to cut the whole story in smaller pieces just to gain more AP. Use chapters to divide the consistent  story till it hits the 5 k words limit.

What are considered filler texts?

Unfortunately it is very hard to come up with examples without context, but it has to do with bad writing/poor pacing of the story. While descriptions of things might be appropriate as odd thoughts, those should be placed in text correctly and should not be overdone.

But here are few examples:

Keep in mind that you are not allowed to write the death scenes or inflict injuries to canon/group characters/cats without permission of @Templado!!!! You can use the original “NPC” characters as you wish.


The literature piece maybe written in your native language. But keep in mind that only English, and Russian texts can receive featured art stamp (due to inability to evaluate texts in other languages, sorry about that).

**  WARNING  ** 

 Please, do not violate this multi-language permission. It is there for your comfort and not to be used to go against group rules.

If we will find out that you just insert senseless bits of text that has nothing to do with shedus no matter in which point of time, it will be considered as an intentional violation of group rules and therefore will lead to immediate confiscation of all cats and all goods and a ban from the group.

Literature pieces, unlike visual art entries, are allowed to be located outside of DA, for example, in Google docs. You can also submit a literature to DA and link Gdocs file with highlights of needed requirements, such as initiation text fragments etc.

Make sure the literature has a brief summary in English. No matter if your full text is in English or not.

And saying brief we mean brief and not lazy!

SheduFundamentalTraining summary should not look like:

“Tim the cat learning to stand” for a 1,000 words piece.

But more like:

“Tim the cat manages to escape three times and injure his handler in a process of learning how to stand tied.”

In other words, the summary should contain all important happenings that help to follow the story.

Form to fill on top of each literature piece: